Silver Surfer vs Thor


May 26, 2012
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These two Marvel powerhouses have clashed over the years in some stunning battles. While it was clear in Stan Lee's day that Thor was Marvel's most powerful superhero, post Annihilation Silver Surfer beat Beta Ray Bill (roughly, Thor's equal in strength and power) without even trying.

So who comes out on top these days and why do you say so?
They fought last year and it was pretty much a tie, although it was interrupted by Sif.
I think it says "who's more powerful" not "who'd win in a fight" and it's been shown and stated several times that Thor is "more powerful".
Without a doubt...

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Thirty years ago, Thor wins hands down. Nowadays, Surfer would destroy the son of Odin.
its tough. Because given how marvel hates Thor and Surfer, it will be a good fight. Both characters get written ******, and both get their asses kicked, so therefor, they would probably stalemate.

In terms of power, I'd give the edge in raw power to Surfer. Though Thor is a better fighter.
Thor controlls the lightening and thunder. The Surfer is posseser of the POWER COSMIC!!!! BOOM!!!!! All she wrote!
I have always considered Surfer as more powerful, and their recent confrontation in Fractions run proved it, while Thor showed visible injuries and moments of pain, Surfer barely showed any, once exlaiming he was slightly hurt by the crash-landing on Mars.

Thor was giving Surfer many heavy blows, and Surfer was just shrugging them off like they were nothing, so Surfer for me, though I have read a lot more SS than Thor.
I have always considered Surfer as more powerful, and their recent confrontation in Fractions run proved it, while Thor showed visible injuries and moments of pain, Surfer barely showed any, once exlaiming he was slightly hurt by the crash-landing on Mars.

Thor was giving Surfer many heavy blows, and Surfer was just shrugging them off like they were nothing, so Surfer for me, though I have read a lot more SS than Thor.

do you also remember in that fight, when surfer said the landing hurt him? Thor said he didn't feel a thing. Thor also didnt really use powers that fight. Thor is a warrior, surfer isn't. If both cut loose (excluding surfer's speed, as always lol) I would give the edge to thor, due to him being a warrior. We have seen thor at his best, and I just don't see him loosing to surfer
Depends on which Thor and Which Surfer really. Rune Thor and the Surfer at THAT time, Thor could wipe Sufer out of existance.
do you also remember in that fight, when surfer said the landing hurt him? Thor said he didn't feel a thing. Thor also didnt really use powers that fight. Thor is a warrior, surfer isn't. If both cut loose (excluding surfer's speed, as always lol) I would give the edge to thor, due to him being a warrior. We have seen thor at his best, and I just don't see him loosing to surfer

To be honest I just thought that was Thor being a bit boastful, he looked in pain to me but as you said he is a warrior and isnt going to give it away if he was hurt.

Surfer didnt use many powers in that fight either, to me it looked like Thor was trying to hurt Surfer, which he couldnt, were as Surfer was just trying to talk to Thor and hold him off. Not to mention Thor cut his head just head-butting the Surfer. I think if it came down to it, Surfer would win.
Depends on which Thor and Which Surfer really. Rune Thor and the Surfer at THAT time, Thor could wipe Sufer out of existance.

Rune Thor was a whole different monster lol I don't think anyone below elder god level would be much of an issue

To be honest I just thought that was Thor being a bit boastful, he looked in pain to me but as you said he is a warrior and isnt going to give it away if he was hurt.

Surfer didnt use many powers in that fight either, to me it looked like Thor was trying to hurt Surfer, which he couldnt, were as Surfer was just trying to talk to Thor and hold him off. Not to mention Thor cut his head just head-butting the Surfer. I think if it came down to it, Surfer would win.

we have seen thor hurt the surfer when he REALLY was out for blood though

and not really, I mean, he had that pissed off look on his face. And he would give away. because Thor had a wound in his side, and he wasn't boastful about that. RIght after the landing, after thor said he didn't feel a thing, Surfer asks him about the wound tat he had on his side, asking him the significance, and he said it hurt like hell. Admitting pain, yet he fought on. Surfer used more powers than thor did, and he was certainly pissed. The surfer isn't stupid. He sees Thor is pissed, he's gunna try to stop him. He was blasting him and such, all thor really did was punch and headbutt. His head bled, sure, but he dented Surfer's head with that headbutt. I wouldn't exactly say he was cutting loose. I would say he was more pissed off, and trying to hurt him. Him saying he will kill the surfer on mars, that's him being boastful. We've seen how powerful thor is when he cuts loose. Remember in blood in thunder when he kicked the **** out of the surfer? BEFORE he got the power gem. It was later revealed that he wasn't under warrior's madness, which means, no powerup. He was just psychotic and was literally out for blood, the beating he gave the surfer, that was all under his own power. THAT is one of the few times I can recall thor really cutting loose. YES Surfer has been powered up. YES, the silver surfer held back a bit in that fight, but thor still beat him up, easily. Holding back doesn't make you less durable. Excluding surfer's speed, cause he hardly uses it, if he cuts loose, and if Thor cuts loose like he did, based on what we saw in Blood and Thunder, and his warrior's heart, I think he would still manage to defeat surfer. It wouldn't be a beating, but I think he would defeat him.
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To be honest I just thought that was Thor being a bit boastful, he looked in pain to me but as you said he is a warrior and isnt going to give it away if he was hurt.

Surfer didnt use many powers in that fight either, to me it looked like Thor was trying to hurt Surfer, which he couldnt, were as Surfer was just trying to talk to Thor and hold him off. Not to mention Thor cut his head just head-butting the Surfer. I think if it came down to it, Surfer would win.

Actually Surfer's head was dented in by Thor's head butt, I'd much rather have a cut than an apple sized dent in my head.

Actually Surfer's head was dented in by Thor's head butt, I'd much rather have a cut than an apple sized dent in my head.


Yeah, if Thor is serious, like..serious, given the Surfers nature, Thor takes him
^Bump or not, Thor was the aggressor and there was still more damage to him than SS. I know in the past Thor has beaten SS, but nowadays the Surfer takes it and this fight proved it.

Thor was TRYING to hurt SS, trying to put him down and take him out of the fight, Surfer was just trying to hold Thor off and talk him down. Nothing Thor did really hurt SS, when they landed on Mars it was Surfer who hurtled them toward it so again Thor didnt hurt him then either. Look at the image when they grapple for the hammer, Thor is putting all his effort into it, screaming with effort in fact, yet Surfer is still just talking normal, then Thor head-butts him once he knows he cant beat SS strength-wise.

If both modern versions of the characters went at it hell for leather, the Surfer takes it for me.
^Bump or not, Thor was the aggressor and there was still more damage to him than SS. I know in the past Thor has beaten SS, but nowadays the Surfer takes it and this fight proved it.

Thor was TRYING to hurt SS, trying to put him down and take him out of the fight, Surfer was just trying to hold Thor off and talk him down. Nothing Thor did really hurt SS, when they landed on Mars it was Surfer who hurtled them toward it so again Thor didnt hurt him then either. Look at the image when they grapple for the hammer, Thor is putting all his effort into it, screaming with effort in fact, yet Surfer is still just talking normal, then Thor head-butts him once he knows he cant beat SS strength-wise.

If both modern versions of the characters went at it hell for leather, the Surfer takes it for me.

"that hurt even me.." - Surfer

I didn't feel a thing" - Thor

This fight to me proved no different than any other thor fight.
Thirty years ago, Thor wins hands down. Nowadays, Surfer would destroy the son of Odin.

Thor if anything has gotten stronger, sadly he is not always written that way, so if Thor beats Surfer as Stan Lee and kirby made him, Thor beats surfer when he is written correctly. The creator gets the final say in my book, not whoever is currently writing them, at least for overall who would win comparisons. Thor was designed to be the most powerful person in the marvel universe, I believe Stan Lee has even stated this, when he was talking about creating a character stronger than the Hulk, and thus Thor created.
"that hurt even me.." - Surfer

I didn't feel a thing" - Thor

This fight to me proved no different than any other thor fight.

Thor looked hurt though, he isnt going to show it to an opponent though and give them an advantage. Again all throughout Thor was trying to hurt Surfer with all of his might and couldnt. Surfer was just holding off Thor and trying to talk him down, not really trying to fight and suffered minimal damage. The Mars landing may have hurt him but that was Surfer's own doing, nothing to do with Thor.
Thor looked hurt though, he isnt going to show it to an opponent though and give them an advantage. Again all throughout Thor was trying to hurt Surfer with all of his might and couldnt. Surfer was just holding off Thor and trying to talk him down, not really trying to fight and suffered minimal damage. The Mars landing may have hurt him but that was Surfer's own doing, nothing to do with Thor.

honestly, it seems like you are basing your opinion off this one fight alone. You said you haven't read a lot of thor, and unless people read Thor, you really don't know how powerful he really is, and how much heart he really has when he cuts lose. And my friend, this isn't it.

You've got to take my word, and everyone else's word here, that this fight is not Thor cutting lose. Thor, under his own power, Thor cutting lose is a whole different monster than this fight shows. Thor's holding back is almost involuntary now, he has been shown, on panel, to forget that his holding back, and forget that he has more power and strength than what he is using. I have read a lot of Surfer in the past, and my opinion is that thor written correctly, without holding back takes on the surfer. Thor had the power to knock out the surfer BEFORE his powerup in about 4 or 5 blows. Surfer has been powered up, but not too much. The fight we are talking about, a few years ago, where the scans were posted, it wasn't any different than anything other fight.

Do you think this surfer can take on Thanos?
honestly, it seems like you are basing your opinion off this one fight alone. You said you haven't read a lot of thor, and unless people read Thor, you really don't know how powerful he really is, and how much heart he really has when he cuts lose. And my friend, this isn't it.

Well I am not just basing it on this fight, I have seen/read a good few Hulk/Thor fights and never seen Thor win, also I have seen/read a good few SS/Hulk fights as well and never seen Hulk win, so as well as this fight, there is the fact that Surfer beats Hulk every time he fights him and yet Thor very rarely beats Hulk.

Also Surfer beat Beta Ray Bill, who is the equal of Thor, with ease, not to mention in The Annihilators, Ikon identifies the Surfer as the most powerful of the team by some way and this team includes Beta Ray Bill also.

You've got to take my word, and everyone else's word here, that this fight is not Thor cutting lose. Thor, under his own power, Thor cutting lose is a whole different monster than this fight shows. Thor's holding back is almost involuntary now, he has been shown, on panel, to forget that his holding back, and forget that he has more power and strength than what he is using. I have read a lot of Surfer in the past, and my opinion is that thor written correctly, without holding back takes on the surfer. Thor had the power to knock out the surfer BEFORE his powerup in about 4 or 5 blows. Surfer has been powered up, but not too much. The fight we are talking about, a few years ago, where the scans were posted, it wasn't any different than anything other fight.

I know Thor is powerful, from what little I have seen of him (though I say little, I have read at least 5 TPB's in which he had a major part), but Surfer has the edge for me.

Do you think this surfer can take on Thanos?

Nope, but I dont think Thor could take on Thanos either. Its not like I am being biased. I am bigger Hulk fan than SS fan yet I acknowledge Hulk has never beaten SS in a fight and isnt as powerful as him.
Well I am not just basing it on this fight, I have seen/read a good few Hulk/Thor fights and never seen Thor win, also I have seen/read a good few SS/Hulk fights as well and never seen Hulk win, so as well as this fight, there is the fact that Surfer beats Hulk every time he fights him and yet Thor very rarely beats Hulk.

Also Surfer beat Beta Ray Bill, who is the equal of Thor, with ease, not to mention in The Annihilators, Ikon identifies the Surfer as the most powerful of the team by some way and this team includes Beta Ray Bill also.

SS has also said that the magic of Mjolnir is more powerful than his own cosmic power, and Thor's most powerful attacks come from himself, not Mjolnir.

Thor has beat Hulk several times. Even killed him when not holding back.

But if we're talking fights we can just look at SS vs Thor. Thor has beaten SS.
^Its been a while since Thor has beaten him though, that is the point of the thread, in terms of todays version of the characters, which the thread creator specified, I think Silver Surfer takes this every time.

Also, Hulk has beat Thor A LOT more times than vice-versa, and yet Hulk has never beaten SS, ever.
The Surfer wins easily these days, but I'd still rather read Thor.

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