i always liked Routh as Superman. Hated his suit to the gut. too spandex with a too tiny discoloured s on top, and those trunks just look weird, especially due to the s beltbuckle.
should've padded him a bit to get more profound muscle toning, and a whopping better suit.
then again, the story itself was really bad. I dont know why people liked the spacey as luthor btw, i like spacey but i think the luthor role was just bad and frankly too made. the kryptonite water thing wasnt too bad an idea imho, it lacked execution from a story point.
i also didnt dislike rouths acting, and there were some great scenes imho. the airplane scene, the rooftop gunshots to the chest and eye scene, the discovery of supes' son...
yet, the overall story and portrayal was weak, but it was from all aspects to be honest.
as mentioned before, it just looks more like too much of a try to re-do the original superman movie, and frankly trying way too hard and sticking way too much to the elements that worked for that movie - back then.
i know a lot disliked Man of Steel, me personally really liked it and to be honest, the story imho was one of the strongest ones. Had Routh been the one in the MoS movie, i think it would have been great too, again just emphasising on that it think Routh gets too much discredit for the SR movie.
Cavill offcourse has his beefed up bulk speaking for him , and i really like we have a powerfull supes finally, though i feel and it seems to me like superman in Man of Steel looked bigger and stronger than BvS version.
Superman with huge killer manbreasts 'borrowing' shirts from a clothing line is iconic in how strong of a supes we finally have. It does set the tone now for 'future' supes.
supergirl's superman looks like a wimp after having cavill as the new benchmark.