Comics Question about X-23


Mar 4, 2005
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i did but search but zilch came

here's my question:

i know x-23 has a claw coming out of each foot. where does it come from? i mean, wolverine's claws are located in his forearm when they are sheathed. it just doesn't seem plausible that a claw longer than x-23's foot can reside IN her foot.
yeah, but if you think about it, wolverine shouldn't be able to bend his wrists when his claws are sheathed (as his claws are usually drawn as being about the length of his elbows to his knuckles, and the extra bones/ metal/ whatever's he's got now i've gotten too confused should brace his wrists straight), and to account for the muscles he would in reality need to pop his claws in and out his forarms should be massive (popeye x100).. the same goes for the muscles that would be needed on x-23's shins to pop a claw...i think in all honesty, it's a comic book, you shouldn't think too much about the anatomical details..:)
I still say with rare exceptions, Wolverine's claws are drawn correctly (if you really think about it). And he is a beefy little guy.
More often than not, I seen them drawn ridiculously long. They should be no longer than eight or nine inches at the most, not a whole foot long or more as some artists draw them.
well, if you think about cats claws, they fit within the paw, not the foreleg.. i'm assuming logan's claws are supposedly based on those, so they really shouldn't be longer than wrists to knuckle, with corresponding popeye forearms.. sorry to be a nerd for anatomy, but i'm a vet student and it comes pitifully naturally..:(

although i fully admit he'd look really lame if his claws were that short.
canned_raccoon said:
well, if you think about cats claws, they fit within the paw, not the foreleg.. i'm assuming logan's claws are supposedly based on those, so they really shouldn't be longer than wrists to knuckle, with corresponding popeye forearms.. sorry to be a nerd for anatomy, but i'm a vet student and it comes pitifully naturally..:(

although i fully admit he'd look really lame if his claws were that short.

But at the same time, he's a mutant, so they could be wholly housed in his forearm, which could give him around nine to eight inches...then if they slid all the way out, you're getting a possible 7 to eight inches beyond his knuckles (with very little in the hand remaining).

It'd be weird but a guy that can pop claws is weird on its own.
I've always thought that the blades were ... about the size of her foot, not bigger... but im probably senile.

But yeah, it is a comic book, so anything goes. haha
"But at the same time, he's a mutant, so they could be wholly housed in his forearm, which could give him around nine to eight inches...then if they slid all the way out, you're getting a possible 7 to eight inches beyond his knuckles (with very little in the hand remaining). "

yeah, but if he put his claws out that far, so that the base of the claws was just inside the skin on his knuckles they'd be very weak.. everytime he hit something hard enough they would just break off, or rip out through the skin.. they'd need to have their base at the wrist so that they'd have more support from the surrounding tissue, so even if they are stored at rest in the forearm, they should still be shorter than the forearm itself..

"It'd be weird but a guy that can pop claws is weird on its own."

i totally agree, the fact that he has claws at all is like having two sets of fingernails.. one on his fingertips and then his claws.. sorry, i'm being a nerd.:O .. just dont start me on how anatomically wrong archangel's mutation is. we'd be here a loooong time...;)

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