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Any one agree? I mean Sylar having his powers back now and Peter slowly learning to controll his. I think its time for a few more rematches

If it's a real fight. I wouldn't really call the season finale from season 1 a fight. They should be tossing powers back and forth for it to be a real fight. A good 10 minute fight would amaze me but we probrably won't see much more than a 1 and a half minute fight.
Exactly. Sylar could've used any power on Peter and he chose telekinesis then chose to do nothing.that fight was illogical. they have all these powers and sylar decides choking him would be best and peter does nothing but struggle? Peter throws punches when logically sylar should have thrown him across the plaza with his telekinesis.
yada yada yada
guys come on. If they delivered the ultimate battle at the end of the first season... then where could they go from there? It was the first season... and I don't think any of the heroes, except for peter, had used their powers in any real physical combat against other heroes (and peter pretty much got killed).
lay off a little. The fights have to get better, that's a given. But they have to get progressively larger and more epic. One can already see, that they are having trouble with Peter's character, because they made his powers grow at too great a rate, and now they are struggling to use the character accurately and according to his powers and experiences.
One should not have expected anything more from the fight at the end of season 1. Although it was not totally satisfying, it did its job. It showed a small battle, that would set the pace/feeling for future greater battles.
(honestly, its like this: it sounds like you guys want Skywalker to defeat the emperor, before he battles vader in space, then in Cloudcity. If SW had gone straight to the emperor in ANH, then Empire and Jedi wouldn't have been as good, because upping the ante, making future battles for the franchise would have killed sequels). Apply my analogy
This is ridiculous. the problem with the fight at the end of the season was that both the first showdown with peter and sylar, and the future tussle were better, more exciting, and left people with higher expectations than we should have had. if it was actually like your saying, and they were attempting to pace themselves, they wouldn't have shown off all they did, making people anticipate the season end final battle.
"the fight at the end of the season was that both the first showdown with peter and sylar, and the future tussle were better, more exciting, and left people with higher expectations than we should have had" and I'd just like to point out this sentence to you. The future fights were better (over course they are), they left people expecting more (of course, but they should have realized, that they weren't gonna get a fight like that for atleast 5 seasons: WAS THAT NOT OBVIOUS?)
You don't go into a new show, expecting to run 5 seasons. They were building excitement to the climax of their season which was the battle between Sylar and Peter. it was a let down.
Their first battle, which took place in mohinders apartment and ended in Peter's "death" was more exciting than their climax. that's sad, and should never happen.
By the end of the first season, Peter had been trained as to how to use his powers (even though he lost control) and Sylar was completely in control of his powers. Sure, after "five years" they'd know how to use their powers better. but they both knew what they had in their arsenal, and should have used those powers to a much better extent than they did.
Don't give me this crap about how they need to start off small and progressively make fighting more intense over five seasons. That's absurd. They have the powers. and characters like Sylar love to show off. Yet he somehow becomes a moron in a fight, just so they can water down the content? I call BS.
The fights should keep a certain level of intensity. and that should maintain over the course of the show. Fights shouldn't be less intense because they might do something better in the future. it's all about making the best out of what they have, and coming up with ways to make it fresh, and still exciting. A mid season, 2 minute battle, should never, be better than the climax.
um, the climax of the season, was not the fight between Sylar and Peter. The climax of the season, was stopping the bomb. And if you remember, as soon as Peter realized that he was the bomb.... the climax of the series shifted from stopping an exploding villain, to stopping an exploding Peter.
the climax of season 1 was NOT THE FIGHT.... but the actual solution to stopping the bomb. The climax was when Nathan showed up. Not the fight.
I'm not sure you understand what the climax of something is, so i'll explain it:
The climax is the the highest or most intense point in the development. The fight, before the explosion was the climax. The explosion, was the denouements.