New clip with Angel scene!!

LEGO Spidey

Mar 8, 2004
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It's on the front page of the Hype!, and here's the Youtube link:

It's mistakenly labeled as being from a Portuguese show when it's actually from a Brazilian one, but details, details... I should know, being Portuguese myself. Enjoy Ben Foster's performance, I know I certainly did!

The show host also mentioned that they'll be previewing a clip every week until the movie premieres, so keep your eyes peeled!
I believe this is posted in the TV spots thread s;trsfu, but I didn't catch that they'll be doing a new one every week, interesting.
Vandal said:
I believe this is posted in the TV spots thread s;trsfu, but I didn't catch that they'll be doing a new one every week, interesting.

I did it based on precedent. That thread is reserved for the official TV spots, and it hasn't been uncommon for full scene clips (the Danger Room and Magneto speech ones) to get their own threads, so here it is... If the mods see fit, please close or merge this.
anyone got another downloading link then youtube. like rapidshare, sendspace, or hit me back. peace.
i will chop the interview pt out after i get another link and post up the clip only.
I think the people showing their "mutant powers" after the clip was more entertaining, lol.
No kidding! That "Magneto" guy, how was he doin' that to the spoon?? The others: not so impressive. Especially the coke bottle dude. lol.
i cant believe they are advertising X3 on PÂNICO!!!!!!!!! LOLOL
flavio_lebeau said:
i cant believe they are advertising X3 on PÂNICO!!!!!!!!! LOLOL

I notice you're Brazilian. What exactly is Pânico? From what I saw, it seems like one of those over-the-top sensationalist talk shows the Portuguese/Brazilian lower social classes enjoy watching so much :p We have a couple of those over here in Portugal as well... Ever heard of João Kléber?
spider_man_2 said:
No kidding! That "Magneto" guy, how was he doin' that to the spoon?? The others: not so impressive. Especially the coke bottle dude. lol.
I know! Thats some matrix crap right there!! The dude with his "toe powers" I could have done without too.
spider_man_2 said:
I notice you're Brazilian. What exactly is Pânico? From what I saw, it seems like one of those over-the-top sensationalist talk shows the Portuguese/Brazilian lower social classes enjoy watching so much :p We have a couple of those over here in Portugal as well... Ever heard of João Kléber?
João Kléber is Brazilian, i hate him with all my heart :p
but no, Pânico is not like that. Its a "trash-humor" tv program that started really poor, but last year it was like the hit and the whole Brazil would watch it and talk about it. Then they started with "violent-humor" and lost lots of audience. I used to watch it last year and it was fun, but it just went the wrong way.
Had they advertised the film last year, im sure it would be an intelligent marketing thing, but nowadays its...shame lol
that was a fun part the "mutant-guys" though :p the winner might win a moto :eek:
That was a raelly good clip, I like it when he asks if they can talk about it. lol
Nice clip. I don't know why people doubted Ben Foster.

The guy with the spoon was cool. And creepy. How did he do that? I think I'd die a little happier if I hadn't seen the man with the webbed toes & fingers, though.

And I'm sure the guy with the coke bottle gets no complaints from the ladies.
I never doubted him :)

I liked the music too...except the very last moment i couldnt tell if that was from the scene or just the foreign logo popping up
Anyone able to transcribe into a transcript for the very deaf minority that mostly consists of me...?

;) :)
any one notice that the clip kept gowing till after he crashes through the window and flys down? it's on the tv behind the host. i wonder why they didn't show the rest
It seemed to me the guy says he will be showing 'um poquinho' (a little bit) of X-Men all the week.. am I right?

Very nice and intense clip. Really loved how the music went with it as well and set a very tragic/heavenly mood to Angel breaking free. :up:
cpu278 said:
It seemed to me the guy says he will be showing 'um poquinho' (a little bit) of X-Men all the week.. am I right?


yea i heard that 2. guess they have more clips.

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