Season 1, Episodes 1-3 (Spoiler Discussion)

I had very low expectations for this show, and yet it still disappoints. It's boring. No character at all. The end of episode 3 was presented to be dramatic for each character, but I had no reason to care about any of them.
Not that I expected them to make this look like it was made in the 70s but it definitely doesn’t feel like it’s the same universe as the OT. I like it so far though. It’s nice to not have something that is tied to the Skywalker saga.
Just finished watching this a little bit ago. Pretty much everything that has been said in this thread I agree with. This is the best Star Wars that we’ve gotten in quite a while since this new Disney era started by far. The sets, the production design, cinematography, acting, writing, VFX, all top-tier. There were some shots in this that had me absolutely gobsmacked and pinching myself wondering, “This is a TV show?!?” The last 15 to 20 minutes or so tension filled and had me on the edge of my seat. Props to Tony Gilroy and crew thus far. This is the most energized I’ve been about something Star Wars related since The Last Jedi. Can’t wait for what comes next.

Also, of course Star Wars Theory didn’t like it as much and thought it was too slow because it didn’t have an Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi cameo, a lightsaber fight Or or some other indulgent fan service. And most of his fanbase is ragging on him for it. Serves him right. Not used to actual quality in Star Wars, huh?
Not that I expected them to make this look like it was made in the 70s but it definitely doesn’t feel like it’s the same universe as the OT. I like it so far though. It’s nice to not have something that is tied to the Skywalker saga.
Any Imperial/Rebellion story funnels into the Skywalker Saga, because that is their story. This is a side story in the Skywalker Saga. If you are going to tell the tale of a the rebellion against the Empire, it's always going to be that, and even know Cas' story ends with the Death Star as a direct lead into the first film. MM is a major character on this show, and honestly, I have a hard time thinking that none of the Emperor, Tarkin, or Big V show up.

If one is looking for something not tied to the Skywalker saga, that's probably Acolyte.
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Any Imperial/Rebellion story funnels into the Skywalker Saga, because that is their story. This is a side story in the Skywalker Saga. If you are going to tell the tale of a the rebellion against the Empire, it's always going to be that, and even know Cas' story ends with the Death Star as a direct lead into the first film. MM is a major character on this show, and honestly, I have a hard time thinking that none of the Emperor, Tarkin, or Big V show up.

If one is looking for something not tied to the Skywalker saga, that's probably Acolyte.

I mean, based on that logic, so will Acolyte, because it feeds into the story of the Sith, of the rule of two, and how they had been hiding and plotting for 2000 years till Sidious came along.
I mean, based on that logic, so will Acolyte, because it feeds into the story of the Sith, of the rule of two, and how they had been hiding and plotting for 2000 years till Sidious came along.
That's why I said might. Though I think it depends on what they make Sheev. If he's "the Sith", then yeah. But this is very different then that.

Andor isn't some original character not tied to the Skywalker story. Anakin and his master are responsible for the existence of the Empire and thus this occupation. They are responsible for where he finds himself. Andor's connected to it, fighting the war started and ended in those films. He's been in a film with Vader and Tarkin, that leads directly into Star Wars. He's part of the team that retrieves the damn Death Star plans. :funny:

Also in general, this stuff is confusing. Because is Rebels not connected to the Skywalker Saga? None of the main characters there are from the movies and yet.... yeah. Same for Mando.

Because if you come from the Skywalker Saga material (OT, PT, ST, TCW), fighting those wars, yeah, it's the Skywalker Saga. You wouldn't say someone involved with the goings during the time of GOT, "isn't connected to GOT". Of course they are. Just like anyone running around participating in the War for the Ring.
That's why I said might. Though I think it depends on what they make Sheev. If he's "the Sith", then yeah. But this is very different then that.

Andor isn't some original character not tied to the Skywalker story. Anakin and his master are responsible for the existence of the Empire and thus this occupation. They are responsible for where he finds himself. Andor's connected to it, fighting the war started and ended in those films. He's been in a film with Vader and Tarkin, that leads directly into Star Wars. He's part of the team that retrieves the damn Death Star plans. :funny:

Also in general, this stuff is confusing. Because is Rebels not connected to the Skywalker Saga? None of the main characters there are from the movies and yet.... yeah. Same for Mando.

Because if you come from the Skywalker Saga material (OT, PT, ST, TCW), fighting those wars, yeah, it's the Skywalker Saga. You wouldn't say someone involved with the goings during the time of GOT, "isn't connected to GOT". Of course they are. Just like anyone running around participating in the War for the Ring.

To quote a famous lying liar, "It all depends on your point of view".

For me, its rather easy. The movies are the Saga. Anything outside, not really. Some are closer to being a part of it, sure. Tough to argue that the Clone Wars isn't a big part of it. Lost Stars, even though it literally threads among the events of the movies, with big character cameos, I wouldn't. For me, Rogue One and Andor kind of fall into that same category as Lost Stars.
To quote a famous lying liar, "It all depends on your point of view".

For me, its rather easy. The movies are the Saga. Anything outside, not really. Some are closer to being a part of it, sure. Tough to argue that the Clone Wars isn't a big part of it. Lost Stars, even though it literally threads among the events of the movies, with big character cameos, I wouldn't. For me, Rogue One and Andor kind of fall into that same category as Lost Stars.
Using this logic, Obi-Wan, Mando, and TCW isn't Saga material. And that's just not accurate imo.

And I mean, Rogue One, really? It even ends on a terrifying shot of Leia. :hehe:
I was curious and decided to look up Cassian’s age. Apparently he was born in 26 BBY. The beginning of the show starts at 5 BBY. So, when we first see him in this series, he is 21 years old, and, if I’m guessing right, that flashback probably takes place about 10 years before the show starts, meaning he was probably 10 or 11 when he’s taken from his home planet. He goes from looking like that on Kenari to where we see him now in just the span of a decade.

This guy must’ve had a really hard life. Though, considering the time period, circumstances and environment he grew up in, not really hard to imagine that somebody would need to grow up super quickly, emotionally/mentally and physically like that, especially for someone doing what they needed to do and being who they needed to be to go against the Empire. That would put so much pressure and stress physically on anybody. Looking over your shoulder every day, carefully watching your every move and making sure you don’t screw up and make the slightest mistake. No wonder he was so stressed out these past few episodes after he screwed up.
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I had very low expectations for this show, and yet it still disappoints. It's boring. No character at all. The end of episode 3 was presented to be dramatic for each character, but I had no reason to care about any of them.

Using this logic, Obi-Wan, Mando, and TCW isn't Saga material. And that's just not accurate imo.

And I mean, Rogue One, really? It even ends on a terrifying shot of Leia. :hehe:

Like I said, its down to viewpoint. I mean, Lost Stars isn't, even though it weaves through the Saga. The Amidala books, which are almost as much Sabe books, are mainly because of the main characters.

For me, the story crossing paths with the Saga characters doesn't exactly make it part of the Saga.
I found it odd how on the nose the "did you swim over" dialogue was. There are a couple of these type of things in the show. We get it, he's Mexican. I hope this isn't the entire series. This is the first time I recall Star Wars bringing up an actors race in such a manner. At least I don't recall it in anything else Star Wars. Well I hope the writers are more clever than this.

I thought the guy who was really gung ho about his job was funny (Linus Mosk). I don't really buy Diego Luna as someone who can manhandle anyone, so they should stick to blaster fights with him. Any hand to hand fights Luna has just look comical. Maybe I don't see it because I see him more as comic relief. I never bought him as a cartel leader either in narcos. One of my favorite movies of his is Rudo y Cursi.

I was curious why everyone of the Pre-more except the deputy inspector (Kyle Soller) had accents. I wonder if they just wanted him to stand out more.

Overall the show is interesting. It does have what I wanted. A story set in the Star Wars galaxy. We have all these planets and never visit them. This show at least takes us to different places. I will give it more episodes.

Oh by the way that little droid, anyone else think he looks kind of phallic?
There's plenty of slight-racism in Clone Wars, Rebels, the prequels, and most recently in Boba Fett.

Star Wars has also had many instances of classism throughout the saga and in other mediums.
One thing I forgot to mention, while I was watching these three episodes, I found myself distracted, pausing and rewinding certain parts of scenes multiple times, not because of fan service or anything but wanting to look at props/set dressing/interiors to look at details and how everything might work and function in that world.

So much thought and care put into the little things to make it feel so real and lived in. That’s the sign of excellent production design right there.
Kyle Soller kinda reminds me of Holden Ford from Mindhunter... only more chaotic.

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