Kolins did that first pic????Wow.
Kolins is a great artist.
I usually come down hard on Joe Q, but this interview wasn't all bad, definately an improvement over last week's. Of course, preview art for ETERNALS, INITIATIVE, and OMEGA FLIGHT help. Naturally, ETERNALS has been swell and the latter two are looking great. It seems Justice's costume hasn't been redesigned (so far), and that is a little bit of a shame as he just looks too "generic 90's", although to be fair that suit looks better than some of his outfits. And War Machine looks great. And hey, Ultimo!
As for OMEGA FLIGHT and it being a mini, I've stated frequently that I understand the strategy here. It is VERY HARD for ANY new title these days, especially ongoings starring characters who have been B list or lower for years, to sell well beyond 5-6 issues. And it is embarassing for Marvel to solict something as an ongoing and then having to retroactively call it a mini vs. just outright canning it, as they did with JUBILEE and to some degree NYX. I mean, IMMORTAL IRON FIST has an A-list creative team, got hype, and a B-Lister who was supposed to be "hot" and yet it's sales have been mediocre so far (it debuted past the Top 50 and has lost readers every issue; by contrast, MOON KNIGHT sells twice as well). On the OTHER hand, there could be something to the theory that a mini doesn't inspire editorial confidence and that could be a factor. But it's a rock and a hard place situation. I mean, ANT-MAN is an ongoing and it's sales have fallen outside the Top 100 before issue #5. So while I understand some fans being irked at this, I think in this case it is a little unwarrented. Support the book and maybe then it'll become an ongoing.
I DON'T like Joe Q calling the MB community "interFRET", although I am sure someone will come in and say, "hey, he gets called thousands of nasty things a day by blogger nerds", and that is true, but unforunately some of us DO have worthy criticisms, just we get drowned out by the more numerous "HEZ FATT AND DIE!!@@" variety so Marvel just sees them all as useless whiners. Not saying he's unjustified, but as a customer I dislike seeing him dismiss my fellow community and pretty much resolve to do the OPPOSITE of whatever any online criticism is. It sounds like spite. Like if we all begged for Spider-Man to NOT become a donkey, he'd do the opposite.
He also promises that "Cap doesn't die" in CW #7, which may add fuel to the fire for that "Ronin" theory. So could the delay of his own series issue.
Joe Q also claims that extra issue of ETERNALS cropped up because Neil ended up with more story as planned, not because of the editorial dept. clamouring for more CW stuff, as I theorized on Wednesday. If this is true then that's cool. I mean, some have said that part of why Morrison's ending to SEVEN SOLDIERS was underwhelming was because the original script had an extra 40-60 pages that didn't make it in. Lord knows a few pages got cut from INFINITE CRISIS that later showed up in the trades. Besides, I'm enjoying the series so I don't mind an extra issue. Romita Jr.'s done some of the best art in his career on it. Hopefully it's not forgotten in favor of his THOR, ASM and X-MEN runs.
However, there is ONE THING I take issue with:
Joe Q said:
JQ: Freespirit81, no one ever said she was getting her powers back. Weve been trying to avoid at all cost just re-powering mutants across the board, and Jubilee is no exception.
Frankly, this is a bold faced lie, that shows that either Joe is a bit out of touch or is deluded. MANY depowered mutant characters, especially those rare B or A listers who were effected, have been repowered quickly. Iceman was repowered. Polaris was repowered. Magneto was repowered. Quicksilver was repowered. Heck, Quicksilver is a walking repowering machine, assuming his attempts don't kill said characters instead. The majority of the mutants depowered were bottom feeders or no-names, just to eliminate Mutant Town and Morrison's theory of HOMO SUPERIORS becoming the dominent gene in 80 years. DECIMATION was just a big step backward for me with the X-MEN and many of the editorial edicts for it, especially the SENTINAL ONE's, were poorly handled and even the WRITERS ignored them, so I'd rather avoid the topic.
I never saw the allure in Jubilee, but I know she has some fans somewhere. She lost me at "Wolveroonie". Unfortunately, she will probably get a better revamp than, "wears a self-mutilating armor costume on loan from 1996 and cries himself to sleep listening to emo metal" that Speedball eventually got. Granted, that is the nature of revamps I guess. Like life, decent ones are unfair. Some characters get great ones and some utterly bomb and make you go, "what were they THINKING!?" I mean, Moon Knight, Ant-Man, and the Eternals all got good ones. Ghost Rider's is more shakey.
The next NEW WARRIORS, another relaunched property, is up in June. However, with Speedball now Emoball, Firestar retired, and Nova rocking in space, who is going to be on it? Gravity woulda been a no-brainer, but he's dead and McDuffie will likely have him in FF anyway. Justice may possibly be on it depending on how INITIATIVE goes. Rage is still around. I mean I'm sure it'll have mostly newer characters, but it would be cool if we had at least one or two "older school" members, sort of like the Teen Titans always have Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg or Starfire 'round.
Not a bad Fridays at all.