Seriously, Superman Returns vs. Spider-Man 3


Sep 15, 2005
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What would u watch if u could only see one.....

which one r u looking forward to more?
I will start the thread with Spider-Man 3...I loved the first two and I have full faith that the third will be just as good.
who cares, they are both gonna be worse than x3 so what's the big deal?

I'd go with :supes:, simply because I'd like to see him back on the big screen again in SOME form, and this movie already looks better than III or IV.

Of course, I'd also like to see anyone who doesn't have a Bat or 'S' on their chest, or even someone who doesn't have web-shooters or adamantium claws, put a dent in the box office for a change.
Odin's Lapdog said:
who cares, they are both gonna be worse than x3 so what's the big deal?


Wow Odin,you really think SM-3 is going to be that bad.Just out of curiosity,why??
Superman Returns.

I'm not a big fan of the Spider-Man movies, but if they get Venom and Sandman right and not have over half the movie about Peter and MJ having problems in their relationship (like S-M 2) it could be really good.
it seems that the aspects of the films i'm not too impressed with are the ones they are using to bring in the crowds and make it a 'sucess'

i don't know if i can sit through another dumbed down classic tale.

and this is coming from somone who hates x2 with a passion just to put things into perspective.

spidey three is definitely going to be another, 'just buy it for the fight scenes' dvd to add to the collection and i'm really getting tired of having loads of those kinda films...
I would probably spend the rest of my life debating this question
Batman333 said:
What would u watch if u could only see one.....

which one r u looking forward to more?

I'm looking forward to SR more. The Spider-Man movies have been a disappointment for me.

who cares, they are both gonna be worse than x3 so what's the big deal?


Spider-Man 3 maybe, but they've put in a lot of effort into this new SR movie. And from what I have heard, X3 isn't doing too hot to start with.
definitely SR. been eagerly waiting for it for ten damn years. plus I'm not the biggest fan of Maguire as Spidey.
Odin's Lapdog said:
who cares, they are both gonna be worse than x3 so what's the big deal?


I HIGHLY doubt that. Singer and Raimi have proven themselves and have an awesome track record. Ratner isn't near as safe a bet....but we shall see, won't we.

As for which I would rather that is tough.
I would have to say Spidey because I'm more of a Spider-man fan and feel invested in the continuing story already....but I think there is a strong possibility that Supes Returns might actually be the better film. Again...we shall see, won't we.
We've had two modern Spidey movies and there are very few second sequels that equal the previous films. However, we have not seen a full-on Superman movie for nearly twenty years, or 23 if you don't consider Superman IV a proper movie.

Theoretically you could apply the second sequels rule to SR, because it's basically Superman 3.2, but even so.....
co2 said:
I HIGHLY doubt that. Singer and Raimi have proven themselves and have an awesome track record. Ratner isn't near as safe a bet....but we shall see, won't we.
x2 was a half ass job really, it played safe and did just enough and for that reason i hated it. x1 runs off nostalgia, same with spidey

spidey 2 is a really quite poor with only really one main character to add and develop and it did a poor job of maturing the other characters in the film, they all are pretty much the same as they were at the end of the first film, no growth just changes in circumstance and this is supposed to be some years down the line, nah, i don't buy it.

supes as a character doesn't really appeal to me but i'll give it a try. as for spidey 3 i've learnt not to get my hopes up about these films cause they'll just annoy me.

i'm looking at x3 with a fresh new pair of eyes and seeing what it does to me but i think it's going in a decent direction based onwhat it's had to build on.
Odin's Lapdog said:
x2 was a half ass job really, it played safe and did just enough and for that reason i hated it. x1 runs off nostalgia, same with spidey

spidey 2 is a really quite poor with only really one main character to add and develop and it did a poor job of maturing the other characters in the film, they all are pretty much the same as they were at the end of the first film, no growth just changes in circumstance and this is supposed to be some years down the line, nah, i don't buy it.

supes as a character doesn't really appeal to me but i'll give it a try. as for spidey 3 i've learnt not to get my hopes up about these films cause they'll just annoy me.

i'm looking at x3 with a fresh new pair of eyes and seeing what it does to me but i think it's going in a decent direction based onwhat it's had to build on.

I guess we just have to agree to disagree, because I feel almost completely opposite as you on most of those points.
Spidey 3!!!! :up::up::spidey::spidey:

...yes, *turns off font
* I'm mocking him.
Jochimus said:
I'd go with :supes:, simply because I'd like to see him back on the big screen again in SOME form, and this movie already looks better than III or IV.

Of course, I'd also like to see anyone who doesn't have a Bat or 'S' on their chest, or even someone who doesn't have web-shooters or adamantium claws, put a dent in the box office for a change.

When that autobot is done with your room can he come clean my apartment?:up:

Oh, right, Spider-Man 3.
I couldn't choose.

I mean, they are a year apart and all we know of SUPERMAN RETURNS is the trailer and pics, and all we know of SPIDER-MAN 3 is SPIDER-MAN and SPIDER-MAN 2.

I am looking forward to both movies. At this point probably SUPERMAN RETURNS more, just because it is closer, but I am also looking forward to SUPERMAN RETURNS more than BATMAN II, which in two years, if they were coming out at the same time, wouldn't be the case. I don't even know if I'm looking forward to SUPREMAN RETURNS or X3: THE LAST STAND more at this point. All of the BIG FOUR: BATMAN, SUPERMAN, SPIDER-MAN, and X-MEN are being treated VERY well on film at this time, and I just want to enjoy it all.


Though both seem like they're spitting on their own comic origins.
co2 said:
I guess we just have to agree to disagree, because I feel almost completely opposite as you on most of those points.
i didn't come looking for a confontation, i just answered the given question. There was never going to be any malice from this side.

Let's see...I'm a die-hard Spidey fan & have no desire to see "Superman Returns"...what to do?

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