It kind of makes me feel less guilty about smoking...
Here is a list I found, of everything that has been identified as causing cancer:
Alcohol, Air pollution, Baby food, Barbequed meat, Birth control pills, Bottled water, Bread, Breasts, Brooms, Bus stations, Candles, Careers for women, Casual sex, Car fumes, Celery, Charred foods, Cooked foods, Chewing gum, Chinese food, Chinese herbal supplements, Chips, Chlorinated water, Cholesterol, Low cholesterol, Coffee, Coke, Crackers, Dairy products, Deodorants, Depression, Ethnic beliefs, Fat, Flying, Fruit, Genes, Gingerbread, Global warming, Granite, Grilled meat, Hair dyes, Hamburgers, Hot tea, Incense, Infertility, Jewellery, Kissing, Lack of exercise, Laxatives, Lead, Left handedness, Listerine, Low fibre diet, Magnetic fields, Mammograms, Marijuana, Menopause, Microwave ovens, Milk hormones, Mixed spices, Mobile phones, Nickel, Night lighting, Night shifts, Not breast feeding, Not having a twin, Nuclear power plants, Obesity, Oestrogen, Olive oil, Orange juice, Oyster sauce, Ozone, Ozone depletion, Passive smoking, Peanuts, Pesticides, Pet birds, Plastic IV bags, Polio vaccine, Potato crisps (chips), Power lines, Proteins, Prozac, PVC, Radio masts, Railway sleepers, Red meat, Salt, Sausage, Shellfish, Soy sauce, Stress, Sun beds, Sunlight, Sunscreen, Talc, Testosterone, Tight bras, Toast, Toasters, Tobacco, Tooth fillings, Toothpaste (with fluoride or bleach), Train stations, Under-arm shaving, Unvented stoves, UV radiation, Vatican radio masts, Vegetables, Vitamins, Wallpaper, Weedkiller (2-4 D), Welding fumes, Well water, Weight gain, Winter, Wood dust, Work, X-rays.
And another:
FACEBOOK: Social networking sites such as Facebook could raise your risk of serious health problems by reducing levels of face-to-face contact, a doctor claims.
WINE: Drinking just a small glass of wine a day can more than double the risk of cancer, a study claims. It says that consuming just one 125ml glass of wine increases the chance of developing mouth and throat cancer by 168 per cent.
A COLD: The common cold could be a major cause of childhood cancer, a new study claims. Researchers claim that an infection during pregnancy or in early childhood could leave children more susceptible to cancers like leukaemia or brain tumours.
DEODORANT: New research suggests that the aluminium in many anti-perspirants has a potential link with breast cancer. Here, a leading breast cancer specialist explains why he explains why he suggests avoiding the products.
CHIPS: Parents are being urged to stop giving their children chips amid fears they dramatically increase the risk of breast cancer. Serving under-fives chips just once a week raises their risk of breast cancer by 27 per cent, shocking new research has shown
ORAL SEX: Oral sex raises your risk of throat cancer scientists have warned. A new study found the sex act can pass on the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can trigger a specific type of throat cancer in both men and women
VITAMIN E: Vitamin E supplements may raise the risk of lung cancer, doctors have warned. A study of more than 77,000 people found that taking moderate to high doses of vitamin E led to a ’significant’ increase in risk of the cancer that kills on Briton every 15 minutes.
SAUSAGES AND BURGERS: A red dye used in sausages and burgers is being banned because it could cause cancer, the European Commission said today. The move will come into force within days
SOUP: People who regularly have soup with a high salt content could be increasing their risk of stomach cancer, according to an expert.
HAIR DYE: Women who use permanent hair dye may be putting themselves at increased risk of bladder cancer. If you have used hair dye for at least 15 years, the risk is three times greater, says new research
MOUTHWASH: There is now ’sufficient evidence’ that mouthwashes containing alcohol contribute to the increased risk of cancer in the mouth, according to a scientist.
SUN CREAM: Sun creams could raise the risk of getting skin cancer, warn experts. Although they help prevent sunburn, lotions fail to block out the ultraviolet rays which can cause the disease
PRINGLES, HULA-HOOPS & PRINCE CHARLES’ ORGANIC CRISPS: An organic product sold under Prince Charles’s Duchy Originals brand has been found to contain elevated levels of a cancer causing chemical.
X-RAYS: Diagnostic X-rays are linked to a small raised risk of cancer, according to researchers. The radiation could be the cause of 700 cancer cases per year in Britain
TALCUM POWDER: Women who use talcum powder every day to keep fresh are 40 per cent more likely to develop ovarian cancer, according to alarming research.
MOISTURISERS: Moisturisers used by millions of women every day may be increasing their risk of skin cancer, scientists have warned.
MOBILE PHONES: Mobile phones can take as little as ten minutes to trigger changes in the brain associated with cancer, scientists claimed yesterday. They found even low levels of radiation from handsets interfere with the way brain cells divide
RED MEAT: Eating large amounts of red and processed meat leaves you at greater risk of cancer, a major report has warned. One in ten cases of both lung and bowel cancer could be prevented if people cut down on beef, lamb, pork, sausages, ham and bacon, scientists say
TOOTH WHITENER: Dentists are warning the public over the proposed sale of super-strength tooth whitener linked to cancer. Under European Commission plans, the limit on concentration levels of bleach in over-the-counter products will rise 60 times
CHOCOLATES AND BAGGED SNACKS: Chocolates and bagged snacks are being pulled from shop shelves after potential cancer-causing toxins were found in a batch of rice flour
Hat tip on every single bit of text above to the Daily Mail.