Screenshots of the day


May 6, 2003
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I thought this would be fun to do. I love to take screenshots and capture awesome moments of whatever game I'm currently playing. So let's share, I'm starting. Got Darksiders 1 for the PC, in preparation for Darksiders 2.

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Is there any way to print screen on PS3?
From Halo 3. I'm the Covenant Elite, and I thought I was being super stealthy, sneaking around the map, sniping people, and no one was coming after me. Upon watching the replay, I found that the other dude had been following me the entire time :dry: and then of course killed me barely a second after the screenshot.


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How do you do it on XBox?
Hmmm...looks like there's not that many people here that plays on PC, so it's gonna be only a couple of people posting here...

Anyway, after finishing ME3 for the 4th time, i've decided to go back to the capital Wasteland for now.

It's too bad that there aren't more games that have screenshot features. Why isn't that a standard by now?
^^ I'm guessing because to most gamers, what they would like to remember most are the achievements and kill ratios...Don't need screenshots for those things:oldrazz:
I wish theater mode was a stock standard thing in all games. Imagine the Machinima's.
And my adventure as War continues.

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U don't, unless like in halo there is a screen shot feature
Ok, thought I might have been missing something.

I wish theater mode was a stock standard thing in all games. Imagine the Machinima's.
Screenshot mode, theatre mode for gameplay and cinema mode to watch all cutscenes like a film whenever you want once you've beaten the game. I thought all those would be standard offerings in top games nowadays. :(
Hmmm...looks like there's not that many people here that plays on PC, so it's gonna be only a couple of people posting here...

I love gaming on PC, but current PC can't handle many graphically impressive games.

Anyway, here's a screenshot I took from Jamestown:

So I decided to make a series of photos through Instagram of Mass Effect 3. These are what I have so far:





Jamestown is a pretty awesome game :up:
So...i guess now we know what happened to Shepard friends after the ending...



Yup! ME mod. got it from a looong time ago...from some blog of all places.

It's cool. All the armors and facemasks from ME 2...even the Normandy!
Daddy's got a new set of armor. :word:

Yup! ME mod. got it from a looong time ago...from some blog of all places.

It's cool. All the armors and facemasks from ME 2...even the Normandy!

If there's a Mod with all these badasses in it, I'd start playing the game right now.

^^ funny you should say that...I'm pretty sure that there costume/armor mods for all those characters!

I've used Isaac engineer suit for my FO 3 character before, as well as Samus...and master Chief...and gears armors...and the guy in the middle, with the white that one too! and of course Shepard N7 armor, which is what my character is using right now.

So you can pretty much re-create that scene with FO3 if you've got all the armors and enough companions.
And now I shall wait for Steam to give me the perfect Fallout deal. Damn, why is the summer sale already over.

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