Should DC/WB make a Justice Society of America Movie?

The Overlord

Mar 10, 2002
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This may seem premature, since a JLA movie hasn't even come out yet, but should DC/WB make a Justice Society of America Movie? If yes, how should it be handled?
How could they?

The real JSA is gone forever. DC has replaced it with the hack version in New 52 Earth 2.
How could they?

The real JSA is gone forever. DC has replaced it with the hack version in New 52 Earth 2.

That really does not matter for a movie, the movie makers can pick and choose which version of the JSA they want to put on screen. The movie makers are not beholden to current comic book continuity.
Well if DCE brands is behind it, they are.

They're going to want to promote the current brand of JSA.
YES. I absolutely love the JSA.

It will never happen though, at best an animated movie.
Well if DCE brands is behind it, they are.

They're going to want to promote the current brand of JSA.

The Nolan Batman movies seem to have little to do with how Batman is portrayed in the comics nowadays. WB will have more say then DCE itself and really changes in the comics will not matter and if they want a director that prefers one version of the JSA over another, that is the vision that will be screen.
The JSA is a much better product as compared to the JLA... as far as a live action movie is concerned (and the comics too! In all honesty, JLA makes for the best animated films). Sad, its the latter that they have chosen as their flagship team!

Anyway, I don't think they are gonna take it on until they hard-sell JLA!
If they're going to release the JSA, they better do it with Earth 2.
Its impossible to find tons of silver haired actors doing stunts.
I know I don't want to see 70 year old men wearing tightings running around calling themselves fastest man alive. ew
The only way I see WB making a JSA movie is if somebody with clout made it their personal project. The only guy I could *maybe* see pushing for it is Geoff Johns, but I don't think he has either the interest or the clout remaining.
If they're going to release the JSA, they better do it with Earth 2.
Its impossible to find tons of silver haired actors doing stunts.
I know I don't want to see 70 year old men wearing tightings running around calling themselves fastest man alive. ew
But that isn't the Justice Society. The majority of the movie would be in the 30s and 40s.
Not going to happen. DC didn't just choose the JLA as their "flagship team," the JLA is their flagship team and has been for a half century now. The JLA has big guns like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc. The JSA has no one on that level. Most of its members have no name recognition, or are lesser known versions of JLA members with the same name. The WB will probably want to avoid diluting the Justice League brand by confusing people with a JSA movie full of perceived nobodies. And this is all without even mentioning the fact that the JSA isn't even the JSA anymore, as several people have pointed out here.
Vandal Savage vs. JSA

Pretty much Savage tracks down and acquires the Spear of Destiny for Hitler, instead betrays him and uses it to lead his own army to conquer the world, gives his army, weaponry and machinery supernatural powers...enter JSA.

JSA cast a mixture of classic and contemporary.
My gut line-up:
Hawks; reincarnated versions, at the end sacrifice themselves, and set up for Hawk franchise where they are reborn in new contemporary setting, and have to find themselves again.
Green Lantern; Alan Scott gothic, caped supernatural version, no implicit ties to the Corps, no real constructs more energy blasts, portals, simple walls of flame, platforms etc.
Flash: Jay Garrick - Classic Mercury/Doughboy helmet
Stars & Stipes; Courtney Whitmore & Pat Dugan with Deco/Dieselpunk style armor.
Sandman: Wesley Dodds straight pulp version, fedora, cape, gas-gun, grappling-gun etc
Mr. Terrific - Michael Holt version - Physicist, again his tec. and Spheres would be more Deco/Dieselpunk->leading to Atomic, he'd be at the forefront of new tec.
Liberty Belle - Classic -Libby Lawrence; Veronica Lake/Vargas look, her image is on bombers etc. Strenght, speed tide to (masonic vibration waves emanating off bell.
Dr. Fate -Mystic, recluse
Specter: not so much as a team member or even ally but more a force they must contend with, ultimately a witness that will judge them, for better or worse.

Wildcat, Black Canary (Dinah Drake), The Atom, Hourman, Midnight, Joaquin Thunder and others
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I love your ideas but you need Hourman, Atom, The Spectre, and Black Canary. They are essential.
Which is part of the problem: the JSA has a *big* cast, and you'll be hard pressed to get people to agree on who to use and who to drop.
How about Green Lantern/Alan Scott, Flash/Jay, Hourman, the Atom, Wild Cat, Black Cannary, Star Girl, San Man, Mr. Terrific, Dr. Fate, and Hawkgirl.
Or make the plot like Captain America, a period movie set during WWII starring Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Hour Man, Wild Cat, Hawkgirl, The Atom, Dr. Fate, and Mr. Terrific.
The idea could be what if the Avengers had formed during WWII. They are powered individuals during the Worlds worst war, what do they do?
I love your second idea. Though if would make sense to put Hawkman in before Mr.Terrific. Sense he was an original member and is MUCH more interested.
They should make it, however DC/WB should prioritize their main heroes first such as Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, etc.
But that isn't the Justice Society. The majority of the movie would be in the 30s and 40s.

earth 2 is the current justice society. if they are set in the 30s, its going to suck so bad and look so corny.
Not really. You have to handle it with a Noir vibe, kind of like the Gotham City in Burtons Batman movies. Very stylized.
My opinion would be that a Justice Society film would take away from any Justice League project. Lets see where they go with Justice League and then try and figure out how to market the Justice Society later.
In the Flash movie, have a retired Jay Garrick show up as a mentor figure for Barry and Wally.

Give Alan Scott a cameo in the next GL movie.

In the Justice League movie, have Flash geek out for a moment and comment on how the League is like the Justice Society of old.

If done right, that should develop enough intrigue in a JSA movie.

If not, take it a step further and have Vandal Savage as the villian in JL 2, and have him comment on how he's been fighting superhero teams for years. Then have a JSA movie with Savage as the villian.

On a side note, I kinda want to see a Vandal Savage trilogy with him facing the JSA, the JLA, and the LOS respectively.
I think the best chance for a JSA film to happen is to do it as a prequel to a JLA film.

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