Newest Version different and I got it!


Author of Marlsbeth
Nov 8, 2005
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See what you think...

The background color needs to be changed. The saturation on supes could be turned down a little too.

btw, don't make a new thread each time, just post all the updates in one thread.
HAH! Those Suburbans used to be the biggest V's around. Cool:up: I'm optomistic about the movie. Grew up with C Reeve.
Why don't you just use 1 thread for all of this?
cass said:
Why don't you just use 1 thread for all of this?

Because it doesn't make sense to use the same thread for different topics...
HULKFish said:
Because it doesn't make sense to use the same thread for different topics...

This is the same topic. Not only is it just an update of the picture you've posted in two other threads now, but they are all your work so should be in one thread.
ampersand said:
This is the same topic. Not only is it just an update of the picture you've posted in two other threads now, but they are all your work so should be in one thread.

NO, I post on other boards too and they don't go by that??? Why would anyone be offended by new threads???
ampersand said:
The background color needs to be changed. The saturation on supes could be turned down a little too.

btw, don't make a new thread each time, just post all the updates in one thread.

Actually this image looks COMPLETELY different on my pc at work....
HULKFish said:
NO, I post on other boards too and they don't go by that??? Why would anyone be offended by new threads???
I encourage SHH fan artists to create an "art by" thread, that way each image you post does not clutter up the boards with a new thread each time... this way others can drop in on your thread and check out all your stuff in one thread, this also helps YOU update new stuff!
Crimson Dynamo said:


LOL!! OK, ok, you guys made your point... I just reset my monitor, I had the brightness turned WAY down!!
I encourage SHH fan artists to create an "art by" thread, that way each image you post does not clutter up the boards with a new thread each time... this way others can drop in on your thread and check out all your stuff in one thread, this also helps YOU update new stuff!

Thank you for making an intelligent and considerate statement on this... I appreciate it! I'll just have a crazy long post with no way to grab the interest of the readers...
HULKFish said:
Thank you for making an intelligent and considerate statement on this... I appreciate it! I'll just have a crazy long post with no way to grab the interest of the readers...

I think you're taking that the wrong way. Look at some of the other Art threads on the board. You can keep all of your works and efforts on one thread and keep that thread updated with new work and works-in-progress such as this one, and they can be viewed in succession in one place. You can still make seperate posts, but they'll all be organized on one thread and not spread across many that cover the same subject.
Bill said:
I think you're taking that the wrong way. Look at some of the other Art threads on the board. You can keep all of your works and efforts on one thread and keep that thread updated with new work and works-in-progress such as this one, and they can be viewed in succession in one place. You can still make seperate posts, but they'll all be organized on one thread and not spread across many that cover the same subject.

Exactly. That way, anyone looking for your work will have one thread to check rather that tons spread out everywhere.

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