Official GR Website Discussion

yeah...hope they do more w/ the site though. didnt like how they did their layout for the Spider-Man sites....
but yeah its interesting that they are still using that "block" style of fonts...its still cool regardless but i thought it would have been a nice touch if they used the flame logo from the 90s series.
still suprised that the site is actually up now....could this mean we MIGHT get a teaser trailer this Summer afterall? hmmmm....
Why have they gone with such a plain styling when they have at their disposal the one with the flames attached to it. The block print logo is not the one that is being used on the crew call sheets, the flaming logo is, so I am confused.
Nice to see one. Could have been muuch better though.
Great News!!!!

Official Ghost Rider Movie Site is up.

And I can´t believe it yet.

A Ghost Rider Movie is Coming!!!!
totalpackage59 said:
Why have they gone with such a plain styling when they have at their disposal the one with the flames attached to it. The block print logo is not the one that is being used on the crew call sheets, the flaming logo is, so I am confused.

It's probably going to be different on a number of things that we see... especially the stuff we seen during the early stages compared to what we're seeing now.

I hope we get updates soon. How many of you signed up for updates on the site?
Yikes! Just now i visited the site to register for updates and NOW THE LOGO IS THE FLAMIN' ONE! YAY!

Probably the web master got confused and now it has been corrected to match the official logo...
thanks for the heads up InVictus....looks much better imo.
i bet that "blocky" logo was just for temp purposes until the current logo was decided on/finished.
wonder if the current logo will be the one used or will Sony/Marvel change their minds again? heh
I'd say they seen us *****in' about it and changed it. hehe. I like to think that anyway.

Awesome change though!
Old blocky logo: Boo....

Nifty shiny flame logo: Whoo-hoo!

Looks much better.
Well it's better than the block one, But I'd still like to see the flaming logo. I think the flaming logo looks heaps heaps better than both of these logos.
Can someone please post examples of the "block" vs "flame" logo styles?

Sorry I have not kept up with that. Love ol' flaming skull head though.
BG. the flame logo I'm refering to is the one that 's used on the header of Giant sized ghostrider website and the one also used on Internapse Ghostrider as well.
Let's hope Vartha can put that heading on to the screensaver.
Flamehead, whilst that is a blocky style, it wasn't the bloky style used for the homepage. But still, it's all good. :)
Cheers also for helping out Truthteller.
Abe said:
Flamehead, whilst that is a blocky style, it wasn't the bloky style used for the homepage. But still, it's all good. :)
Cheers also for helping out Truthteller.

True, it's not exact but it's VERY close. The edges are a little more pointy.

As you may notice, the flamey font on the website isn't exactly like the flamey font we all know and love. Either way, those are the the two fonts they are inspired by.
"As you may notice, the flamey font on the website isn't exactly like the flamey font we all know and love. Either way, those are the the two fonts they are inspired by." And I could not be happier. :)
You know, for the teaser trailer there will be a huge flame, which will reduce to show the flaming logo. Oh yeah!
Flllaaaaammmmiiinnngggg. :)
I dont think this is something that is for certain. I think the "You know" was one of those other "You know"s. I think it's just a faith statement.

Like for example, "You know were going to have peas with supper. We always do".

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