Pittsburgh Comicon: Spider-girl Panel


Oct 11, 2005
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Spider-Girl is ending with its 100th issue in July, but it appears the never-say-die Marvel Comics title will be relaunched with a new No. 1 issue.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]At the Spider-Girl panel at the Pittsburgh Comicon on Saturday, creators Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz strongly suggested the book will return. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]For full coverage of the panel, CLICK HERE. [/FONT]

Good Lord, it never fails. Well, that's cool. I kind of wish it'd get another artist, since Frenz's art has never really looked right on it to me, but more Spider-Girl in any form is always good. At least it made it to the highest issue with a female lead mark before Marvel decided to cancel and relaunch it for no reason. :up:
Same with She-Hulk, I really don't understand it
Hey, at least Marvel will still be producin' a QUALITY Spider-Man title.
Ultimate is th' same crap every arc, so who cares about it.
I'm glad to see this title is being continued. I could have done without the relaunch, but it's better than what Spider-Girl looked like it was headed for.
More Spider-Girl > Less Spider-Girl

Could do without the relaunch, but if it helps, awesome. Really love this character and this book and I wanna see it thrive and survive.
Which it won't if more readers don't get on it. I've seen the sales numbers threads; the books everyone complains about get more sales than th' books people praise! How in th' hell does THAT work?
TheCorpulent1 said:
At least it made it to the highest issue with a female lead mark before Marvel decided to cancel and relaunch it for no reason. :up:

I've kind of been wondering about that claim.

Patsy Walker and Millie The Model both lasted well past one hundred issues. Technically, they both initially launched back when Marvel was Atlas Comics (and maybe Timely for Millie The Model, i'll have to look that up later)...however, both titles still ran long after the company switched it's moniker to "Marvel Comics". And both have made appearances in the modern Marvel Universe, most notably Patsy (Hellcat) Walker.

Do you guys think those long lost titles are really MArvel's longest running female lead books (with MTM edging Patsy out by a whopping 80-odd extra issues), or do you feel that Spider-Girl is indeed Marvel's golden girl?
What is the point of cancelling the book then? 12 or 13 issues in the numbering will just switch back to 113, anyway.
'Cause new readers are intimidated by higher numbers, supposedly.
'Cause new readers are intimidated by higher numbers, supposedly.

I kind of like it.

Take Detective Comics, for example; there's something very cool about reading the same ongoing volume of a book my father was reading when he was a kid. (in my daughter's case, her GRANDfather)...

DC comics = Tradition
GoldenAgeHero said:
damn, will this book ever get cancelled!!! piece of crap book.

Ha-ha, GAH is just trying to piss people off, I bet hes never even read the book. Also his hate for marvel blinds him, ill have to ask Elijya if thers a way to ban him from the Marvel forums.:up:
CaptainStacy said:
I've kind of been wondering about that claim.

Patsy Walker and Millie The Model both lasted well past one hundred issues. Technically, they both initially launched back when Marvel was Atlas Comics (and maybe Timely for Millie The Model, i'll have to look that up later)...however, both titles still ran long after the company switched it's moniker to "Marvel Comics". And both have made appearances in the modern Marvel Universe, most notably Patsy (Hellcat) Walker.

Do you guys think those long lost titles are really MArvel's longest running female lead books (with MTM edging Patsy out by a whopping 80-odd extra issues), or do you feel that Spider-Girl is indeed Marvel's golden girl?
They probably meant Spider-Girl was the longest-running superhero comic with a female lead, I guess. Those comics you mentioned weren't superhero comics, as far as I know. Patsy Walker didn't become Hellcat until much later, did she?

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