Official How Does He Shave Thread?


Feb 6, 2011
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Well don't know whether this is a spoiler but Kal-El grows a beard into his early adult life and doesn't shave it until he leaves the Fortress wearing what we would call the Superman Costume. So the big question. How does he shave?

His skin in invulnerable. Nothing can touch him. Needles bend against his skin. A razor would simply break. How does he do it?

Kevin Smith posted the most plausible theory that I can think of which is that he broke a piece of metal off the ship that brought him to Earth and uses it as a makeshift razor.

Shooting Heat Vision (Which is raw solar energy) into a mirror would simply destroy the mirror and the wall it is on so I don't pass that theory!

Post your theories here!
he plucked each hair with super speed.
could always pull a hancock and use his nails
Not to mention the scene in the trailer where he's covered in fire in what looks like a burning building. So his heat vision wouldn't do much anyways.
I think the beard is better...


Well thank god we have an official thread. Don't want any of those fake shave threads to gain any traction.
Well thank god we have an official thread. Don't want any of those fake shave threads to gain any traction.

I know right? I'm glad I won't be confused about which thread to go to...
does that mean that superman is vulnerable to krypton metal and weapon on the earth?

So i make a thread about the camera work in the movie that it could be shakey, that gets moved to the Open Discussion thread....................

but a thread about Superman's beard stays intaked???????? Great
^ Kevin threw out the heat vision scenerio. It's funny how similar Bill's and Kevin's theories are.
Isn't there a moment in one of the comics where Clark takes part of a ship's hull or something and uses it to shave?
I'd love to see how he can shave in the movie when he has heat vision like this: :funny:

I am going to go with logic and science as much as possible based on what we know:

he plucked each hair with super speed.

This would work. Why? Because since we can pull out our own beard, I guess Superman can pull out his.

could always pull a hancock and use his nails

Can work, but not very good method. Why? We can theoretically scratch out our own beard, but we'll also be scratching out a swatch of our own skin as well.. not very effective... so, if superman tries to scratch at his beard, he'll also be messing with his face...

Not to mention the scene in the trailer where he's covered in fire in what looks like a burning building. So his heat vision wouldn't do much anyways.

Heat Vision won't work... he can withstand much hotter substance.. like the surface of the sun for instance.. or volcanoes, or lightning strikes... etc... so, unless his heat vision is hotter than all of that, at which point he'll be burning a hole in his own face as well... or, that when he uses his heat vision on Zod, Zod would instantly be bald...

I liked Kevin Smith theory of kryptonian piece of metal

Doesn't work either... Kryptonians aren't stronger, and neither are their metals... they only gets their super-powers when exposed to our sun.. their metals would be very similar to Earth's metals.. nothing special.. at least nothing super-special... different, with different properties maybe..
Gillette, obviously... C'mon guys.
I'm gonna go with .................

I'd love to see how he can shave in the movie when he has heat vision like this: :funny:


I friggin love that jab. Like a good boxing-match. It really has weight behind it. Cant wait to hear the sound-FX for that one.
Heat Vision won't work... he can withstand much hotter substance.. like the surface of the sun for instance.. or volcanoes, or lightning strikes... etc... so, unless his heat vision is hotter than all of that, at which point he'll be burning a hole in his own face as well... or, that when he uses his heat vision on Zod, Zod would instantly be bald...

Yes. There’s also the question of how much ambient heat heat-vision produces. If Supes’ hair can normally withstand a nuclear furnace, then the intensity required to singe his beard would (almost certainly) cause collateral damage - i.e., set Clark’s bathroom on fire. :word: (You can maybe fudge this by postulating a “cool” laser substitute. But most "authorities" insist that Supes has heat vision, not laser vision.)
kryptonite razor blades ? painful but does the job
kryptonite razor blades ? painful but does the job

This one is plausible, but not very practical... the first question to come to mind is does he want the world to know that kryptonite hurts him? If I am not mistaken, Kryptonite is kept a secret except to some of his arch enemies.. like Lex..

Also, you probably don't want radio-active materials close to you, long term... it'll also be destroying skin cells.. and not sure the long term effects...
Posted this months ago but some mod put it in general discussion.

For stuff like this, no explanation can sometimes be better than a half-assed one. If you take the trouble to conjure details like pinpoint heat-vision and a super mirror (a distraction from the narrative) then the payoff should be a description that satisfies the audience. It shouldn't raise additional questions - like: “Okay, that’s how he shaves. But how does he trim his hair at the back? Two mirrors?”

Posted this months ago but some mod put it in general discussion.


But now it's part of the official ad campaign. :hehe:
I friggin love that jab. Like a good boxing-match. It really has weight behind it. Cant wait to hear the sound-FX for that one.

I've been watching this for literally 5 minutes straight.

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