No problem imaperson2, I am a Tech Support Specialist and deal with people with low Computer Know how everyday.
HD= Hard Drive= C Drive.
When I say to reformat your HD, I mean you may need to reformat your C: (PHYSICAL) Drive. This would mean ALL INFO will be erased from the C Drive upon reformat. So, you will need to BACK UP EVERYTHING!
Than you can reformat your Hard Drive. Like I said earlier, I have a Toshiba Satelite, which comes with a DVD-RAM Disc to reformat the C Drive.
However, I am not sure what type of PC you are using.
So, in order, let me take this step by step, so, you get what you need to do.
2- Figure out through researching, How to Reformat your C Drive on your type of PC.
4- Reformat the C Drive,
5- Reinstall Windows XP (Or Try switching to LINUX, which is a Different PC Operating System.)
6- Download ALL SP2 Updates/Upgrades.
7- Restart the PC-- This is required after all Updates for them to take effect.
8- Start using Windows XP like usual, and reinstall any Software you want to put back on the C Drive, that you had before you Reformatted your C Drive.
9- Download a Good Anti-Virus/Spyware software(s)
10- Possibly download a Good Free Firewall.
11- You're Done, Problem should be solved. THE END.