My Superman Movie Trilogy Outline


Oct 18, 2009
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I really envisioned my Superman movies as a Trilogy...And I would like some honest feedback. I posted this here as I feel there are much more knowledgeable Superman fans as I don't want to butcher the mythology nor insult its fanbase.

I've been doing quite a lot of research. I've read some graphic novels that I felt were good research about the mythology. I didn't realize that Superman's rogue gallery is not as good as Batman. When I was younger, I thought Batman-Joker...Superman-Luthor... and they were always on equal grounds, but researching - Batman has Riddler, Penguin, Two Face, Catwoman, Scarecrow, Freeze, Bane, Killer Croc, Clayface, Man Bat, Ras Al Ghul, Talia, Posion Ivy, Harley Quinn, just a wonderful collection of villains that you can do several movies and not have the same reoccuring character. While superman films only showcased Zod & Luthor in all 5 movies, I felt maybe it was bad writing, but researching the Superman villains, his villain rogue gallery is weak. I researched Bruce Timm's Animated Series from 1996 and noticed he even mentioned that his villains were weak & had to buff them up. I did find the main ones Luthor, Brainiac, Darkseid & Zod. Then the other ones like Bizarro, Metallo, Parasite, & Doomsday caught my attention. So I took the villains I felt could be translated into the big screen without going tooooo sci-fi (other dimensions). I felt Luthor, Brainiac, Zod, Metallo & Doomsday would be the 5 villains I've chosen for my trilogy and here is my brief outline....

Superman : The Last Son of Krypton
- Re-imagination of the Superman origin. Loved Donner's versions so much, its going to be impossible to re-do, so things got to change. I would do Zod for this one, but not Luthor. Have the Krypton blowing up, Superman raised by ma and pa Kent in Smallville - then mid-point , he enters Metropolis. Then as he is adjusting to his reporter life & and saving people - Zod & crew enter Earth. I say do a re-imagination of Donnar Superman 1 and 2 for this one movie... Cut the Luthor / Kryptonite plot completely. Concentrate on Superman saving the city and then he meets a person (s) that can equal his power - Zod.


I like Henry Cavill, Olivia Wilde as Lois & Jeremy Irons as Zod.. I chose Irons because I want him to be a lot older than Superman - somewhat close to his father's age. I think it connects Zod more with his father, so he's not just battling a new enemy , someone his age like a Lex Luthor - but he's battling an enemy of his father... I would have Superman struggling with excepting Earth as him home. But as the movie goes forward, Superman realizes the teachings of Johnathan Kent have more meaning than just words. Its his teachings that brings Superman to adopt Earth & Metropolis as his true home.

Supporting Cast -
Michael Cera as Jimmy Olsen
Dennis Quaid as Johnathan Kent
Bruce McGill as Perry White


for the casting of Jor-El - this would have to equal 70's Marlon Brando. In the 70's , Brando really made that movie successful and created a lot of buzz on the project. He was in Godfather and was iconic at that point, known as the greatest actor of that time.... And for my dream casting, I would mimick that casting choice and look for the best actor of today who would create a lot of buzz of the casting....


Daniel Day-Lewis as Jor-El

After Superman climax battle with Zod & winning the fight - the last scene has to be the cliff hanger just like a comic and something the fans would really be discussing. After the Superman character arc of him excepting Earth as his home and vowing to protect it - the last scene of the film features a woman walking up to a man with a briefcase handcuffed to her wrist. The mysterious man waves for her to open the briefcase. She unlocks it and a green glow appears on the face of Lex Luthor...


He looks up and asks how much does he have. The woman replies 15 pounds from the asteroid landing. Lex replies to write him a blank check. "I want it all....". Credits. This would also be a final scene the way Batman Begins did the joker card hinting at a sequel and getting people excited. Also a nod to Iron Man where Samuel L. Jackson (A-Lister) also appears in the final shot to hint a sequel. It is just a cool thing to do at the end of the movie.

Superman 2: Man of Steel
- The sequel would be the classic tale of Lex Luthor vs. Superman that people would be excited for from the first film due to nostalgia. IF the first movie is successful, people would want to see the film maker's interpretation of Luthor. But naturally, you have to boost up Luthor in this film, which means you have to add more action, bulk up the character of Luthor. If you have Luthor vs. Superman / Kryptonite, that sounds cliche and fans would be upset. But if you make the characters interesting rather than a comedic performance like Gene Hackman or a not-so-interesting lifeless Kevin Spacey version, it could entertain the audience. Give Luthor some real character. Make him intelligent, cynical, and savvy. But whats the problem with Superman Returns ? Superman doesnt punch Luthor. Wheres the action ? Superman vs. Luthor human goons would be boring and pose no threat. In my opinion and I've been researching Superman villains, one comes to mind that could make the film work and tie in with Luthor / Kryponite plot. Metallo would be the secondary villain, the villain that supplies the film with the action sequences. If you have Luthor uncover the secret of Kryptonite - you can have his people implant it as an energy source for a dying John Corben...


I chose Paul Bettany as Metallo. I know a lot of people want Kevin Bacon from the SHH threads of casting choices, but the truth is I want my dream cast to have no previous comic book franchise films. I am a big fan of his acting.

But thats just plot, plot , plot I mention. The thing that drives a Superman movie, mostly part 1 and 2 only, was the development of the character. With Superman, here he is embracing Earth as his homeland, but he is truthfully lonely.... He has his parents to discuss things, but the woman he has a crush on Lois, he can't tell his secret to. It seems that he can't connect with anyone or talk about what he really feels, even though he deeply cares about Lois..... Enter Superman's inner conflict in the form of his former high school sweetheart Lana Lang.


Jessica Chastain (The Help, Take Shelter). Lana Lang knows his secret. Clark can discuss his inner problems and talk about himself freely with Lana. Then you have a love triangle and decision for Clark Kent. Kent wants to be with Lois, Lana wants to reconnect with Clark. Presents a challenge for the characters. So when Clark says he feels Lana is more of a sister and doesnt have that connection with her, the same way he feels about Lois... Inner problems for the characters.

The final battle is Superman defeating Metallo & then Lex Luthor revealing the Kryponite suit, trying to kill Superman. You need Superman vs. Luthor fight somehow, imo.... Metallo a secondary villain is out and now Superman must fight the intelligent and now powerful because he advanced the kryponite technology.

After defeating Lex, he doesn't kill him as it is part of his nature to save human life, not take it. He killed Zod because he had to, but feels because the human race is not as superior as him, he must take a higher road. Instead, he locks up Luthor...He realizes that if he truly cares about Lois, he must reveal the truth to her. The end is him telling Lois he is Superman. They then have a fly sequence that is similar to the one in the Donner film. She realizes she loves him too... And you gotta have a cliffhanger... So as Superman flies with Lois around Metropolis, a large what looks to be a meteor crashes nearby in a deserted forest area. The scene is similar to the Super 8 teaser trailer. You see the meteor is not a meteor, but an unknown space craft vessel. You hear a bang. Then a louder bang... Then a FINAL bang that reveals a giant alien fist.


Superman 3: The Death of Superman
- The final act. Lois Lane & Clark plan to wed. Superman discovers a secret his father left him in Fortress of Solitude which is a hidden Krytonian technological machine embedded on Earth. He learns that Krypton's advanced scientists sent a machine known as Eradicator to each planet in case a Kryptonian was stranded on the planet, they would use the Eradicator machine to get back to their planet in case of an emergency. As he learns of the machine, the govt calls upon Superman's help because a giant space craft is near earth and they want Superman to make sure its safe. The ship is controlled by Brainiac.


Jason Isaacs as Brainiac

Superman has dialogue with Brainiac who ensures Superman that he is only there for research purposes to collect data, sent by his homeworld and means no harm. The conversation is interupted by Doomsday, causing chaos in a small town. Superman rushes and stops the creature, only for the two to be seperated by a blast of some sort. Superman returns to Brainiac and that is the dialogue revealed of Doomsday creature backstory / origins. Doomsday is a monster that must be stopped. Lois & Superman share moments of happiness that seem to be going well for Clark. Until Doomsday reaches Metropolis and Superman (midway for the movie) fights him. The two kill each other similar to the comics, death punch at the end. Lois cries and a very high impact moment.

Lex Luthor / Brainiac have some sort of interaction where Brainiac sees the evil & greed in Lex and justifies himself to destroy Earth. I believe I want the scene to have Lex trying to steal his technology (which he is successful at, but is caught). He feels that the Kryptonian was good in nature & powerful , but the people of Earth are evil & weak in his eyes. Since Lex might have certain access to Brainiac technology, it can be used against Brainiac. To protect his species, he decides after downloading the information on the Earth that he must destroy it.

At this point, Earth is doomed. Lois & Jimmy Olsen have their own adventure to locate the Eradicator. Using Clark's notes and dialogue from previous in the film, Lois manages to locate the hidden Krypotanian technology located beneath the surface. The Eradicator is activated which turns into a human like machine.

The Eradicator takes Superman's corpse to Fortress of Solitude & brings him back to life...


Superman takes on Brainiac in the final act of the movie. Naturally, Superman defeats Brainiac.

I would mimic this movie on the rebirth of Christ. The whole first movie is biblical in nature. God sends his only son to Earth, outcast the devil (Zod). Grows up with adopted parents. Life of smallville is quite unknown the way Jesus disappeared. And this third movie reflects the death of Superman. Died for the good of humanity. And rises after three days (Easter).

But what I described in this threequel does not cover a character arc of Superman as I outlined in the previous two. I have the idea of Brainiac, Luthor, Eradicator & Doomsday in the film that should bring a lot of excitement & anticipation, but as we all know - just bc of a big budget ; without great characters and characters you can relate to, the movie will just be a michael bay pile of crap... So I think this one will mimic Jesus' death, dying for us. I think the idea of sacrifice & resurrection will be the thematic element of the final chapter of my trilogy. When Superman goes to Brainiac to ask him about Doomsday, Brainiac - an intelligent robot / alien - will tell Superman he can stop him, but might cost him his life. Superman asks if the people of Earth can stop him with their technology, Brainiac replies yes - but the death toll would be in the hundreds before they can stop him. That is when Superman decides that he must sacrifice himself to save human life. Its not only Superman that has his character arc, but its Lois who has her own character arc as she'll reach the Eradicator to bring Superman back to life. Superman will realize that the people of Earth (Lois, jimmy & more who helped locate the Eradicator) value/love him and are good people. While Luthor even has his own character arc, as he nearly destroys Earth by trying to outsmart Brianiac to activate him to destroy the planet. Luthor appreciates Superman and leaves on good terms to the point where he surrenders to Superman.

The final scene is Superman & Lois together kissing in the air with the orange sky & Sun in the background. This is Superman who will continue to fight for the world has grown to love against all challenges. Obviously no cliffhanger scene at the end as this will be a final chapter.
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I like this if only for the inclusion of Braniac and a Doomsday reference.

Jeremy Irons is incredible, but I'm sick of Zod already. And I'm still wary of Henry Cavill until I see this new movie.
Dude, I LOVE your outline. Especially Billy Zane as Luthor ! Brilliant !! And Jeremy Irons as Zod is terrific !. If I was studio head, I would greenlight this movie in a minute. The only change I would make is instead of Henry Cavizill, I would recast Brandon Routh as Supes ( he reminds me of Chris Reeve), or Tom Welling ( I want to see him in action as Superman). Great Job !
-X-Men Trilogy Reboot-

X-Men: Children of the Atom

We begin as Mystique is in disguise and discovers the plans of the Govt. to begin migrating mutants to an island called Genoshia near Scotland. She leaves and gets in a car with a fellow mutant & her adopted daughter, Rogue. They briefly discuss 'we will continue go forward with the operation Magneto'. Rogue is a punk rock, updated version of the character, tattoos, punk rock like hair, goth make up.


Court hearing. Gambit is on trial for his life. He is a mutant who has a previous criminal record charged with second degree murder of a human being with his mutant powers. His lawyer, Moira MacTaggert, is a lawyer for mutant rights and is a public defendant. Gambit was attacked by drunk redneck humans at a bar and he used his powers and killed one. Gambit has been proven innocent and the crowd sparks outside in anger toward him. He is a public enemy who is now free. Moira takes Gambit to a safe house which is also the estate that used funds for his legal fees. Gambit is naturally curious on who financed his freedom from the courts. He meets Professor Xaiver, Jean Grey, & Beast. The members of the defunct Xaiver Academy for the Education of Mutants. Gambit is a character that you're not sure to trust. He has tattoos, rebel attitude & not sure if he's a good guy or bad guy. Gambit flirts with Jean, but she's not buying into it and Beast thinks its funny. Her true love is with Cyclops, her ex-boyfriend.


Mystique & Rogue along with other mutants plot an elaborate operation to free the world's most dangerous mutant , Magneto. The Mutant Liberation Group, as they are known - break free Magneto. A mysterious person that does not speak. This not a campy story where all the evil mutants are bonded and the good guys are bonded in a cliche story that you've seen before. This is different. This X-Men story is about characters and how they view their society and what they do about it. Some will die , sacrifice, some will live, some will be corrupt , some will change. Its all about the characters. Magneto is not a pure evil character. In this story, no one is sure of him. All that I want the audience to know is he is powerful and incarcerated for some reason that we don't know. But another thing we realize is he is free from this group of mutants.

Professor Xaiver & Gambit have dialogue and this is where we get a back story of the X-Men. Xaiver once ran a school for mutants that was closed by the Government due to politics & hatred toward their kind. Since then, the X-Men have disbanded, went their separate ways to help society with their powers throughout the world.

A Governement agent arrives to meet with Xaiver on 'an important matter'. He tells him the truth, Magneto is free. Xaiver nearly collapses.

Mystique presents Magneto to who she is & how the mutants are there to follow him against the humans that persecuted him and killed his family in a mutant massacre that happened years ago...Yeah, I'm changing the origin. The longer the years go by, the more we have to realize the WW2 holocaust is too far away and we got to change the origin to more connecting to Magneto. Magneto's parents were mutants killed in a camp designed to protect humans by collecting mutants. Mystique presents the government Genoshia project. Magneto rarely speaks, but listens closely. Mystique presents a plan to destroy Genoshia & an uprise toward the Government. "Xaiver's dream has failed" , she yells. Magneto looks toward her. "I've been away for 20 years locked in a cell. I want to see the world" , he tells her. He leaves. Mystique confused and chases after him, he informs her that he will return. He wants to view the world and see the ocean.

Xaiver's paranoid with the fear of destruction Magneto could bring to the world and hurt his achievements of bringing humans & mutants at peace even for a little bit. Xaiver is a well respected mutant, hated by many, but admired by all - Martin Luther King Jr-esque. He tells Jean, Beast & Gambit that the team must return for this one mission, to re-capture Magneto..

At this point, we are thrown into different parts of the world where former members of X-Men are asked to return to the team.

Africa - Beast meet with Storm. Who accepts the task.

New York City - Xaiver meets with Angel. Who declines.

Farm - Jean meets with her former love, Cyclops. She tells him they need a team leader who is the most experienced. Cyclops is a survivor as most mutants in early teams died. He is the strong.

Jean, Scott, Beast, Storm all reunite at the mansion. Xaiver tells the team that Angel declined. Cyclops tells him that we'll have to do this by ourselves as no one is experience. Xaiver tells him that there is one more...Cyclops is kind of upset. Jean says she'll be the one to ask him.


CANADA - Jean finds Logan alone, fighting, vicious, and bold. Logan laughs at why Xaiver didn't ask and admits he knows the only way he'll join again is if Jean asked him. He accepts

Another meeting with the whole group. Gambit NOT a part, just staying at the mansion as a spectator because you need that clueless character that people can explain things to him, thus explaining to the audience. He is more of a background guy listening in. He is a public enemy and uses the mansion as a safe house. The video footage of Mystique, Rogue & others freeing Magneto. Rogue is the one they find in the computer system due to her criminal record. 5 foster families. IN and out of Juvi. They can track her that could lead them to Magneto.


Cerebral is used to as a way of hacking in the mind, inception style. It focuses psychic powers. They use it to track Rogue, who is at a night club with lots of loud music, fast music, neon lights, and smoke. Scott, Jean, Storm & Wolverine search the club & see Rogue socializing. The idea is to follow her where she goes. But Rogue is smart , she senses she is being followed. Jean confirms whats going on in her head. She runs, a chase ensues. Wolverine is the one is first to grab her, but she uses her power on him, thus Storm uses wind to fly her against the wall. Wolverine yells about her power that she can't be touched.

Jean freezes Rogue just long enough for Logan to lock her up with handcuffs. Mutants in my trilogy aren't all mighty powerful. They can be tamed and their powers are not as powerful as the comics to create a more weakness to the mutants. Only Magneto is the powerful one....

Rogue is brought before the group. She is a lost soul. Xaiver begins to work with her. He shows her a NEW light. Gambit watches close by as he seems to a prisoner of the mansion... Rogue has a bracelet on to keep her monitored. She claims its kidnapping. She is a criminal who helped Magneto become free so she has no base of kidnapping and she knows it. She knows that humans will murder her for her crimes. She doesnt buy it right away, but over the course of the movie, she'll have a major character arc and choose the good guy side naturally..

Magneto meets with an aging old man. He is the one responsible for the death of his parents. He murders him at his beach house.. Scene that closely resembles the Blade Runner scene where he kills his maker. Mystique is there. She tells him that she knew he would be there. She studied Magneto well. She continues to try to manipulate him into a plan of attack toward the Genoisha project. She tries to sexually seduce Magneto. Tells him that mutants should be together. Magneto gives in to her seduction.

Beach house, similar to the house of Deniro in Heat or Ethan Hawke in Gattaca where he woke up next to Uma Thurman. Magneto wakes up early in morning. Mystique asks what is wrong...Magneto claims that it must be war, but Xaiver will fight for the humans. Mystique is confused. Xaiver isn't a household name..She says "that group that put you away??". Magneto explains his history with Xaiver to Mystique. They used to be on the same page, until a falling out which lead to a battle. Xaiver getting the upper hand. Magneto is not sure if Xaiver is still alive or not... Mystique casually says she will have her followers kill this 'Xaiver' and Magneto is furious at her. NOOOO. he yells. Xaiver is not to be harmed. she is confused. Why would anyone be sympathy to someone who locked him away all those years ago. Magneto says because he is a good man and will remain friends to the day he dies. Magneto is a sympathetic villain in this story. This is where we see Magneto has a soft side toward Xaiver and is not pure villain. Once again, these characters are all shades of gray except maybe Xaiver.

Mystique gets a call that Rogue never came home. She is concerned for her 'favorite' project as she calls it. Its obvious she is using Rogue as a false mother to use her for her powers which she did at the beginning of the movie.

Rogue at the mansion claims she does not know where Magneto is. Magneto left and Mystique went after. Pro X knows shes telling the truth. He also knows she cant be let go because she wont reveal the whereabouts of Magneto.

Late night, Rogue tries to escape but runs into Gambit. Which the two have dialogue. Gambit convinces her to stay on their side. She tells Gambit where Mystique is located. Gambit tells Professor Xaiver.


X-Men mission #2 - Mystique. Wolverine , Cyclops, Storm, Beast & Jean enter the location which a battle against other mutants ensue. Big action sequence to make the film exciting.... In the end, X-Men win, but there is no Mystique.
But this is where Wolverine has a major falling out with Cyclops when Jean gets injured in the battle....Wolverine quits the team.

Magneto & Mystique head to Genoisha. They see the wrongs of humanity. A very poor island that holds ghettos of mutants to fight among each other for food. The heavily guarded island is closely resemble to Nazi Germany & Jews. Mystique tells Magneto that this is what it comes down to. Mutant persecuted. The unfair world of civilization.
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A speech of Professor Xaiver is held in congress which is about mutant rights and that the island of Geonisha must not a holding place of mutants as that will only continue to separate humans & mutants. The humans seem to support Professor Xaiver.

Mystique shows Magneto the darkest part of the island. The grave of his innocent sister, a mutant. The only family connection of Magneto. He cries at the grave of his sister. She tells him that she was killed by a human on the island. The rage of this revelation sparks a deep furious anger and Magneto kills every govt agent on the island and takes over the island.


News flash that the island of mutants have been taken over. Rogue knows something. She runs to Xaiver & tells him that its over... But Xaiver is at the govt speaking event with Beast & Jean Grey. Jean leaves early and meets up with Cyclops. The two go out and discuss life, and their love. She asks if Scott is willing to leave her if Magneto returns. The two discuss the problems that their positions in the world will never allow them to complete their past dreams of raising a family. Jean with her politics w/ Xaiver & Scott as a team member (which is the fighting underground part of the group). Jean believes that if Magneto returns, he could die. She wants to know if Cyclops wants to risk their life together to fight the war that is brewing from Magneto.. He is not sure.


Rogue manages to escape the mansion, but Gambit follows. The two rush toward Xaiver. She claims that everyone will die if she doesn't get to Xaiver. Rogue explains everything to Gambit. Mystique manipulated Magneto. She was the one that killed his sister, disguised as Magneto himself. Rogue also explains that her plan succeeded because Geonisha has been taken over by Magneto for the purpose to give Magneto an army. Mystique's ultimate plan was to destroy Washington DC by using Magneto.

Magneto is entering the United States.... Xaiver is getting praised in the US. The human/mutant relationship seems to have hope..that is until Magneto returns.

Rogue & Gambit have to go to Washington. She claims that the X-Men can not stop him, Mystique ultimate plan was to use her to touch Magneto to kill him, thus making Mystique the ultimate ruler of the Mutants & world... She tells Gambit to stop Mystique & she'll handle Magneto if she can sneak up on him. She says if X-Men show up that Magneto will know that we betrayed them.
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Even though no one will ever read these stories, I'm going to post some outline ideas anyway for my X-Men 1 film... I'll finish up my story, but real quick, here is the character arcs and depths of them.

First, there is no main character in my story. X-Men wont focus on only Wolverine like Singer. He liked that character and really turned the whole franchise into a Wolverine with X-Men movie. Why was Wolverine the leader in part 3 ? What?!?! That is not the character I'm doing..... So my movie is an ensemble. Like Avengers pretty much.


Cyclops - This is the character that fans said Bryan Singer destroyed and added no depth. In my movie, I want him to reconnect with his past and search for the meaning of his place in this world (or X-Men team). I really want him to reconnect with the past in an attempt to find his purpose. Jean plays an important role in this journey for him. I believe his arc will be that he will eventually find that answer at the end when he faces Magneto. His constant internal struggle of which path to choose - the path of love, family with Jean or the path to dedicate his power to the cause. He can't have both. This internal struggle will cause major friction with Wolverine who clearly wants his head to be with the cause. But his time & dialogue with Jean will make him wonder if he is to give up his dreams for the Children of Tomorrow. After Professor Xaiver dies in the second film, its up to Scott to keep the team together and become a leader of the X-Men. But the X-Men by this time will be at war with each other (Gambit vs. Wolverine, etc). So he has to struggle with keeping everyone together and fulfill the MONSTER shoes of Pro X, which is no easy task. He will get Jean back as his love of his life, but try to balance the impossible task of having a personal life with Jean & controlling a group of bad ass mutants who all have different opinions with the aftermath of Xaiver's death.

X-Men: Children of the Atom


Villains - Magneto & Mystique
Team - Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Jean, Beast
Joins - Rogue & Gambit

X-Men 2: Dark Phoenix


Joins - Colossus
Villains - Dark Phoniex, Hellfire Club & Juggernaunt

X-Men 3: Return of Magneto


Joins - Iceman, Nightcrawler, Psylocke
Villains - Magneto, Sentinel, & Omega Red

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