
Duende Verde

May 26, 2001
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A South Korean film by the name of Oldboy, read it's going to get a remake in english.

Here's the Plot Summary, sounds interesting:

A man is inexplicably kidnapped and imprisoned for 15 years and his wife is brutally murdered. On his release, he is given a wallet full of money and a mobile phone. A stranger calls and asks him to try and figure out why he was imprisoned. A girl appears and promises to help him solve the enigma and seek vengeance for his cruel fate. As the search progresses, the man finally comes face to face with his kidnapper, who proposes a game: if the man discovers the reason for his imprisonment, his kidnapper will kill himself. If not, then the girl will be killed - but he has only five days to unravel the mystery.

here are links to the trailers


Old boy is an amazing film. Simply marvelous. It's one of my absolute favorites.
it's going to have a limited release March 25 in the US, i hope it's not that limited so i can see it in theatres.
they better not destroy that film with its remake or i will hunt down each of them who ruined it and kill them with a hammer
Remake will suck :) Japanise version is brilliant
I downloaded this movie a good while ago, pretty wierd. My favorite part is when he handled all them dudes in the hallway with the boxing skills he learned from watching tv.
Yeah that bits cool "Can 15 years worth of trainning pay off..... apparently yes"

Ichy the killer moment at the end though :D

i like this movie alot :D
It was a cool... I cant wait for the next "revenge" film :up:

My only problem was that the script kinda lost its way towards the end and the end was a little silly.

But still, I will be getting this on DVD.
I'm gonna get the DVD as soon as possible. I've heard it's amazing. But are they really remaking it? :(
davsin50 said:
It was a cool... I cant wait for the next "revenge" film :up:

My only problem was that the script kinda lost its way towards the end and the end was a little silly.

But still, I will be getting this on DVD.

I thought the mindf-uck at the end was the best part.

And I think they should get Gary Oldman for the lead role.
Ah, Oldboy. A masterpiece of a film. Amazing.
Really weird at the end though when Oh Daesu cuts off his tongue. Not bad, though. Really freaky. If they remake this with Bruce Willis as rumored, I will go on a massacre.
Might wanna edit your post.

Just saw this movie. Sweet Jesus that ending was really f**ked up. Very well made movie though. Don't know if I'd care to see it again though. After knowing the truth, watching the love scene would probably make me puke.
Ewwww...he did "things" to his daughter
Just in case that anyone has forgotten of just didn't know. Oldboy is part of a revenge trilogy and Sympathy for Mr. Vengence is out know.
OldBoy is amazing. One of my favorites of last year.

They shouldn't do a remake. Especially not if they're going to have it directed by the guy who's directing The Fast and the Furious 3 !
Zilleraut #66 said:
Just in case that anyone has forgotten of just didn't know. Oldboy is part of a revenge trilogy and Sympathy for Mr. Vengence is out know.

Do yuo mean it uses the same characters, or just actors?
that squid scene was just weirdddddddd man i dont think hollywood should make do remake especially that nutcase who did that fast and furious movies, however if they did its should be done by someone who respects foregin flick someone like QT anyone here thinks that Bale who rock as the bad guy in the movie as for the lead role after watching A Love Song for Bobby Long John Travolta and Scarlett Johansson would do well in this movie. i want Bale for the bad guy he's gonna pull it of so well i can bet on it especially that scene on the bridge
I finally got a chance to see this film on Monday night. Wow. What an absolutely awesome piece of work! There's not one thing about it I didn't absolutely love. Anyone who has not seen it should put this at the top of their rental list. :up:

quite a bump, Jag

yeah, I bought the DVD a few weeks ago. Very cool ****ing film. A little weird, especially with the whole
incest thing
(<- DO NOT read that if you haven't seen it)
The hypnosis explanation was too contrived. If he could hypnotize Dae-su Oh into falling in love with his daughter, why didn't he just hypnotize him in 1988 and have him molest her as a child? And why did he shoot the albino Kung Fu guy in the head?

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