Comics Scarlet Witch's powers

LEGO Spidey

Mar 8, 2004
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Can anyone please fill me in on how exactly Wanda's mutant powers work? I've looked around and but the descriptions there don't really help... My question is if she can, for instance, tap into the probability of someone catching on fire (which is, let's say, around 0.09%) and raise it to 100% - ie, the person WILL catch on fire; OR if her powers work by manifesting a certain alternate reality with her powers, like she suggests she can do from her "baby seal being clubbed to death line" back in the Ultimates when they are sent after Thor? I hope that made some sense...

Anyone? Thanks in advance!
For me the answer is a bit ambiguous in light of her recent power jump to be able to re-create the entire world. The way it has always been described Wanda affects the probablity of something happening. So going with your fire example she can make the probability of that happening so high that it does happen.

But then how do you affect the probability of an entire planet? And not just affect it current-state but change its entire history too? That seems way beyond just increasing probability, don't you think?
That's why I used the example of that line in the Ultimates. She kinda implied that she could find an alternate dimension that suited her particular needs at the moment (ie, kicking the crud out of Thor) and making it come true. That would also account for House of M, but then this means that she has two sets of powers? :confused:
Thing is, she always lacked perfect control of her abilities, so her powers worked in unpredictable ways. When she gained a semblance of control, she was a bit crazy and well... dissassembled the Avengers...
The recent storylines pretty much ignored everything ever written about her powers and gave her vastly greater ones and then tried to make excuses as to how it worked.
The way her powers were described in West Coast Avengers was like this:

The probability of an arrow flying at her suddenly falling to the ground is a chance of a thousand to one. Now it's one to one.
Rather then thinking of probability as a mathmatical calculation, think of it as a cosmic force similar to that of the Phoenix, that is one of the building blocks of the universe. Wanda's mutant powers enables her to tap into this force and enable to her shape reality by having full control over the probable outcome of anything.

Her varrying degree of control over her powers and there actions, or lack of it explains why her powers are so unpredictable and 'chaotic', hence why she has been previously connected with chaos magic. This is my explination for why M-Day only depowered 98% of the worlds mutants and not 100%. She intended for 100% to be depowered but the lack of control of her powers only depowered 98% of then, some of them returning to human while others merely lost their powers and retained their mutant appearance.
I've never liked her powers...maybe under a good writer, her character would work well. Thing is her powers are too vague to me. She can make anything probable...she can do anything. She can have Storm's powers by making it probable that it rains...she can have Cyclops' powers by making it probable she can shoot optic beams out of her eyes. Maybe if they limited her powers by making her only control things that happen within a certain probability, I'd like her more...but to my knowledge, as evidenced by "M-Day," there is no limit to her abilities. I hate omega mutants.
Xplicit Content said:
I've never liked her powers...maybe under a good writer, her character would work well. Thing is her powers are too vague to me. She can make anything probable...she can do anything. She can have Storm's powers by making it probable that it rains...she can have Cyclops' powers by making it probable she can shoot optic beams out of her eyes. Maybe if they limited her powers by making her only control things that happen within a certain probability, I'd like her more...but to my knowledge, as evidenced by "M-Day," there is no limit to her abilities. I hate omega mutants.
No, what M-Day did was state that Wanda didn't have a limit. She used to have limits, and a lot of her probabilities worked on a much lower scale than what she displayed during either Avengers: Disassembled or House of M.

Only during times of great stress or emotional anguish did her hexes really go the long distance (such as completely destroying a building after the West Coast Avengers found the taken apart body of the Vision, her husband).

Besides, there are other limits, since not everything is actually probable. The probability of her shooting eye-blasts from her eyes can't be altered, since it doesn't exist. Rain on the other hand, is capable. Her hexes always changed the environment, not herself.
my question is if Scarlet Witch is so powerful (ex. "No more mutants."), is she also a Class 5 mutant? cuz as far as i know its only Jean and MAYBE Professor (correct me if im wrong)
Goddess .... there is no "class" of mutants, that's the movie. Kids, you need to stop confusing the movie with the comics, it's a whole different universe. As far as we know, Wanda doesn't exist in the movie universe. In Earth 616 (the comicverse that is) she has all the markings of an Omega, and is the daughter of a confirmed Omega, like with my Goddess, we need only wait for confirmation.
You mean Wolverine doesn't kill Dark Phoenix at the end of the Phoenix Saga :eek:
I have that image as my wallpaper on my cellphone :D Thank the Goddess for cell phones with cams :D
Sheez... I hadn't figured it out till you told me :p
Exploding Boy said:
You mean Wolverine doesn't kill Dark Phoenix at the end of the Phoenix Saga :eek:
Okay, seriously, WTF is wrong with you people? It's a ****ing Scarlet Witch thread. I don't want my X3 spoilers in here. Damnit people.
Harlekin said:
Okay, seriously, WTF is wrong with you people? It's a ****ing Scarlet Witch thread. I don't want my X3 spoilers in here. Damnit people.
Oh ****....sorry.
Thanks for rectifying the mistake though.

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