Share your wildest dreams for the Marvel Cinematic Universe


Oct 27, 2010
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What are some things that you would absolutely love to see in the MCU, but chances are will never actually happen? Don't be shy, go all-out with your hopes.

For me, I want to see a full-on live-action adaptation of Planet Hulk movie. That would be all I'd ever want from the MCU, and I think if done properly, it could be amazing.

Another more out-there idea I had was a "What If?" movie which would collect several vignettes of things happening differently in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, narrated by Uatu the Watcher (if Marvel even has the rights to him). Examples could be, I don't know, what if the Abomination were recruited on the Avengers, what if Jane Foster was worthy to wield Mjolnir, things like that. I'm sure other people could come up with better stories than I could, but I just think it's a really cool idea.

So, what do you guys want to see? Be it characters, stories, movie spin-offs, anything you can think of. No idea is too bizarre! ;)
Probably what's already in the making for phase 2. Other than that...a full symbiote trilogy for Spider-Man. He discovers the symbiote in the first film and wears it for the next two before purging it at the end of the second and fighting Venom in the third.
I want a Defenders movie and the FF included in the MCU, an ongoing movieverse that doesn't stick to tired old trilogy formulas and She-Hulk showing up sometime.
Infinity Gauntlet crossover epic trilogy a la Lord of the Rings in terms of running time, scope, and cultural impact. It would show the effect on past and present Avengers, Defenders, Inhumans, Heroes for Hire, Midnight Sons, Guardians of the Galaxy, SHIELD, SWORD, Kree (and Daredevil and Punisher =D), having been built up by movies for all of those entities previously. I guess the wilder dream would be to somehow get the rights to use Fantastic Four/Silver Surfer, X-Men and Spider-Man to REALLY make it have that epic crossover feel.

It's not really what I "hope" for since it's not realistic, but it's definitely a wild dream!
I want to see it expanded to 4 films a year, with maybe 2 or 3 TV shows running concurrently...FOREVER.
I think four films a year would dilute the brand, especially with Marvel properties at rival studios. Leave the audience wanting more.

I just want the films to continually get better and better.
Infinity Gauntlet crossover epic trilogy a la Lord of the Rings in terms of running time, scope, and cultural impact. It would show the effect on past and present Avengers, Defenders, Inhumans, Heroes for Hire, Midnight Sons, Guardians of the Galaxy, SHIELD, SWORD, Kree (and Daredevil and Punisher =D), having been built up by movies for all of those entities previously. I guess the wilder dream would be to somehow get the rights to use Fantastic Four/Silver Surfer, X-Men and Spider-Man to REALLY make it have that epic crossover feel.

It's not really what I "hope" for since it's not realistic, but it's definitely a wild dream!

Can't. It involves all of Marvel's superheroines and supervillainesses in a rumble pit filled with baby oil.
Defenders movie
A Pixar Inhumans princess movie
Marvel Studios gets the rights back to Fantastic Four
Luke Cage and Iron Fist solo movies leading to a Heroes for Hire flick
Black Panther in phase 3

I'm not going to dream about Marvel Studios getting back Spider-man and X-men because it will never happen.
Another more out-there idea I had was a "What If?" movie which would collect several vignettes of things happening differently in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, narrated by Uatu the Watcher (if Marvel even has the rights to him). Examples could be, I don't know, what if the Abomination were recruited on the Avengers, what if Jane Foster was worthy to wield Mjolnir, things like that. I'm sure other people could come up with better stories than I could, but I just think it's a really cool idea.

I always liked the idea of Pixar/Disney doing an animated version of this, even if it were straight-to-DVD.

And I'd also love for Uatu to show up in an MCU film, mostly an Avengers movie. I just like the whole idea of the character. It's so cool and an instant stake-raiser. Maybe save that for the third one, being like a "finale" to the current Avengers roster.
Fantastic Four in Phase III: an adaptation of Fantastic Four Annual #1
I want Ant Man to introduce Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, and have Bill Foster and Scott Lang working in his lab for him. Then I want Hank and Janet, who would be Ant Man and Wasp, to join the Avengers and Hank becomes Giant Man. Then in a solo/spin off type movie, Scott Lang becomes Ant Man. Later down the line, when Hank becomes Yellow Jacket, Bill Foster becomes the new Giant Man.
The whole time Hank, since the 1st film, has been working on an AI he started years ago with Tony Stark (leading to Jarvis) and in an Avengers film he finally finishes it (Ultron). I want Pym to have some serious mental illness like in the comics. He could have schizophrenia or something. During a breakdown he uses his own brain patterns to finish Ultron. Ultron becomes the living embodiment of all of Pym's dark thoughts, hatreds to his team and wife, and everything Pym has tried to hide or ignore. Then Ultron creates the Vision, a sort of grandfather failing his son, but can save the grandson type thing. Vision joins Pym and the Avengers in defeating Ultron.
I would love, but am not expecting it, to have Wonder Man join the team and be used for the brain patterns on the Vision, making them like brothers.
So then you have Hank and Janet, their "son" Ultron, Ultron's "son" Vision, and Vision's "brother" Wonder Man.

I would also like to see them not just recast Captain America and Thor and Iron Man, even though they plan to do that with Iron Man for his own movie, I would like to see other Avengers come in when the original actor's contracts are up. So in Avengers 2 (for example) bring in Pym and Janet. Then after Avengers 3 Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, and the rest, leave because their contracts are up and they don't want to play those characters anymore. So new Avengers are brought in, She-Hulk becomes an Avenger. Falcon becomes an Avenger, Wonder Man becomes an Avenger, Vision becomes an Avenger, Carol as Captain Marvel becomes an Avenger.
Then when the actors who play Hank and Janet leave fill their empty slots with two new actors playing two new Avengers. Like maybe Hercules.
And again, once those actor's contracts are up and they leave fill the empty spots with more Avengers. Bring in Namor, Black Panther, and so on.
Continue to stagger and rotate the cast (if the actor wants to leave because their contract is up). Like Law and Order, a cop would leave, be replaced but you still had the two lawyers and the chief and the other cop, but then later the DA would leave and maybe a lawyer would leave, but you still had the rest of the cast. People would leave and new people would come in, but not all at once.
Eventually the film could have Bucky as Captain America, once Evans leaves even, and Thunderstrike as the new Thor (maybe or not), War Machine in place of Iron Man, She-Hulk instead of Hulk, Swordsman in place of Hawkeye, the blond Black Widow in place of Natasha, etc.

I would love if the Fantastic Four became part of the Marve movie Universe. So that we could have a scene where Reed, Tony, Hank, and Banner, are all talking about science.

I'd like the MMU to at least be able to have mutants in their movies, like Scarlet Witch and Best, so they can become Avengers.
And I would like She-Hulk and Namor and Carol Danvers and other Avengers to be brought into the films too, it would be fun.
Infinity Gauntlet crossover epic trilogy a la Lord of the Rings in terms of running time, scope, and cultural impact. It would show the effect on past and present Avengers, Defenders, Inhumans, Heroes for Hire, Midnight Sons, Guardians of the Galaxy, SHIELD, SWORD, Kree (and Daredevil and Punisher =D), having been built up by movies for all of those entities previously. I guess the wilder dream would be to somehow get the rights to use Fantastic Four/Silver Surfer, X-Men and Spider-Man to REALLY make it have that epic crossover feel.

Yeah that's about right. Thanos as the meta Marvel villain in Marvel's best mega-crossover story. That's about perfect.
A complete and utter pipe dream, but a registration act film series with all of the supers involved.
A complete and utter pipe dream, but a registration act film series with all of the supers involved.
there are no secret identities yet in the MCU. Tony Starks identity is known to the public, Thor is, well, Thor, Steve Rogers is a living legend, Tasha and Clint are gov. agents anyhow, Rhodey works for the military too and even Bruce Banners identity is no big secret at least to the US army and SHIELD.
So why should a registration act be suggested? It makes no sense.
Secret Wars
The Defenders (including Nighthawk, Valkyrie and Hellcat)
Marvel Team-Up movies (not necessarily with just Spider-Man and someone else, but with any two characters)
HBO or other cable Marvel Knights TV series
Heroes For hire
there are no secret identities yet in the MCU. Tony Starks identity is known to the public, Thor is, well, Thor, Steve Rogers is a living legend, Tasha and Clint are gov. agents anyhow, Rhodey works for the military too and even Bruce Banners identity is no big secret at least to the US army and SHIELD.
So why should a registration act be suggested? It makes no sense.

Well, you should ask Marvel's animation team about that, seeing as they were hinting at a reg. act arc in EMH (through Maria Hill).

Being public does not equal official, or registered, for that matter. The Avengers are a motley crew doing favors for mankind under SHIELD, but SHIELD is not a government entity. The end of TA has snippets of gov. officials being concerned about The Avengers, seeing as they are not an official gov. team, having very little to no accountability. That's what it boils down to. A question of authority, accountability, responsibility, not, per se, whether something is public knowledge.

Besides, this is about "wildest dreams" in which I have included the X-Men et al. In the future, don't be so aggressive towards me and insinuate I'm stupid.
Well since this is a wildest dreams thread, how about a JLA Avengers team up?
Yeah, a Marvel Knights series on HBO has great potential.
I'd also like a movie of the Champions. Marvel already has Black Widow and Hercules. They just need to reacquire Ghost Rider (which can't be too difficult now unless Sony are still planning a 3rd movie), and also Angel and Ice Man. It would be cool if they did the storyline where they fight Crimson Dynamo, Titanium Man and the Griffin.
Well since this is a wildest dreams thread, how about a JLA Avengers team up?

I think Marvel Studios are the only ones who can save DC from the morons at Warners, anyway.
I would like Feige's plan of treating all the characters like James Bond to be used. Once an actor leaves a role, Marvel should simply slot another into it without bothering to reboot or retell the origin.

I want Marvel to build up to The Defenders after Doctor Strange and (hopefully) Namor the Submariner get their solo films. The Hulk and Hawkeye can join them, along with the Valkyrie and a few more heroes to be named later.

After The Defenders gets launched, my real dream is for a gigantic confrontation/collaboration of the superteams that spans three movies. Whether they go with the Avengers-Defenders War or Secret Wars, I want them to give us all-out battles with over a dozen heroes and villains fighting for their survival and that of the Earth itself.

Black Panther needs to have a solo outing in Phase 3. I don't care whether some Marvel exec can't imagine Wakanda; that's his problem. If they can imagine Asgard and the Nine Realms, they can damn well imagine an advanced African nation. Make it happen, damn it!

Hank Pym & Janet Van Dyne should have been included in The Avengers, but I'll settle for having them in the sequels. One of my wildest dreams is for Scott Lang (and O'Grady) to be forgotten altogether in favor of Hank becoming Ant-Man. Why use losers when the original is right there waiting for his shot? Hank leads to Jan -- the Wasp is an Avengers founder and deserves to be on the team just as much as any of the others.

I also want Captain Marvel on the team. No, not that one -- Captain Mar-Vell of the Kree. You can't do Thanos properly without Mar-Vell, IMO.

Scarlet Witch is a must for the Avengers' sequels. I don't care if they use her nutcase brother, but Wanda ia an essential Avengers and the team needs her. Scarlet Witch is also the most powerful superheroine Marvel has, which makes not having her on the roster a criminal oversight.
After Thor returns Loki to Asgard, Earth is left with a lot of cleaning up to do. New technologies arise and with them new evils. Iron Man confronts The Mandarin and many other foes. Thor would assist if only he weren't busy taking on Malekith and Kurse in the the Dark World. Captain America is also busy adjusting to the new world which is hard when adversaries from his past keep popping up, namely the Winter Soldier.

All the while, the universe is expanding. Janet Van Dyne confronts Stark about the well being of her colleague Henry Pym. Stark Industries is a major competitor in the fields of artificial intelligence and miniaturization, fields which Pym specializes in. Pym finds himself in over his head working for Advanced Idea Mechanics, run by the mysterious Arnim Zola.

Beyond the trials of Earth, a man by the name of Peter Quill and an unlikely band of heroes confront an interstellar danger, The Magus and his Universal Church of Truth. Whose faith threatens to destroy the fabric of the universe. When the threat proves too great, they must call upon the assistance of a Mad Titan. Sealing the fate of their inevitable doom.

On Earth, through a miscalculation and an unstable power source, an overwhelming evil is unleashed indirectly by Henry Pym's own hand. Together with Thor, Iron Man, Captain America and The Hulk he must assist in the defeat of his own creation, the machine known as Ultron, which has been reprogrammed to destroy The Avengers.

Soon after, he becomes Ant-Man, a hero. Though he is troubled and wracked with guilt over his failed creation. Through a series of identity crises and dangerous experiments taking him to the worlds beneath our feet, Ant-Man becomes a superhero.

After Ultron's defeat, the glowing red power source used in it's creation catches the eye of a cosmic presence...
lots of cosmic. infinity gauntlet. silver surfer origin, then parting ways with galactus and roaming the cosmos.

the kree and mar-vell. then the kree using the inhumans as weapons in space.
i also loved the war of kings stuff. rise and fall of the shi'ar, emperor vulcan, war of kings, realm of kings. gladiator getting some time to shine. then bringing the inhumans back to space and making them a big part was awesome.

always thought a kree skrull war sort of one off kind of story could be interesting. just 2 battalions of each side fighting each other. maybe showing a new recruit of from their respective sides the ropes. explaining in their own view why they hate each other.

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