no talking animals


May 19, 2007
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I was skimming through wikipedia the other day, and it said there will be no talking animals in the movie. Whether this is true or not, do you think removing characters like oolong and pu'ar is a good idea?
maybe in a proper Dragonball movie, but this looks to be a watered down Dragonball movie that's trying to be too for this movie, no.
I don't care really.
if there was a bigger budget and better studio behind it, talking animals definitely. but in this case, i think it's better without talking animals.
I'll pass on the talking animals myself.
This poll sucks & there shouldn't be any talking animals, it'd be dumb. I'm cool with seeing ancient animals like dinosaurs but no talking animals.
yeah foreal...talking animals suck. wtf were they thinkin'?


u know what they say....sarcasm is the path of a weak mind. not exactly a compliment, but at least it's an explanation.
Yeah, whatever. I don't really care.

Anyway, if by some chance we get dinosaurs, I'd prefert that we get traditional looking T-Rex's & not the ones we saw in the anime.
Well, even though I agree, it was obvious they wouldn't be too true to the manga. I don't mind, though.
Just have the animals make noises they dont have to talk.
I don't mind ignoring puar and oolong, but having talking animals, going around as people in some cases, was part of the wacky fantasy world of DB, as much as monsters, demons, and aliens...
And the president was a cat. I'd love to see a pterodactyl fly around, but no talking animals doesn't really bother me. There'd be too many comparisons to films featuring talk animals (ala Narnia, Dragonheart, etc.).
Sure why not, i have come to terms that this is some movie with dragon ball pasted over the original title. While where at it lets just take out the dragon balls as well.
Sure why not, i have come to terms that this is some movie with dragon ball pasted over the original title. While where at it lets just take out the dragon balls as well.

that's pretty much how i feel. i'm curious to see how they're going to show the actual dragon...or if they'll show him at all.
I was thinking about the dragon... Maybe they won't show it, but... why call them dragon balls, then?
I was thinking about the dragon... Maybe they won't show it, but... why call them dragon balls, then?

yeah it should be called Rabbit's Balls and they gotta collect those and a mystical rabbit comes to grant wishes

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