NBC's ''The Blacklist''

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Looking forward to watching Tom/Jacob go all ''Bryan Mills'' (Taken) this season.
I'm excited for the new season! I miss the gang. :D
Thought it was a decent start to the new season [BLACKOUT] not sure how the baby survived the last scene though[/BLACKOUT]
Is it too much to hope that
Red "killing" Mr. Kaplan is just one big con? Seems like she was dragged by someone so maybe their hope is that Red's enemies will get her hoping she'd side with them and she will play along and then find out where Agnes is? I just can't deal with Red actually killing her. :argh:
Is it too much to hope that
Red "killing" Mr. Kaplan is just one big con? Seems like she was dragged by someone so maybe their hope is that Red's enemies will get her hoping she'd side with them and she will play along and then find out where Agnes is? I just can't deal with Red actually killing her. :argh:
I actually have no issue with Red ''killing'' Mr Kaplan, I think killing her would remind us that Red is still a monster,besides it wouldn't be the 1st time Red killed someone he once trusted[/BLACKOUT]
I actually have no issue with Red ''killing'' Mr Kaplan, I think killing her would remind us that Red is still a monster,besides it wouldn't be the 1st time Red killed someone he once trusted[/BLACKOUT]

I was thinking about that too about how if [BLACKOUT]he really killed her then it goes to show that underneath it all, he's still that Red from before. [/BLACKOUT] I still don't want it to be true! :p
Actually, I'm thinking that Mr. Kaplan can come back as a big bad.

Can you imagine? She DOES know all of Red's strengths and weaknesses.
[Blackout]That was too harsh of a punishment. I didn't think her "betrayal" was as bad as Pee Wee Herman's. Glad she is still alive. I see her becoming a big bad later down the road but ultimately she regains Red's trust before actually dying this time.

I got this sick feeling that Kirk will be using Agnus to cure himself thus killing the poor infant. [/Blackout]
[Blackout]That was too harsh of a punishment. I didn't think her "betrayal" was as bad as Pee Wee Herman's. Glad she is still alive. I see her becoming a big bad later down the road but ultimately she regains Red's trust before actually dying this time.

I got this sick feeling that Kirk will be using Agnus to cure himself thus killing the poor infant. [/Blackout]

I had the same idea about Kirk's intentions for Agnes.

Liz was dumb trying to make a move on the plane. She could of easily got herself killed.
I had the same idea about Kirk's intentions for Agnes.

Liz was dumb trying to make a move on the plane. She could of easily got herself killed

That pissed me off the most, she clearly doesn't think about her actions
They've always skated the line with Red's action but I think they went too far this week.
Not sure what I think of Red's actions still. I think they went too far but at the same time I am thinking, is it too far for Red? And that I'm not sure about.
Is it too much to hope that
Red "killing" Mr. Kaplan is just one big con? Seems like she was dragged by someone so maybe their hope is that Red's enemies will get her hoping she'd side with them and she will play along and then find out where Agnes is? I just can't deal with Red actually killing her. :argh:

You might be onto something with Mr. Kaplan especially if myserty dude turns out to be a blacklister.
oh man Aram just doesn't give a **** and I love it
He totally dropped the nice act for a change. Good thing too because if he held that anger in too long he might snap and become another name on the Blacklist.
Poor Miss Kaplan is stuck in some horror movie story. :(

''Our next name on the blacklist is a former colleague of yours''
Poor Miss Kaplan is stuck in some horror movie story. :(

Definitely. I knew her savior was something more on the unsavory side. We still don't know his plans yet but the ankle bracelet is a sure sign it is not good.
I really hope they dont drag that story out.
Definitely. I knew her savior was something more on the unsavory side. We still don't know his plans yet but the ankle bracelet is a sure sign it is not good.

Someone living alone in a cabin in the wilderness is usually movie/tv shorthand for oddball psycho. I knew the guy wouldn't be a normal good Samaritan.
According to Deadline, the woodsman will be around for a while

‘The Blacklist’ Adds Leon Rippy

Saving Grace alum Leon Rippy has booked a recurring role on the fourth season of NBC’s hit drama series The Blacklist. Rippy will play Hunter, a mysterious survivalist who stumbles upon a secret that will have dire consequences. He’s an enigmatic character whose unhinged behavior makes him hard to pin down as friend or foe.
So not a long con by Red and Mr. Kaplan to draw out a blacklister?
oh man Aram just doesn't give a **** and I love it

I was shocked! I was like "wow, that's cold". It's understandable though so no complaints here. I feel like him not pulling the trigger but then that outburst is a setup for him being more detached/cold eventually.

Poor Miss Kaplan is stuck in some horror movie story. :(

She just can't get a break. :(
Loved the mini Banshee reunion with Matt Servitto and Ulrich Thomsen.
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