Should we Water Board Celldog to save lives?

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Mr Sparkle

Feb 8, 2005
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so, should we?
I mean, for Freedom and stuff?
I heard we can get good intel by torturing people and I feel there's nigh a better candidate for a good water-boarding-fest-o-fun.


the Hype Rules and regulations frown upon attacking posters, and I completely agree.
and since Celldog was banned long ago and hasn't returned (sic) therefore this should be fine.

so you posted a thread about torturing a poster who is no longer do you suggest we do that?
Heheh. :woot:

Just posting on here before the thread is closed. :up:
Some members of this message board are so hostile...:csad:
vote for mee/xchick on tuesday
bullets said:
vote for mee/xchick on tuesday

No, I'm not going to vote; this is just an Internet message board.:dry:
No, I'm not going to vote; this is just an Internet message board.:dry:

there are plenty of threads with polls ; are you saying you wouldnt vote in any of them
Mr Sparkle said:
and others lack a sense of humor.:csad:

I actually do have a sense of a humor; I just don't think there's any humor in joking about torturing people.:csad:
I actually do have a sense of a humor; I just don't think there's any humor in joking about torturing people.:csad:

now you must face the -gauntlet of death-
I actually do have a sense of a humor; I just don't think there's any humor in joking about torturing people.:csad:

it doesnt have to be torture. we could cut his balls off with scissors in one clean snip. dont be such a baby :csad:
Toven said:
it doesnt have to be torture. we could cut his balls off with scissors in one clean snip. dont be such a baby :csad:

Will he feel any pain?:csad:
I actually do have a sense of a humor; I just don't think there's any humor in joking about torturing people.:csad:

perhaps some sleep deprivation will change your mind.
I actually do have a sense of a humor; I just don't think there's any humor in joking about torturing people.:csad:

Slim - I mean, celldog, - isn't a person. He's a bloody cartoon character. And I for one see no harm in doing harm to a cartoon character. Most times it's pretty funny.

Look at Wile E. Coyote.
Kritish said:
Go grow some.

OK, neo-con.:cwink:

Mr Sparkle said:
perhaps some sleep deprivation will change your mind.

I already am sleep-deprived.:csad:

Superhobo said:
Slim - I mean, celldog, - isn't a person. He's a bloody cartoon character. And I for one see no harm in doing harm to a cartoon character. Most times it's pretty funny.

Look at Wile E. Coyote.

This is a valid point...
so, should we?
I mean, for Freedom and stuff?
I heard we can get good intel by torturing people and I feel there's nigh a better candidate for a good water-boarding-fest-o-fun.


the Hype Rules and regulations frown upon attacking posters, and I completely agree.
and since Celldog was banned long ago and hasn't returned (sic) therefore this should be fine.


Perhaps this might keep him outta the NFL thread:cwink: I suggest that this be a joint effort between you, Matt, StorminNorman, and Fran. I would happy to be a spectator though.
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