Days of Future Past Question about DOFP Premiere in NYC on May 10th

Bryan Singer will probally be Involved with APocalypse no matter what. He devolped story with his X2/Superman returns writers and Simon Kinberg and should be producing with Lauren Shueller Donner,Kinberg,and Hutch Parker.The question Is will he be directing too or will be forced to be hands-on producer like on First Class.From trailer,clips,and what people are saying it would seem It would hurt Apocalypse to lose him as director.

One person on twitter has said it's like when he does X-Men he puts on his james Cameron hat.

I feel First class would have been even better If he had been able to direct It. Who knows maybe we would have had less of the Is first class a prequel or reboot debate If he had
directed it.
I think it will be hard for Fox to let Singer go if this movie is a huge hit. It's a tricky situation for them.
lol! Geez. I totally understand that kind of stuff, When I used to live in Pittsburgh, Philly and Boston, all we had were buses, I know that terrible feeling of missing a bus so late at night. I did miss a few buses actually late at night, after the buses stop running. Ive had to pay quite a large triple digit Taxi fare at one time to get home very late after missing a bus. its so not cool lol. Im glad it worked out for you though thankfully!

Another person had a similar problem in my showing, his Bus actually left at around 11:15 or so. He had to ditch the movie before it was over in order to catch it. we all felt pretty bad for him, This was a man dressed as storm


That man in the middle lol. So this is happening in the very first row of the theater, he was directly behind me, and it is happening while Young Xavier meets Old xavier, a very pivotal quite moment. So I hear "oh **** I gotta go, my bus!" or something to that effect and the other cosplay guys around him moaning and worrying about him. He proceeded to VERY slowly and quietly, climb over the empty chair next to me, but tried respecting everyones experience by being as quite as he could... once he got over the chair he proceeded to not just crouch but crawl around exactly like spider-man to retrieve his bags and things, back and forth very slowly under the screen, as to not interrupt the movie for anyone! Meanwhile I couldn't stop laughing while this was all happening. He knew how silly this moment was and we all embraced it, even though we all missed this pivotal scene. His buddies had some pretty funny comments toward him too lol.

A fully grown man dressed as storm crawling around like Spider-man right in front of your feet... you don't see these kinda things everyday! lol

I saw that guy when we were on line! Oh, that sucks that he had to leave early. I was staying no matter what. As much as I didn't want to make my dad drive in to get me, he would have told me I was nuts not to stay for the whole movie if I'd left.
LOL...everyone enjoy one of the many photos I got of the side of the X-Men cast. Spot the mutants!!

Thanks for sharing those stories and photos people.:up:

What an incredible joy it must have been to be there!Seeing (most of) the cast live in-the-flesh AND seeing the movie before anyone else.Not that i'm jealous or anything.....:argh:
OK, here are some more photos from Saturday:

Here was the line when it got really hot out (at least it wasn't raining...yet):


Here are the poor bastards behind all of us who were already on line:


Here's the obligatory shot of my Wolverine sneakers, along with my water bottle and reading material for the day:



The wristband that was our official ticket to the red carpet event AND the screening:


(and I'm glad I took that picture, they made us give them back to get our tickets later)

The line FINALLY moving:


The lucky 500...who were then sent up a SINGLE escalator, which wasn't smart at all:


The not-quite-as-lucky rest of the crowd who had a lovely time anyway (hi Nerial, sorry we missed you!):

Nice pics Danoyse!
Thanks for sharing. Cute sneakers and water bottle!
I dont think I would have the fortitude to wait from 730 am - 10 pm.
you are to be commended lol.
Its awesome you keep those Wolvie sneakers so clean lol! I hope they last a long time and for more premieres!

I got to keep my Silver wristband :) Nobody was taking anything away from me at that point in the night, the Security team were complete A holes.
Seriously...ONE ESCALATOR. At the top they set up Cerebro doors to go through. I wasn't able to get a shot of it, but it was pretty cool:


The t-shirts we got. We got posters too, although my mine is now a little crumpled between the rain and the crowds:


The blue carpet area (and naturally, most of the interviews took place all the way down at the other end):



Haha My posters were completely crushed, they have wrinkles and bends beyond believe, and were also rained on. They are both currently under a big ole book to help flatten them out!

I actually like the damage to them though, its novel, and tells the tale of the night for me lol.
The lovely Ellen Page:




The top of Jennifer Lawrence's head!


The Professors X.



There you are, Hugh. And I think Fan Bingbing is there as well. They hugged, it was sweet.


And Hugh's poor reminded me of the time I fell off my bike and needed stitches in my lip when I was 7. Get better soon, Hugh!

Here's Quicksilver!


And I'm pretty sure that's Josh Helman...I definitely know that he was kinda hot.

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And remember that awesome cast picture? This is what that looked like when they were taking it.


Jennifer Lawrence about to hug someone. And hey, there's Patrick Stewart!


Michael Fassbender looks like he's about to start slow-dancing with James McAvoy here.

Of course, we had to turn in all of our electronics before we entered the theater, so we don't have any shots of Hugh, James, and Michael's surprise visit. So here's a visual approximation of what that was like:


Nice pics Danoyse!
Thanks for sharing. Cute sneakers and water bottle!
I dont think I would have the fortitude to wait from 730 am - 10 pm.
you are to be commended lol.

Thanks! I used to camp out for the tickets for stuff all the time when I was younger, and I didn't know I still had it in me. Apparently I do. :yay:

Its awesome you keep those Wolvie sneakers so clean lol! I hope they last a long time and for more premieres!

I got to keep my Silver wristband :) Nobody was taking anything away from me at that point in the night, the Security team were complete A holes.

I stepped in a puddle with them when I was running to the Port Authority, but they're still in good shape. They're my lucky shoes! :up:

We had to give ours up. I still have my wristband from The Wolverine screening, I was hoping to add it to the collection. :csad:

Haha My posters were completely crushed, they have wrinkles and bends beyond believe, and were also rained on. They are both currently under a big ole book to help flatten them out!

I actually like the damage to them though, its novel, and tells the tale of the night for me lol.

I have a couple of posters like that. It's a nice memory of the whole ordeal when that happens.

I actually started a scrapbook of all of my pictures from The Wolverine screening last year. It's my thing...I take TONS of pictures and I love scrapbooking stuff. So I'm going to add those pictures to my Wolverine book.

This is one of my pages from The Wolverine screening:


So I'm going to do that with my DOFP pictures too!

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