Just finished. AWESOME, loved it! Hemsworth completely owns the role
Ok, now I've got home and had time to think about the film, here's some more thoughts on it.....
In terms of storyline, it's very simplistic in a way, with obvious Shakespearean influences (the wise father and his 2 opposing sons - a format that's been used in countless other fables and stories). That's perhaps why Branagh was attracted to doing
Thor in the first place. But with strong performances from all involved, clear motivations for all characters and the vast differences between the locations shown (the colourful, almost magical Asgard versus the dusty desert of New Mexico), he manages to surround the story with so much vigour and energy that you can't help but be absorbed by it.
I honestly couldn't say there were any bad performances in the film. I'll mention the Earth-based performances first. Portman is perfectly adequate as Jane Foster; I use the word adequate simply because her character is earth based, and a large portion of the movie takes place on Asgard - so she's never really given anything too meaty to play with other than to play potential love interest to Thor. What she does, she does well though. The casting of Stellan Skarsgard was a nice touch; he comes across very convincingly as a scientist and of course his Norse background is made use of in the film. Kat Dennings is really only there as light comic relief, but I was pleased to see that she's nowhere near as annoying a character as some of the trailers and TV spots may have implied. And of course, there's Clark Gregg (Agent Coulson) - doing his thing just as he did in Iron Man.
And then there's the Asgardian characters. Thor's warriors (Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral and Sif) all get an adequate amount of screen time and turn in varied and convincing performances. Rene Russo is underused in my opinion, but is as dependable as ever. She's got that MILFy queen look down to a tee

. And then there's Idris Elba, who is fantastic as Heimdall - he brings a gravitas and sense of power to the 'gatekeeper' role which thoroughly convinces you that he is not to be messed with.
Which brings us to the 3 main characters, which is how I would class them. Anthony Hopkins can do stuff like this in his sleep, but he is perfectly cast as Odin nonetheless - powerful, wise and benevolent, he plays the character just as I imagined him. Tom Hiddleston is also perfectly cast as Loki; he has that cheeky, impish look about him which works perfectly as the mischievous Loki, and he manages to actually make us feel a little bit of sympathy for Loki despite his actions and intentions as the villain of the film.
And last but not least, there is Chris Hemsworth as Thor. Considering this is his first large role in headlining a summer movie ................... to me, he's just a revelation and completely
owns the Thor role - the voice, the mannerisms, his physical power and size - all perfect. And asides from nailing the character, he also nails his arc perfectly - starting off as this hugely arrogant and swaggering warrior, who eventually learns - by helping those much less powerful than him - a big lesson in humility. Hemsworth is as perfectly cast as Thor, as RDJ was in the first Iron Man film - I just couldn't imagine anyone else doing it now.
Some reviews have complained that the Earth-based bits of the film are boring in comparison to the Asgard bits, but I found them fine - it injects some variety into the look and feel of the film, and also serves to highlight the vast differences between the 'realms' as depicted on screen. And to be honest, there's so much colour, majesty and spectacle going on in the Asgard scenes that the Earth scenes are almost needed just to calm things down again. Not that things ever stay calm for too long; there is a
lot of action in this film, and I was sitting with a smile on my face every time I saw Mjolnir put to good use.
Superman Returns this is not. A few weeks ago, fans were going crazy with questions - does Thor swing Mjolnir? Does he bring down lightning? Does he fly? Without spoiling too much .......................... you'll not be disappointed with Branagh's treatment of the character.
On the subject of Asgard, I should also add that that the special effects throughout the film are top notch - Asgard is truly a wonder to behold, and asides from one weak moment, there is very little on screen which comes off as obvious CGi. Big thumbs up to the FX people.
So all in all, I loved the film. I'll concede that from a storyline perspective it's
not some innovative and complex masterpiece like you would find crafted by Nolan and his team; it's simple at heart. But you know what? That approach works perfectly, and as a story it fits with the character of Thor perfectly. It's a big, colourful, action-filled summer movie, and it's also a very, very good superhero movie. I'm itching to see Thor in the Avengers now. I'll give it a solid 9/10.