Robert Downey Jr formula for Thor and Cap actors

I'll concede that Brad Pitt potentially COULD sort of lose himself in the role, it's just that I personally haven't really seen that from him, and I think there are better choices out there that you absolutely without a doubt could end up seeing only the character and not the actor with. There's also another important thing that you can't really forget, and that's making sure you hire people that actually care and are passionate about the characters they're playing. This isn't so much of a big deal when it's just one movie that may or may not be eventually getting sequels, but if you're building a big cohesive universe like Marvel is, you can't afford to do like Daredevil and get a big name like Ben Affleck who doesn't actually care about the role. Imagine if RDJ didn't care about Iron Man. Sure, he'd do the first film and that's all right and everything, but what happens when they ask him to do some small cameos in their other films? If he didn't care about the role he would say "Hell no, I'm not wasting my time on some stupid crap like that." and he most certainly probably wouldn't do Avengers, so they would have to either recast or not use the character at all and you would get into a huge mess just like with DC's films.
yeah i feel you on that. but for me, while im in the movie, watching, im thinking "Damn, Tony stark is a badass" and then once i leave, it becomes wow, RDJ did a good job. you know what i mean? like, if they're good enough in the movie, then you'll be engrossed in the character and its not like youre watching an actor play that character, but once youre out of the theatre, the attention reflects back on the actor regardless, if that makes any sense. and as for getting some one who cares about the character, i agree that it is hugely important, but sometimes it doesnt work out perfectly. if i remember correctly, ben affleck was actually a huge fan of the daredevil comics before he worked on the movie, but things just didnt pan out. then you get someone like tobey maguire who never read a spider-man comic in his life beforehand and the movie's a hit. sometimes its just hit or miss and it really just comes down to an actors dedication to his job and everything that comes with it.

on an off-topic note, your custom title cracks me up. :D:up:
and just the thought of pitt and norton in an avengers movie together along with RDJ makes me geek. :up: ****
It's gonna be Fight Club all over again with a little bit of Zodiac thrown in...Fincher should direct :woot:
The solution is clear: Hire the Brat Pack.

Now, the questions are: Who will Emilio Estevez play? And Rob Lowe? Anthony Michael Hall? Judd Nelson? Demi Moore?

Or, since Downey Jr. was an "unofficial" member, then hire others of the "unofficial". Matt Dillon, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon and John Cusack :)

Yes I am kidding. A bit. Would love to see Bacon and Cusack, but they don't match any of the heroes.
I just want some people perfect for the characters. If they don't do this right the movies could be a screw up.
The solution is clear: Hire the Brat Pack.

Now, the questions are: Who will Emilio Estevez play? And Rob Lowe? Anthony Michael Hall? Judd Nelson? Demi Moore?

Or, since Downey Jr. was an "unofficial" member, then hire others of the "unofficial". Matt Dillon, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon and John Cusack :)

Yes I am kidding. A bit. Would love to see Bacon and Cusack, but they don't match any of the heroes.

Unofficial members must have better benefits than official brat packers
Man for the job. Captain America and Thor should be somewhat ageless. Hiring 40 year olds won't cut it in most cases.

Though I do think both roles require mature actors. That is why I don't really like the fact that Vaughn wants to go with someone in their 20's for Thor. Karl Urban would be my choice for that role.

And I'm in the "Matt Damon for Captain America" camp. But the fact that he'll turn 41 in 2011 may be a problem.
Mark Wallburg as Cap A seems BA to me. Damon would be good too.
Whoever they hire has to be able to hold their own against actors the likes of Downey Jr. and Norton.

Look at the supporting cast for Iron Man, they were all Oscar nominees/winners, and they had to be. Can you imagine if Pepper had been played by a lesser actress? The scenes between the two wouldn't have been near what they were with Paltrow in the role.

Thor and Captain America will need the same. It doens't even matter how well known they are or what their box office appeal is. They need talent first and foremost.
So only oscar nominated actors can be suggested for Captain America?
Wow... didn't even think of Whalberg... maybe after Hulk owns him this summer he'll think about giving a comic book film a shot... that's not a bad choice IMO.
So only oscar nominated actors can be suggested for Captain America?

No, what Katsuro is suggestion is that only GOOD actors can be suggested for Captain America, and that is discrimination I can get behind. :up:
So only oscar nominated actors can be suggested for Captain America?

Not necessarily, but that's kinda the idea. I'd rather have an Oscar nominated actor than some TV show actor. Iron Man had Gwenyth Paltrow, Terrance Howard, and Jeff freakin' Bridges. Incredible Hulk has William Hurt and Tim Roth. It'd be shame for Downey Jr. and Norton to go from acting with those guys to acting with the guy from Lost and some dumb wrestler.
Well yeah, talent is important, but when too many people misconceive talent and fame. I dont necessarily think Matt Damon should be Cap, but many will because they believe him to be the same caliber as RDJ.

Im all for best man for the job. But RDJ should not necessarily define who should play Cap
Here is a list of every Academy Award nominated actor currently between the ages of 25 and 45:

Casey Affleck - 32
Mark Wahlberg - 36
Djimon Hounsou - 44
Jake gyllenhaal - 27
Paul Giamatti - 40
Matt Dillon - 44
Clive Owen - 43
Jamie FoXx - 40
Benicio del Toro - 41
John C. Reilly - 42
Ethan Hawke - 37
Joaquin Phoenix - 33
Jude Law - 35
Tom Cruise - 45
Greg Kinnear - 44
Cuba Gooding, Jr - 40
Brad Pitt - 44
Johnny Depp - 44
Will Smith - 39
Ryan Gosling - 27
Leonardo DiCaprio - 33
Philip Seymour Hoffman - 40
Don Cheadle - 43
Adrien Brody - 35
Russel Crowe - 44
Javier Bardem - 39

Obviously not all of them would be right for these roles. You would never cast Javier Bardem as Captain America or Djimon Hounsou as Thor, but if you pointed a gun to my head and made me choice from that list I'd go with:

Jude Law for Thor and Ryan Gosling for Captain America. Gosling is Canadian though, so he would have to be good enough to be worth all the backlash from that.
For Captain America, If you pull it back even farther to include only white, American actors up to the age of 35(ish) then you get:

Casey Affleck - 32
Mark Wahlberg - 36
Jake gyllenhaal - 27
Ethan Hawke - 37
Joaquin Phoenix - 33 (technically born in Puerto Rico, but his parents were American)
Leonardo DiCaprio - 33
Adrien Brody - 35

Which are pretty decent choices, I think. In fact I'm thinking Casey Affleck as Captain America might actually be a great idea.
^ I like Will Smith as Captain America and Paul Giamatti as Thor
I'd take Paul Giamatti as anything. Hell, Id be okay with Paul Giamatti as Wonder Woman.
Haha, no I always imagine him in that angry acting style. ROFL, he'll be perfect as Thor.
For Captain America, If you pull it back even farther to include only white, American actors up to the age of 35(ish) then you get:

Casey Affleck - 32
Mark Wahlberg - 36
Jake gyllenhaal - 27
Ethan Hawke - 37
Joaquin Phoenix - 33 (technically born in Puerto Rico, but his parents were American)
Leonardo DiCaprio - 33
Adrien Brody - 35

Which are pretty decent choices, I think. In fact I'm thinking Casey Affleck as Captain America might actually be a great idea.

Out of those choices, Wahlberg would be the best, IMHO. I can't see Casey Affleck as Captain America. Too slight of build, kind of pretty boy. Steve Rogers should be more rugged good looks.
For Captain America, If you pull it back even farther to include only white, American actors up to the age of 35(ish) then you get:

Casey Affleck - 32
Mark Wahlberg - 36
Jake gyllenhaal - 27
Ethan Hawke - 37
Joaquin Phoenix - 33 (technically born in Puerto Rico, but his parents were American)
Leonardo DiCaprio - 33
Adrien Brody - 35

Which are pretty decent choices, I think. In fact I'm thinking Casey Affleck as Captain America might actually be a great idea.
i would kill to see ethan hawke in any form of a comic book movie. ****, give'em ant man or something. :up: i love me some ethan hawke.
i would kill to see ethan hawke in any form of a comic book movie. ****, give'em ant man or something. :up: i love me some ethan hawke.

For some strange reason I think he could make a good Doctor Strange.
Ethan Hawke could be a decent choise. He has played in some great movies. But can't see him as any of the heroes. He could be a good Iron Man, but we already have a great RDJ there.

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