(Broken?) game issue help.


I'm a photographer
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score
The new Wolverine game, one of my favorites, does not work anymore. I've had it since it came out May 1st, and today it crapped out. I was playing it, all was fine, I figure I'd do one more level and during the load screen my 360 hums weird (in like an up and down sound), then it freezes. I can't get to the Xbox menu or anything. I tried it again, same thing. And again, and again. No matter the level. I can watch cutscenes, but if the cutscene is before the level, that freezes. I tried on my brothers console and the same thing happens. My other games work fine (as far as I know anyway, I was playing GTA IV for hours tonight). So it must be a problem with the game? I tried installing it to my harddrive, but it tells me it's unreadable and dirty (?), I wiped it with a cloth, and I got the same thing. There are no major scratches on it. I have used games that look worse and play fine. I don't understand how it works just fine for a whole day then does it out of no where. I called Microsoft and they said check this disc replacement on their site, they have a list for games you can replace but Wolverine is not one of them.

So are there any other solutions or am I stuck buying a whole new game? The 30 day return is up.
This ruined my day. :(

Thanks for any help.
The new Wolverine game, one of my favorites, does not work anymore. I've had it since it came out May 1st, and today it crapped out. I was playing it, all was fine, I figure I'd do one more level and during the load screen my 360 hums weird (in like an up and down sound), then it freezes. I can't get to the Xbox menu or anything. I tried it again, same thing. And again, and again. No matter the level. I can watch cutscenes, but if the cutscene is before the level, that freezes. I tried on my brothers console and the same thing happens. My other games work fine (as far as I know anyway, I was playing GTA IV for hours tonight). So it must be a problem with the game? I tried installing it to my harddrive, but it tells me it's unreadable and dirty (?), I wiped it with a cloth, and I got the same thing. There are no major scratches on it. I have used games that look worse and play fine. I don't understand how it works just fine for a whole day then does it out of no where. I called Microsoft and they said check this disc replacement on their site, they have a list for games you can replace but Wolverine is not one of them.

So are there any other solutions or am I stuck buying a whole new game? The 30 day return is up.
This ruined my day. :(

Thanks for any help.
Buy a used version at Gamestop and switch disks then return it within a week an get your full money back. Just tell them when you went to play it that it didn't work an they'll offer you other copy an just acted like your frustrated an tell them not to bother an you just want your money back. Or you could rent it an then switch disks although the gamestop idea is free
That won't work. I wouldn't do it anyway, since it's wrong. But my brother works at Gamestop and his friends work at our video store.
That won't work. I wouldn't do it anyway, since it's wrong. But my brother works at Gamestop and his friends work at our video store.
Well then your only chance is getting is buying another game on sale for $50

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