Norman Osborn was perfect

Sarcastic Fan

King of Hell
Aug 13, 2007
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Yes, I firmly believe that so far, Norman Osborn is perfect in this series.

He was a ruthless businessman. Unscrupulous, amoral and a bully. His one scene with Harry said all we needed to know about what kind of father he is, and how disappointed he is in his son.

I also loved how Vulture didn't even manage to faze him. He is being held hundreds of feet up in the air, and dropped, and he still insults him.

Yes, this is the Norman Osborn I always read in comics. Much better than the 90s version who was reduced to being the Kingpin's whiny victim, and who wasn't a bad guy before he got powers.
Yeah, Norman Osborn is so serious and awesome in this show. He is mean, so I wonder how he will act once he becomes the Green Goblin. :up:
It's interesting how his eyes are all squinty when every other guy on this show has perfect circles. I'm wondering if they'll bulge out when he goes goblin.
Yeah I do feel like Norman was very well done. Very much reminds me off the comics.
So far Norman seems great. :up:

I too liked how he wasn't intimidated by the vulture.

I also liked how when Pete and Harry were talking and Norman called to them, Harry's instant reaction was a panic stricken look. That was more powerful to me than any of the dialogue.
It's interesting how his eyes are all squinty when every other guy on this show has perfect circles. I'm wondering if they'll bulge out when he goes goblin.
I think his Goblin mask will have bulged out yellow eyes, well, at least based on the toy he will. My guess is, his eyes will stay squinty when he takes off the mask.
So far Norman seems great. :up:

I too liked how he wasn't intimidated by the vulture.

I re-watched the episodes tonight, and I really like how cold he was. He barely let anything get to him, and his refusal to apologize for ANYTHING also makes him a badass character. Can't wait for the turn.
yeah, Norman was a 1st class a-hole in the first episode and I'm loving it.
Yes, I firmly believe that so far, Norman Osborn is perfect in this series.

He was a ruthless businessman. Unscrupulous, amoral and a bully. His one scene with Harry said all we needed to know about what kind of father he is, and how disappointed he is in his son.

I also loved how Vulture didn't even manage to faze him. He is being held hundreds of feet up in the air, and dropped, and he still insults him.

Yes, this is the Norman Osborn I always read in comics. Much better than the 90s version who was reduced to being the Kingpin's whiny victim, and who wasn't a bad guy before he got powers.

I loved this version of Norman too. "Dont you dare appologize. I never do.":applaud
The only thing that bothered me about it is the fact that the "message to the kids" was coming through too loud, if you know what I mean.

The Vulture yelling at him, "you will apologize to me and the public" (or something like that) and Osborn saying, "I never apologize!"

I was just like, "Gee, I wonder what they might be trying to tell the kids... oh yeah, I get it now... apologies are good. Thanks for clearing that up, Spidey!" :)
The only thing that bothered me about it is the fact that the "message to the kids" was coming through too loud, if you know what I mean.

The Vulture yelling at him, "you will apologize to me and the public" (or something like that) and Osborn saying, "I never apologize!"

I was just like, "Gee, I wonder what they might be trying to tell the kids... oh yeah, I get it now... apologies are good. Thanks for clearing that up, Spidey!" :)

They weren't trying to send a message here. They were telling us about what kind of man Norman Osborn is. A sadistic, thieving, unscrupulous bastard who knows what he is and is proud of it.
^ It's a Saturday morning cartoon for kids. You don't think they'll try to put in some sort of little lesson for the kids? :)
^ It's a Saturday morning cartoon for kids. You don't think they'll try to put in some sort of little lesson for the kids? :)

I don't have to think that wasn't intended to be a little lesson for the kids. I know that wasn't a little lesson for the kids.
^ I'd say it's both, dude. Character development & a little somethin' for the kids. 2 birds with one stone. In case you forgot, Spidey is all about power & responsibility. So any Spider-Man show that is geared towards children, will throw in little messages here and there to cater to that theme.
^ I'd say it's both, dude. Character development & a little somethin' for the kids. 2 birds with one stone. In case you forgot, Spidey is all about power & responsibility. So any Spider-Man show that is geared towards children, will throw in little messages here and there to cater to that theme.

Edit. Should not have said this.
Bump time.

Loved his pep talk to Harry, and really love that he's now manufacturing supervillains, just like in Marvel Knights.
Thats one thing i like about the series too, that Norman is a stand alone bad guy. He isn't being pushed by The Kingpin like in the 90's Cartoon (which if there was ever one giant problem i had with that series, was it was always Kingpin as the ringleader of all the villains almost.)
I wonder if he's gonna be the big 2-parter season finale villain as all superhero cartoons are obligated to have? I figure it'd either be him or Venom. Possibly the Sinister 6.

It would be pretty cool to see the Six kick sPidey's ass and be about to finish him off when all of a sudden Green Goblin arrives, takes them all out single-handedly, and flies off with a maskless sPider-Man hanging from his glider. Like he's got his own plans for the Wallcrawler.
The last 4 episodes deal with the symbiote IIRC
Ratcrawler, I think we might have a 2 part story involving the Green Goblin. It just seems likely, IMO.

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