Rate and Rank the Die Hard Films.


Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Die Hard 10/10
Die Hard With a Vengeance 8/10
Live Free or Die Hard 7/10
Die Harder 4/10
Die Hard 10/10

Die Hard With A Vengeance 8/10

Die Hard 2: 7/10

Die Hard 4: 6/10
Die Hard 4.5/5

Die Hard With A Vengeance 4/5

Die Hard 2 3/5

Live Free or Die Hard 2.5/5
Last edited:
Die Hard 1 - 8.5/10
Die Hard 3 - 7.0/10
Die Hard 4 - 6.5/10
Die Hard 2 - 5.0/10
Die Hard: With An Vengeance 9.5/10
Die Hard 9/10
Die Hard 2: Die Harder Was a 7, now an 8 on replays.
Live Free or Die Hard aka Die Hard 4.0 Going with 8 at first, now a 7.

10/10 is great/perfect
9/10 is great
8.5/10 is pretty good
8/10 is good
7.5/10 is decent
7/10 is okay
6/10 is mediocre
5/10 is barely watchable
4/10 is '...ummm.'
3/10 :csad: umm..
2/10 OH GOD (Skeleton Man starring Casper Van Dien and Michael Rooker)

Th bad thing about Skeleton Man is a website for the movie had a good plot on there...and I and :csad: I never kept my e-mail with the director who disowned the movie and had his name taken off credit. Was informative...basically another Producers took over and turned it into crap movie production.
3, 1, 2, 4.

Die Hard 3 (I don't know why, I just enjoyed this one the most)
Die Hard (classic action movie, but less fun than the one above)
Die Hard 2 (didn't care for this one so much)
Die Hard 4 (why was this one made?)
Die Hard followed by Die Hard With A Vengeance. The other two were dogsh**.
Die Hard 10/10
Die Hard With a Vengeance 9.5/10
Die Hard 2 Die Harder 8/10
Live Free or Die Hard 7/10
  1. Die Hard (9/10)
  2. Die Hard With Vengeance (8/10)
  3. Live Free or Die Hard (7/10)
  4. Die Hard 2: Die Harder (5/10)
Die Hard - 9/10
Die Hard With A Vengeance - 9/10
Live Free or Die Hard - 8/10
Die Hard 2 - 6 or 7

Die Hard 2 to is just so uninspired. It just feels like the first but in an airport. It really doesn't have its own identity or try to really stand apart from the first one.
First one is best, third one is second best, second one is boring and fourth one was just bad.
Die Hard. 9/10
Die Hard with A Vengence 8/10
Die Hard 2: Die Harder. 6.5/10
Die Hard 4.0. 5/10
Die Hard - 9/10
Die Hard With A Vengeance - 9/10
Live Free or Die Hard - 8/10
Die Hard 2 - 6 or 7

Die Hard 2 to is just so uninspired. It just feels like the first but in an airport. It really doesn't have its own identity or try to really stand apart from the first one.

That was the entire premise of the 2nd one though...."why does the same **** happen to the same guy twice?"
I'll rank them but not rate them.

Die Hard With a Vengeance
Die Hard


Live Free or Die Hard


Die Hard 2: Die Harder (stupidest subtitle ever)
Die Hard With a Vengeance - 4/5
Die Hard - 4/5
Live Free or Die Hard - 3/5
Die Hard 2 - 2/5
1. Die Hard With a Vengeance - 8/10
2. Die Hard - 7/10
3. Die Hard 2 - 6/10
4. Live Free or Die Hard - 6/10
rankin' 'em but not ratin' 'em...

Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard 4.0
Die Hard Vengeance
Die Hard
Die Hard With A Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard
Die Hard Vengeance

There are no other DH movies.
Die Hard
Die Hard w/ A Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
Die Hard 2: Die Harder

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