Oblivion help


Enigmatic Loner
Jun 7, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys I need some help, for some reason the game has been running like **** (taking forever for the inventory and pause screen to come up) so I took it out and wiped it off now it won't even load up! I'v had it for about a month and a half and never had a problem and now this. The disc has some scratches on it but they were there when I bought it and its ran fine. Iv also checked all my other games and they run fine so im guessin its not my console.

what do you want? If your other disc's work, then its obviously not your console. Clean the disc.

what do you want? If your other disc's work, then its obviously not your console. Clean the disc.
I did and it didnt fix anything. I just wanna know if this has happened to anyone else and if so what did they do.
Boiling the disk actually does work. Just dip it in for a few seconds. Also, clear the cache of your console by holding down the "A" button while it starts up.
ok well I talked to a guy at Gamestop and he said I might need an update. What I don't understand is why now does it need an update? Iv had this damn thing for a month atleast and its worked fine. I know this is a stupid question but Im a real tech ****** so please bear with me. Nother stupid question, is there a chance the update that came with Assassin's Creed messed up Oblivion?

Dont listen to "a guy at gamestop"

I know we arent helping that much, but he has no idea wtf is going on.

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