Bluehit here; I´m not sure if theres is another thread about this... but the site was created by warner bros. the last april.
Bluehit here; I´m not sure if theres is another thread about this... but the site was created by warner bros. the last april.
Yeah, theres nothing there yet, but the domain has been purchased by Warner Brothers.It doesnt show up when I click on it. Is it down now?
That's what she said.the name blows. but god does this get me excited. just a little bit of news. the domain ends in april 2011. i doubt a third would be out by then. we should look up more possible titles and see if warner bros bought them
My thoughts as well. It's not uncommon for a studio to do such.It won't be, but WB purchases up all possible domains...just in case
2002!I wonder when was registered -any one know?
It won't be, but WB purchases up all possible domains...just in case
Ok. here we have another two sites: by warner
and by Go daddy.
And just is parked by digital endemic, the same people who works with The dark knight before the viral has started.