Satans C.V.


Apr 9, 2006
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I got this idea from a poorly executed thread on another forum. I am not saying this thread will be any better executed:doom: .

First off I would like to say I am not a devil worshipper and I do not believe Satan is real. However let's suspend belief for a few moments whilst I ask the question "What has Satan done that is evil"?

Now I know Satan was cats down for the war in heaven, he tempted Adam and Eve in the guise of the Serpent and gave the Sex and a taste for Apples :up: He tried to tempt Jesus, I suspect a Snickers bar would have clinched that deal successfully, but I ask you what has he done that is so bad?

Now in his defence how many people have been killed in his name compared to the Judeo/Chistian/Islamic Godhead? I would argue less (a lot less).

So why is the Devil considered evil?


He also has been the inspiration for some damn good music!

- Whirly
Because without evil there can be no good and without a way to rally people behind "goodness" how can you ever expect them to fight and die for what you want?
St. of Sinners said:
Because without evil there can be no good and without a way to rally people behind "goodness" how can you ever expect them to fight and die for what you want?

I think you miss the point of the thread? What has Satan done that's evil?


- Whirly
I have no idea what he has done, that would make him evil. All I know is that he tried to take over heaven (a no-no) and was sent to hell to rule it as punishment.
ummm......he tortures people who wind up in hell, he burns them, and rips peoples bodys apart and feeds them to yea i'd say thats bad...
Super Flight said:
ummm......he tortures people who wind up in hell, he burns them, and rips peoples bodys apart and feeds them to yea i'd say thats bad...

You know this how? Sources please, or is it just a rumour.


- Whirly

From Publishers Weekly
Now that God's biography has been written, by Jack Miles, it's time to give the Devil his due. Messadie's book is the finest of the legion of recent books released about the archfiend and his cohorts. Using a comparative and phenomenological approach, the author traces the idea of the Devil from ancient Greece and India to contemporary Western culture. What emerges from Messadie's explorations is that the Devil is a very recent concept, arising primarily out of Zoroastrianism in Persia in the sixth century B.C. In that religion, a personified evil being is coexistent and coeval with a personification of the good, and Messadie examines how that dualism has slipped into Christianity, in particular. Thus the author concludes, on the basis of careful historical study, that the Devil does not exist in societies where the need for a force opposing the good is absent. Finally, Messadie aptly demonstrates how people in contemporary culture, in the absence of the personification of evil, use the Devil to vilify their enemies and to promote hatred.

Copyright 1996 Cahners Business Information, Inc.
Well thanks to him we have Micheal Jackson and Richard Simmons to haunt our nightmares :mad: :(
maxwell's demon said:

From Publishers Weekly
Now that God's biography has been written, by Jack Miles, it's time to give the Devil his due. Messadie's book is the finest of the legion of recent books released about the archfiend and his cohorts. Using a comparative and phenomenological approach, the author traces the idea of the Devil from ancient Greece and India to contemporary Western culture. What emerges from Messadie's explorations is that the Devil is a very recent concept, arising primarily out of Zoroastrianism in Persia in the sixth century B.C. In that religion, a personified evil being is coexistent and coeval with a personification of the good, and Messadie examines how that dualism has slipped into Christianity, in particular. Thus the author concludes, on the basis of careful historical study, that the Devil does not exist in societies where the need for a force opposing the good is absent. Finally, Messadie aptly demonstrates how people in contemporary culture, in the absence of the personification of evil, use the Devil to vilify their enemies and to promote hatred.

Copyright 1996 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

I saw the History Channel version of this, although it doesn't answer my initial queston, which relies on suspension of belief.


- Whirly
Super Flight said:
ummm......he tortures people who wind up in hell, he burns them, and rips peoples bodys apart and feeds them to yea i'd say thats bad...

You know, I mentioned this to a christian friend of mine once, and he said it's not true. And he did have a point. Wasn't satan sent to hell as punishment? Wouldn't he be burning and being tortured right there along with everyone else?
So it appears we can't find anything "evil" the Devil has done.


- Whirly
He uses a golden fiddle to play country music! :mad: Evil I tells ya! EEEEEEEEviiiillllll!!!!!!!
Super Flight said:
ummm......he tortures people who wind up in hell, he burns them, and rips peoples bodys apart and feeds them to yea i'd say thats bad...
besides aren't the people who end up in Hell, the BAD people. Shouldn't they be punished?

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