Season 2 Spoilers And Speculation

Okay, let me make myself clear. NO DEATHS, a stroke or coma maybe... but NO DEATHS I love Capt. Stacy no killing him!! He's like the Comm. Gordan of this show. Wanna of the main reasons Spidey's life isn't hell every day. The Green Goblin--he can get hit by his own glider and get amnesia but no KILLING. SECOND, why in Hell's name would they start a Season 2 if they wern't sure they'd get a Season 3?! To those who are worried about Season 3, don't be they'd be ending this series with a wierd sensation if they'd be stopping at season 2 why, WHY DO THAT SIRS?!! Period. Okay. I'm done.
2nd thing, to Rincewind, amazing little twist. I never would've guessed a Rhino and Spidey partnership. He HATES Spider-Man. So what do you think about a Spidey-Venom partnership now??:grin:
Only if they ever bring in Carnage who would pose a far greater threat.
They have always posted images of the villains before they aired as with Mysterio and Kraven and every other villain in season one. So I was wondering if maybe they had released any designs of him at Comic con or elsewhere?
Has anyone seen any images of Molten man?

I saw the new footage at Wondercon and saw him. He looked pretty wicked. From what I remember he didn't look to be in flames, but more like really hot metal. There was one part where he left what appeared to be a burnt handprint over the spider on Spidey's costume during a fight. I also got a chance to talk to the actor who plays him (Mark/Molten Man) on the show at the signing after the panel - he wasn't part of the panel but just happened to be there. Seemed like a really cool guy.
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^^ Awesome! So, it sounds to me like he'll look like he did in his first 2 or so appearances from the comics. He wasn't on fire in his first couple of appearances. :up:
I saw the new footage at Wondercon and saw him. He looked pretty wicked. From what I remember he didn't look to be in flames, but more like really hot metal. There was one part where he left what appeared to be a burnt handprint over the spider on Spidey's costume during a fight. I also got a chance to talk to the actor who plays him (Mark/Molten Man) on the show at the signing after the panel - he wasn't part of the panel but just happened to be there. Seemed like a really cool guy.
Sounds cool. I am looking forward to seeing him. MJ should play a major role in this ep with them falling for each other.
Okay, let me make myself clear. NO DEATHS, a stroke or coma maybe... but NO DEATHS I love Capt. Stacy no killing him!! He's like the Comm. Gordan of this show. Wanna of the main reasons Spidey's life isn't hell every day. The Green Goblin--he can get hit by his own glider and get amnesia but no KILLING. SECOND, why in Hell's name would they start a Season 2 if they wern't sure they'd get a Season 3?! To those who are worried about Season 3, don't be they'd be ending this series with a wierd sensation if they'd be stopping at season 2 why, WHY DO THAT SIRS?!! Period. Okay. I'm done.

Putting George Stacy in a coma's actually not a bad idea. I think that might well be how this season ends. Peter and Gwen finally get together and then her dad's hosPitalized, leading to stay with Peter and Aunt May like they did in Ultimate sPidey throwing yet another monkeywrench in their fledgling relationship.
I like how this season has set up for the next: we can tell what's going to happen!

One thing I have never understood: Why is it that Kingpin appeared in Mtv's Spiderman but can't in this show? At the time I thought the Daredevil movie was already out and Duncan did reprise the role!
Putting George Stacy in a coma's actually not a bad idea. I think that might well be how this season ends. Peter and Gwen finally get together and then her dad's hosPitalized, leading to stay with Peter and Aunt May like they did in Ultimate sPidey throwing yet another monkeywrench in their fledgling relationship.

Good idea, and very plausible. If we don't see it in this season, I would def expect to see it happen with Ock next.

Captain Stacy is getting a little too keen on Spidey's identity and his recent development means that it's only going to be tougher when everything hits the fan.
I'm just trying to point out if they want this show to go good, no deaths. That would actually be rather sad for kids.
can't wait for gangland next saturday kinda excited to see this saturday's ep.
can't wait for gangland next saturday kinda excited to see this saturday's ep.
Sounds cool about meeting the mark voice actor. i cant wait to see how molton man looks for the show.
It's friday the 13th at 8 am in Australia right now, so they already saw the final episode of the gang war arc. I hope someone come here to comment about it or upload the torrent.
Random thoughts:

- Miles will have a part in creating Moltenman?
- Foswell connected to the Bigman?

The vault Episode is coming up. As of right now, most of Spidey's rogue gallery is still free and at that most of them that are in captivity aren't superpowered without their gear. I wonder if we'll see or get reference to Spidey villains we haven't seen!
- At Ravencroft: Electro and the Powerless: John, Cleatus, and Eddie.
- Rykers: Rhino and Powerless Beck, Shocker, Ricochet and Ox.
I'm assuming that by the end of the Gang War arc, a couple of more baddies will get locked up, possibly Vulture for one?
I got some pictures from "Gangland." This was posted from another user from a different site. In this episode, it's Valentine's Day.

Gwen on Valentine's Day without glasses

Joan Jameson


Silvermane in battle

Remember these two from "Reaction"?
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Grew her hair out fast didn't she? And I guess she either switched to contacts or decided to go a night and see if she can manage without the glasses.

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