"Turn it 'round and stick up your goddamn ass!"
It was this skinny, homeless guy pushing his cart around. He was shirtless, so you could see that, while he was pretty thin, he was kinda ripped ...which was weird in itself.
Seeing as how I'm so easily amused, I followed this guy, about half a block back, for 2 or 3 blocks. He's just randomly yelling it; sometimes at people, sometimes in the air. He keeps changing the inflection of some of the words and adding emphasis to the end. By the time, I lose interest, he's basically at "turnitroundandstickitupyourgoddamnASS!"
The last thing I see is him walking right behind some guy in a business suit and delivering a deliberate "Turnitround and stickit up your God. Damn. Ass!", complete with 'Oh, no he didn't, girlfriend' head motion. I decide to bail and go grab a sandwich. As I'm coming back, I see he's been arrested and is crying while sitting down, handcuffed, doing his best Nancy Kerrigan impression, screaming 'WHY?!' at the top of his lungs.
Man, that was a good sandwich.