Post Pics of Your Teddy Bear Thread!


Dec 9, 2004
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Don't act like you don't got one. I know you do. Go ahead and post their pic in here!
What are you talking about? I'm a bear, dammit!
that's the one he use for his sex act ;)
TEDDY, that is the greatest avatar ever. EVER.
General said:
TEDDY, that is the greatest avatar ever. EVER.
I know!:D You can thank Bathrat and Master Chief for that!
I dont have a Teddy Bear.

I never liked theodore roosevelt, so l refuse to buy his damned bears.

But l have a Chihuahua that l cant fall asleep without.
TEDDY said:
What are you talking about? I'm a bear, dammit!

No, that would be me


stuffed one yes
Klxnt said:
I never liked theodore roosevelt, so l refuse to buy his damned bears.
Actually, the teddy bear was invented in Rusia by a woman with textiles in the late 1890s. It was later given the name Teddy when it finally made its way over to America.
TEDDY said:
Actually, the teddy bear was invented in Rusia by a woman with textiles in the late 1890s. It was later given the name Teddy when it finally made its way over to America.

a woman with testicles? :eek:
TEDDY said:
Actually, the teddy bear was invented in Rusia by a woman with textiles in the late 1890s. It was later given the name Teddy when it finally made its way over to America.

Got 'em.

TEDDY said:
Stuffed or not, a bear is a bear is a bear!

then I'm the real bear and you the fake one :p
Well seeing as this is a thread devoted to teddy bears and not REAL BEARS, than I guess I still rule!

:D :p

This is the only Teddy I want to see anytime soon...and if it's on her...all the better.

If it's off of her...
TEDDY said:
Well seeing as this is a thread devoted to teddy bears and not REAL BEARS, than I guess I still rule!

:D :p

sure for 2 seconds *use claws to knock the stuffing out teddy*

Real bears rule! :D
Klxnt said:
Meh... a little too dark.

any lighter and we can see more then we are allowed to show :D
hey I just noticed you resized the gif i got for you Teddy.

Good job, it makes a cool avatar.
Bathrat said:
hey I just noticed you resized the gif i got for you Teddy.

Good job, it makes a cool avatar.
Hey wait, I thought I was the first to post that in the movie gifs thread? :(

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