New Silent Hill Preview!

BloodRayne was in my theater for three days. :(

Dungeon Siege looks like his best effort yet, but even that has crappy elements (people swinging from vines, Burt Reynolds etc...)
Silent Hill looks like FINE filmmaking.
I love Christopher Gans :up:
You guys should see Brotherhood of the Wolf if you want to see his directorial style.
I proudly own the Canadian 3 disc set :up:
Oh, that looks good. And they even had the theme music from the game at the end of the trailer.
WhatsHisFace said:
I hope Pyramid Head is awesome in this movie.
That one part near the end i thought that was Pyramid Head on the Right of the screen. OMG this movie looks freaking AMAZING. Much of it looks like the game. The fog, the settings, everything. Even the little girls name is Sharon (it was Sheryl in the game) OMG I CANT WAIT FOR THIS MOVIE :D :D :D :up: :up: :up:
I hated the original PS game. Mainly cuz it scared the crap out of me when I played it :(
The first Silent Hill was a genuinely scary game. If the film takes it's cue from the first game, it's ure to be onto a winner. The trailer is looking good. Hopefully this is one game to movie conversion that will be more than just ok.

:eek: :up: :hyper: :bomb: :yellow:
The Trainman said:

I agree. And I very much liked the first game. I hated the second one until I got past a part I was stuck at, and then I loved it. It went a little overboard in the crazy dept., but that was fine with me mostly.

Anyways, there's a lot to look forward to in this film. It's already better than Doom because of Pyramid Head (scariest and best-thought-out game (or otherwise) antagonist ever).
The Amazing Lee said:
I hated the original PS game. Mainly cuz it scared the crap out of me when I played it :(
Hahahaha Same thing happen to me too:O I like SH2 better because I actually had the balls to play the game:supes:
Pyramid Head was one of the craziest things in the Silent Hill games. It's good to see it make it into the movie which looks very close to Silent Hill 1. The second game was my favorite in the series but this movie looks like it can be pretty good.
Pyramid Head was one of the craziest things in the Silent Hill games. It's good to see it make it into the movie which looks very close to Silent Hill 1. The second game was my favorite in the series but this movie looks like it can be pretty good.
looks like pyramid head aims to be the single best game-to-movie villain ever.unfortunately,i never had the pleasure to actually experience his terror or the terror of silent hill for that would you guys be so kind as to post some good quality pics of mr.head?i can't seem to find any pics that does him justice on the internet.
Jager X said:
looks like pyramid head aims to be the single best game-to-movie villain ever.unfortunately,i never had the pleasure to actually experience his terror or the terror of silent hill for that would you guys be so kind as to post some good quality pics of mr.head?i can't seem to find any pics that does him justice on the internet.
Unfortunately, I can't find any good ones either. None in game, at least.
Jager X said:
looks like pyramid head aims to be the single best game-to-movie villain ever.unfortunately,i never had the pleasure to actually experience his terror or the terror of silent hill for that would you guys be so kind as to post some good quality pics of mr.head?i can't seem to find any pics that does him justice on the internet.

I don't think you'll find a lot of good ones out there on the Internet but here's one that might give you an idea of the badass-ness of Pyramid Head.

The Trainman said:
I don't think you'll find a lot of good ones out there on the Internet but here's one that might give you an idea of the badass-ness of Pyramid Head.

I find this strangely erotic.
He's not really like that. That's like, Samurai-Robin Hood-Anime Pyramid Head.
ah i have a better image of him.thanks for the pic.also, i saw a movie on that compared the movie to the game and they had a snippet of pyramid head raping a demon i guess.anyway this film is exactly like the game except for the fact that the main char is a female instead of male:o.
ah i have a better image of him.thanks for the pic.also, i saw a movie on that compared the movie to the game and they had a snippet of pyramid head raping a demon i guess.anyway this film is exactly like the game except for the fact that the main char is a female instead of male:o.

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