Anyone else think Marvel should get rid of these guys, or at least keep them away from writing. Ultimate Avengers and Ultimate Avengers II were decent but after seeing that crap @$$ Invincible Iron Man I had to speak up. After seeing the preview for Iron man I got really excited and I was hoping for a decent animated Iron Man movie but was sorely disapointed. These guys can't write their way out of a paper bag as far as I'm concerned, and what the hell is up with using cgi for the iron man battles does it cost less to do it that way? Whenever I watch any DC cartoon I'm on the edge of my seat and the animation is amazing, but with these marvel animated movies I really don't feel anything and if I do it's anger as in why the hell did I waste my money on this crap? It all comes back to these two idiots Craig Kyle and Greg Johnson, I say fire these two nimrods and hire Bruce Timm and the writing staff of Justice League Unlimited so they can deliver some awesome animated marvel movies/TV shows. We really need some new blood in Marvel Studios or were just going to keep getting these terrible animated projects, and god knows how they are going to mess up spidey's origin in his new cartoon or any hero that gets animated.