Need some help and adivice?


May 31, 2006
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I've been out of comics since the early to mid-90's. About the time they started giving issues 8 different covers and made you buy 18 different titles to follow a story is the time I gave up.

I have heard that they have gotten much better at that now a days, and I am interested in getting back into it... a little bit. I'm talking about subscribing to 1 or 2 titles.

Can you give me some advice as to which titles might be best for me? I've always been partial to the X-titles, but also enjoyed Avengers, Silver Surfer and Spider-man. I used to be a huge FF fan, but soured on them during the She-Thing years.

I understand there is always going to be the occasional cross-over - and I'm okay with going to the comic store every once in a while to pick up an issue here or there, but I really would like for the comics to be relatively self-contained. And of course - good stories are important.

What would you recommend? Again, I'm interested in some of the X-titles, but very worried that I would have to subscribe to 5 or 6 titles to follow the stories.

Also, any impressions on the new Moon Knight title? I started to get into that character during his brief foray into the West Coast Avengers.

Thanks for the help.
Alright, as of right now cross-overs are the big thing. We've just come off one and into another, so yer gonna hafta deal with those fer at least another year.

X-Titles suck these days. Best you can get is Astonishing & New X-Men. Uncanny may be worth a look with the new writer, but make that yer call. Exiles is considered an X-book so ya may also wanna check that out, as well as X-Factor. Wolverine's been good fer a bit, but a new arc with a new crew just started so can't really comment there yet except to say the art is crap.

If you like old school Avengers, get Young Avengers. New Avengers is an EXTREME hit or miss. Mostly miss. Don't let the title throw ya, YA is excellent.

FF just got a new crew so they hafta find their stride, but so far I've enjoyed it.

And Moon Knight looks good.
Best you can get is Astonishing & New X-Men. Uncanny may be worth a look with the new writer, but make that yer call. Exiles is considered an X-book so ya may also wanna check that out, as well as X-Factor.

Can you actually subscribe to one or two x-books and still follow a story? Are they relatively separate story-wise? Or is the same story followed through them all? I know at one time Uncanny and X-Men went back and forth.

Why did they get rid of the Avengers Title - was it just not selling very well? Seems like a travesty to discontinue one of the classics.
Astonishing is independent of all events going on. New X-Men touches on the X-events in their own way, but are basically off in their own corner during it all with their own problems, the same with X-Factor. X-Men and Uncanny are relatively independent of each other, but as I haven't been bothered to read about half a year I really can't go into them. That's how crappy they were.

As my understanding is, Avengers wasn't doing too good so they canned it, broke them up, then gave it to Bendis who made it in his own image. So now ya got the New Avengers (Cap, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Sentry and Wolverine) who are only good in OTHER books by OTHER writers and completely suck within their own book.
No they're definitely seperate, JoWall. You can subscribe to one or all, and you'll be fine.

They didn't get rid of the Avengers, they just re-formed the team and called it New Avengers. (And in my opinion, it's a million and a a half times better than the old team.)
Thank you both for your feedback. What about the Spiderman titles? Can you subscribe to one of them without subscribing to all? Which is the best?

I would be very interested in hearing other peoples's thoughts on the good titles out there these days.

Of particular interest are:

Astonishing X-Men
Uncanny X-Men
New X-Men
Sensational Spiderman
Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman
Amazing Spiderman
New Avengers
Young Avengers
Squadron Supreme
Moon Knight

I'd also love to hear pros and cons for each.

Thanks so much... I'm looking forward to getting back into this world. I just hope it doesn't suck... or suck me back in too far.
The Ultimates are basically the old team of the Avengers.

That books really goood I'd check that out if I were you.
I can only comment on the ones I read, of course, so here you are:

X-Men: This book has been a little lacking lately, only because they recently used Apocalypse in their story, and I feel it's difficult to do that since his stories are always so epic. However, I'll never cease to get this book because it has my favorite X-Man in it - Gambit.

Astonishing X-Men: I think it's slightly overrated, but still a very good read. People around here, as you will see, are genuinely on Joss Whedon's jockstrap, but I seriously think Serenity and Firefly sucked gonads. He's a sufficient writer, but not amazing. I do, however, like what they've been doing recently with the Emma/Scott relationship.

Uncanny X-Men: This seems the most loose of the three main X-Titles. There's a lot going on recently, most of which we don't understand all of. However, there is light: Brubaker is taking over, and this will be the only X-Title with Xavier and Vulcan in it. The upcoming arc is going to be involving the Shi'ar, which I think can be awesome if done right.

New X-Men: A great book! In fact, right now I'd say it's a little better than the three main X-Titles. Get this for sure, as the characters are deep and interesting, and the story is currently very engrossing.

Excalibur: While many I know don't like it, I think it's cool enough. The last issue especially was great, where Juggernaut had some really cool dialogue that shows him to be more than just a sock'em'up tank. The character interactions are cool here.

Amazing Spiderman: Just recently started getting this one, mainly because it tied in well with the Civil War crossover event. It's good enough, but I don't know if I have enough experience with Spidey to know if this book is really good. However, I DO think Spidey's new outfit is by FAR better than his old-school red/blue ensamble.

New Avengers: I love this title. The character interaction is good, and I like the fact that some characters get to shine who otherwise might not. Unlike others around these parts, I try to stay partial, and I don't have a vendetta for or against Bendis. Try this title out, you'll either hate it or love it.
Spideys are all exclusive of each other, however I can't really recommend them as they've completely sucked since The Other. Sensational is a good book, though, and off to a promising start. Best Spidey book? Spider-Girl.

New Excalibur started off real slow but is starting to pick up. I'd recommend reading the prior incarnation first.

Squadron is a good dark book. Better than JMS' ASM.
You guys are scaring me... Spider-Girl? The Ultimates? Young Avengers?

I have to say, I'm a bit of a traditionalist and you're steering me to a bunch of what would seem to the uneducated (me) to be some teenie bop titles.

Why can't Marvel make sure that their core titles (FF, Uncanny, Avengers, Amazing Spiderman, Daredevil, etc...) are delivering the goods
Daredevil is, Uncanny will very soon.

I've been liking FF, but its not really anything amazing just mid level.

ASM was great in the beinging when JMS and JRJR were doing it.

It still kinda good if you catch it in the right arc, the Other sucked don't ge it.

I was liking the New Avengers, but the Spider-Women arc bored me and the title still does.

Ultimates is not a teeny bopper book. Don't let the name fool you.

Captain America is a awesome book too.
Hey, what did I tell you? Don't let titles fool you.

Spider-Girl is classic Spidey through and through. It takes place in an alternate future where Baby May was allowed to exist and became Spider-Girl. You like Tom DeFalco? You like traditional Spidey? This is yer book.

The Ultimates is from the Ultimate Universe line, which is basically Marvel re-imagined and updated to cater to new readers scared off by years of continuity. Basically they are the Avengers but a darker, more militaristic version. Aside from a couple characterizations I don't agree with, it's a pretty damn good book.

And Young Avengers was formed by a younger version of Kang and is just damn good reading.

Now, we've only toldja about books you asked about. There are good ones in the more popular titles. Daredevil is very good as is Captain America. Thunderbolts, Punisher, Fantastic Four, Iron Man (when it's on time), Marvel Team-Up and Incredible Hulk (although I'm not digging the current arc) are doing good as well.
Hi JoWall, I was actually just helping another new poster on some of these matters earlier today who was in your same situation, I think you'll find the same things I told him very helpful

venom62 said:
Hey Eli,

Sorry to bother you but I've been reading this board for some time and just joined up. You seem to have the best knowledge out of everyone so I figured rather than make a thread asking everyone I'd see if you could help me out.

I've been away from comics for about 10 years (left right about during the Age of Apocalypse). I used to read religiously (X books, Ghost Rider, Hellstorm, Hulk, and SS). I'm looking to start up again but I have no idea what’s going on.

I was wondering if you could suggest a good site that sells graphic novels and/or back issues. I'd prefer novels to cut down on the search, I'm sure I'll miss a ton of detail but I'd be able to get the big stuff. I can't seem to get anything decent through Google or yahoo.

Any info would be much appreciated.
Thank you so much for your time,

Elijya said:
Thank you very much for the compliment, venom, and I'll be glad to help.

It's good that you're looking for graphic novels, or the trade paperback (TPB) versions as they're much more readily available and much cheaper than the individual books nowadays. I do alot of my shopping at since they have a very large selection, I can even get things cheaper then their list price if someone's offering a book used, and they have free shipping (not on used books, though). I occassionally use and but I find it's best to just check around at all four to see who's selling whichever book I'm looking for cheapest.

Recommendations I'm full of, but there're so many excellent titles out there it's best to first focus on what you used to like and what you might like now. If I can be presumptuous, since it's usually the case, I'd guess you were probably in school or college when you were originally reading and now you're older and getting nostalgiac, right? Just a guess :)

Then there's two paths to take: letting you know what are some of the best stories featuring the characters you USED to like that have been published since you left, and/or letting you know about titles which weren't around or you might not have noticed when you were younger that would appeal to you now.

Personally, I've been reading comics since I was 9 years old. I started with all of the X-Men books, then got a little older and branched out into the rest of the Marvel Universe, then I got to college and began discovering DC, lots of Mature Readers titles and things from the independent press. So I like to consider my self pretty well versed, and I know the value of diversifying ones reading selection.

Ok, of the titles you say you used to like: Hellstrom hasn't been published since you read him, both Ghost Rider and Silver Surfer suffered a decline of quality and got canceled, only to come back and get canceled again, and then come back and get canceled AGAIN. Ghost Rider just wrapped a miniseries with some very beauitiful art and a so-so story, and he'll be starring in another miniseries coming up soon (drawn by Mark Texiera, the guy who might have been drawing him when you read him in the early 90s).

As for Silver Surfer - after he declined in popularity, Marvel started to more or less ignore all of their "cosmic" heroes and villains. But they've just started a miniseries event called Annihilation which is attempting to bring them back, and SS has a four issue mini that's not bad. Here's the cover to one issue. Gorgeous art, no? 1

Hulk has had lots and lots of ups and downs over the past couple of years. Around 2001 a guy named Bruce Jones took over writing him, and the book was criticly acclaimed for awhile, but myself and alot of other readers found it god awful boring. Peter David came back for six issues, but that didn't go so well. Currently, they're in the middle of an arc called Planet Hulk which is a story of Hulk being marrooned on an alien world where he's forced to fight in a gladiator style arena. I haven't read it myself but I've been meaning to since I've heard nothing but good things.

I also want to tell you about the X-Men as well as lots of other books, but this message is running long, and I'm at work, but I will continue it later. In the mean time, I have an Official Recommendations Thread here with write ups of dozens of the best comics of recents years. Check it out, I'm sure you'll see somethings that will interest you.
For you, JoWall, I would also tell you that Daredevil has been NOTHING SHORT OF AMAZING for about past 6 years. It's been one long, incredibly well written journey by some of the best in the industry. Probably the greatest Noir saga in comics history.

Don't be turned off by what you think are "teenie bopper" books. We're not recommending you Archie or anything here. As many as adults are into them, Comics (Marvel Comics at least) are also intended to be for kids. Spider-Man was a teenager for many many years, and he has appeal to both kids and Adults. Young Avengers has been a consistently well written and drawn book you may want to look into one day. But I wouldn't suggest it as a starting point.

If you really are older and have older tastes, as many of us comic frans growing up find we do, there are many many "Mature Readers" books I can tell you about that are just amazing. From the smart Sci-Fi of Warren Ellis, to the gritty war stories of Garth Ennis, to the poetry in motion of Neil Gaimen and the literary genius of Alan Moore. It's a cliche, but it's true: comics aren't all for kids anymore.
Here's another quality Spidey: Spider-Man loves Mary Jane. Now, this one IS geared towards the younger female crowd, but ya know what? I love it. It's light, it's fun, it's a great read. Takes place in it's own little universe so don't gotta worry about little continuity things.
JoWall, if you're really interested in the self contained story route, you will find that Trade Paperbacks are your best bet. They'll combine whole stories that spanned across several issues (as almost all comic stories do these days) into one complete volume. There also readily available through sites like Amazon, and even stores like Borders and Barnes and Noble (through special order if the specific book you're l;ooking for isn't on the premises)

That way all the best stories of the past are at your fingertips for cheaper then you would pay for them either off the stands or in the back issue bins. And youwwon't have to go through the hassle of tracking down individual issues to get a complete story.
A added bonus to the Wizard World Philadelphia con is gonna be Dan Slott.:up:
he probably doesn't know who he is, SS. But thanks for the plug
But tracking them down is half the fun! Trades are lame to the Nth degree. Useful, but lame.
(Uh, SS, what's that got to do with helping this guy find the right comic to read? I mean, yeah, Slott's books are great and he'd probably enjoy Spider-Man/Human Torch, but who asked about slott coming to Philly? :confused:)
But tracking them down is half the fun! Trades are lame to the Nth degree. Useful, but lame.

Yes it is fun and even more fun when you get good deals on hard to find books.
But tracking them down is half the fun! Trades are lame to the Nth degree. Useful, but lame.
Yeah but 25th, some people are readers and some people are collectors. I'd rather tell him about a good story he could readily find available and enjoy to rekindle his interest in comics then tell him about a story he'd have to run all over town to find each issue of and spend twice as much money in the process

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