Whats Your Favorite "DIE HARD" Movie?


Mr. Golightly
Dec 6, 2007
Reaction score

Die Hard
Die Hard 2: Die Harder
Die Hard With A Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
Die Hard followed by Die Hard With A Vengeance.
The original Die Hard is in the top 5 greatest US action movies of all time.
Die Hard, then Die Hard with a Vengeance, Live Free or Die Hard and Die Hard 2.
Die Hard

Die Hard with a Vengeance

Die Hard 2

Live Free or Die Hard
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Live Free or Die Hard
Die Hard with a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
then Die Hard.
Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard
Die Hard with a Vengence
Die Hard 2

Die Hard 1 might however be the best pure action movie ever though so I think it would be tough to beat
Die Hard (10+)
Live Free or die Hard (unrated)/(9.5)
Die Hard w/a Vengeance (9)
DH2: Die Harder (8)
Wow, that really needed a laugh track so I could tell when it was supposed to be funny instead of just lame.
Come on! "Yabbadabba-do dabbadeeby-deeby dabba!" Thats the good stuff, man!

Just for the record: I actually found that video funny and loled a lot...

Die Hard 2 is waaaaaay underrated, and im serious
I love them all.

DH = 10/10
DHWAV = 9.5/10
LFODH = 9.5/10

Yeah, that's right...DH2 doesn't exist, it's just a figment of your imagination, you all :cmad:
I go with

Die Hard (perfect, one of my favourite movies)
DH with a Vengeance (awesome, John is back!)
DH2 (cool, too many scenes mirroring the first)
Live Free or Die Hard (great, not Die Hard good, but better than what we usually get)
And I agree. Die Hard 2 > LFoDH

There, I said it...

What's DH2 but a rehash of DH 1 without the cool limo driver and twinkie cop?

First one's undeniably the best... Why?

John's not a super hero. I actually love with a vengence because that's when john becomes the unstoppable ass kicker but in the first he's a simple man just trying to survive in extraordinary circumstances, and when put to the test gets pissed off and mans up to deal with it like any guy would. I guess he's more normal and believable in the first movie then, plus it's just near perfectly written, acted, and directed film.
What's DH2 but a rehash of DH 1 without the cool limo driver and twinkie cop?

First one's undeniably the best... Why?

John's not a super hero. I actually love with a vengence because that's when john becomes the unstoppable ass kicker but in the first he's a simple man just trying to survive in extraordinary circumstances, and when put to the test gets pissed off and mans up to deal with it like any guy would. I guess he's more normal and believable in the first movie then, plus it's just near perfectly written, acted, and directed film.
Because I agree with you, it's the reason I put LFoDH at the bottom of my list. In the last movie, McClane is like a superhero, or James Bond character... It's awesome, but I didn't felt it like one of the series...

Die Hard 2 is waaaaaay underrated, and im serious

Indeed. I think is great and even better than the third one. Very underrated movie.

1- Die Hard
2- Live free or Die Hard
3- Die Harder
4- Die Hard with a vengeance
Die Hard
Live Free
Die Harder
Die Hard with a Venge.

Die Hard was amazing because it was the first time it happened to him and he was just some normal guy that went around kicking some major ass, and getting his ass kicked in the process.

After the first one, he started turning more and more into this superhero, so the second and third were kinda meh to me. Live Free or Die Hard turned the superhero level to a different level, but it was still a good movie (cause he had no idea what the **** was going on for the most part of it, and was just stuck in it cause he had to get that kid then they pissed him off).
Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard
Die Hard with A Vengeance
Die Hard 2

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