Official DD Thread

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I like it for nostalgia sake but that's about all. I've not read any Daredevil prior to Bendis's run save a two issue run in the 90's with the Surgeon General or whatever her name was, and that's because it guest starred Spider-Man... but I've always kinda liked the Black and Red one from a little after that. I just thought it looked cool and I like how his Shadowland suit's echoing that a bit.
I think it's going to be a horse race between T'Challa and Falcon as the NMWF.
T'Challa would make sense, since his sister is still using the Black Panther identity.
Plus I'd like to see T'Challa referring to Hell's Kitchen as his new "jungle" so to speak. :awesome:

..Although my choice of wishful thinking is still Moon Knight..
What exactly is holding that series back? The artists?
I wouldn't mind as DD is the only thing I felt Bendis has been really good at it.
At Fan Expo in Toronto today, Marvel announced an upcoming four-issue miniseries titled "Daredevil: Reborn," by Andy Diggle and Davide Gianfelice, which will start in January after a December one-shot called "Shadowland: After The Fall." The one-shot, which serves as an epilogue to "Shadowland," will feature the many characters in Matt Murdock's life, and have a painted cover by new DC exclusive artist David Finch.

The new "Daredevil: Reborn" series will be four 32-page issues with covers by Jock, possibly featuring a new Daredevil. Editor Stephen Wacker discussed the difficulty of creating a new Daredevil story after "Born Again," which he considers the ultimate Daredevil tale. "Reborn" will restart the character from the ground up, forcing him (or her) (or whoever it is) to rebuild their identity as Daredevil after the events of "Shadowland."

No more details were released, as much of the book is still covered in mystery, but we can certainly begin speculating. The title "Reborn," the panel points out, was last used by "Captain America: Reborn," and they claim this will be an equally Big Deal. The likelihood of it being a new Daredevil is fairly low; the panel continues to associate the Daredevil mythos with Murdock specifically, so I'm willing to bet that any threats of a "new Daredevil" are a red herring. The advertising campaign, "Who Will Be the New Man Without Fear?" perhaps implies that while there will be a Daredevil, the events of "Shadowland" have instilled him with a real and perhaps very healthy sense of fear.

This is Davide Gianfelice's second major superhero work, after the final issue of Jason Aaron's "Wolverine: Weapon X." He comes from Vertigo, where he spent time drawing Brian Wood's "Northlanders" and Peter Milligan's "Greek Street." It will serve as the continuation of Andy Diggle's run which started in "Dark Reign: The List - Daredevil" and "Daredevil #500," which continued in "Shadowland," so it's likely that they all form acts of one larger story.
Mixed as well.They could have just made the issues a part of the regular title.But alas they probably want to charge 3.99.
Two Daredevil: Reborn promos. put them up but I can't post them for some reason.

One and two.
Damn, how come no one is talking about Shadowland at all? Anyway all i wanna know is how the hell is Punisher human all of a sudden? Does this somehow take place before Daken sliced him up?
Franken-Castle #21 next month is most likely gonna resolve the Bloodstone issue and turn Frank back to human before it gets relaunched.

Remember....Shadowland takes place after SIEGE and The 1st Daken/Punisher fight took place before SIEGE.
currently reading brubakers run finished up Daredevil: The Devil, Inside And Out Volume 2

and boy did i enjoy this it was great read very good
It was my introduction to Bendis' DD and i really liked it. :) Volume 2 of ultimate collection is coming late september, with the conclusion (3rd volume) coming in November. :) GET IT BEFORE THEY SELL OUT!
Thanks to you I just got volume 1 and plan to get the second :yay:

Bendis' Omninus runs are like 200 bucks lol. So getting 3 big volumes (instead of 2 omnibuses) is a pretty great deal. :) Let's hope in January 2011 we could get some Brubaker Daredevil Ultimate Collections. ;)
So i've been wondering, it seems like after Shadowland, Marvel's going to try to bring DD back to basics. This has me thinking tho, does this also mean they're going to re-bottle DD's identity like they did with Spiderman? DD's life has been a nonstop downward spiral since his I.D. became public and the only way to really restore any sense of normalcy would be to somehow make it secret again. I really hope they don't do it but what do u guys think?
Honestly, I really like this downward spiral and all the turmoil. It's been this way since early in Bendis's run and that's what drew me to it. If they go back to the more classic Daredevil I may quickly lose interest I'm afraid. And honestly, I'm not sure I can handle another "genie in a bottle" in regards to his identity.
Yeah dude, i hope Marvel sticks to their guns on this one and keeps this status quo. DD's stories have been phenominal since his secret i.d. was out.

The only thing is, DD is alot like Spider-man in that he kinda needs his secret identity otherwise his personal life would be in constant danger. With his i.d. public, people like Foggy and Dakota would be in constant danger. wI feel like there has to be a middle ground where we can restore some normalcy to Matt's life without "putting the genie back in the bottle".
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