Simpsons, worst episode ever!


May 24, 2007
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Tonight's episode of the Simpsons was a total betrayal of the whole series.
They had it set in the 90's, completely changing and ruining the past time line of the Simpsons. I know I don't have to thik of it as continuity and just their stupid joke, but it was stupid.

The show's gone way down hill the last few years, but I always tried to keep hope it would find better writers but tonight was the last straw.

Bart's like oh the 90's don't know anything about it. Then Homer invented Grunge! So stupid. It destroyed the nice little romantic cute back story of Homer and Marge. Homer payed for her to go to college and she started dating her professor while with homer, and he's paying for her to go to college!!!:cmad:

Another dumb thing, Homer got a job working for his dad at Abe's Laser tag place. :csad:

They ruined the whole back story they already had set up. To me this did not happen.

And when Homer and Marge were in the mini golf course inside the wind mill they didn't even look the same as they did before. even in another show when they showed that again they kept up continuity. This was total crap!:cmad: I won't watch the dumb show again.
I stopped watching the show YEARS ago. I'm still surprised that the movie turned out good.
They dropped the ball like 6 years ago. No one has picked it up since.
I wasn't aware The Simpsons had a real continuity.:huh:
I stopped religiously watching the show in the early nineties, & when I went to see the movie. I laughed at the fact that obviously nothing had changed. How this show has stayed on for so long, doing the same shtick is beyond me.
people are still watching this show?!?!?
Shame....better things have replaced it now anyway.
Well i still love it :)

(even though it isnt as good as it used to be)
Gosh I saw this episode. I HATED it too. I thought I was the only one.

Retconning the characters to the 90s, Homer in a boyband =/

They should just end the series now and do movies every now and then. This sucked.
Simpsons is poopoo now.
I think what ended up happening was that the best writers and (maybe artists) left the show to work on the movie.
So they hired on new writers and artists to work on the show while the others were away.
As for last nights episode I can't say because I haven't seen it yet, but my guess is that after so many seasons (what is this season 14?) that it is hard to come up with new ideas.
From what I know about that episode it sounds like the barbershop quartet story but with a 90s Nirvana twist. If it somehow worked in the continuity (and yes there is somewhat of a continuity) the show might have worked. (or maybe I am wrong. since I haven't actually seen it.)

It reminds me of Spider-Man and Captain America and Batman, the whole superhero age thing. Having Cap originally unfreeze like around the 70s I think, then the 90s, and now in 2000.
When a character is so popular that they stay so long but they don't actually age stories sometimes become hard.

Also, maybe a writer just came up with what they thought was a really great idea for the show and for the characters. And thought it overrided continuity. Or maybe they had a deadline to finish and didn't care about continuity.

I think that this is the last season of the Simpsons anyway because I heard the movie would be the series closer. But maybe it wont, I hope.
I would greatly miss the Simpsons.
But maybe they will make many Simpsons movies and because they have so much time to focus on each the stories and animation will be outstanding.
I stopped watching the simpsons before the millennium switched over.
Tonight's episode of the Simpsons was a total betrayal of the whole series.
They had it set in the 90's, completely changing and ruining the past time line of the Simpsons. I know I don't have to thik of it as continuity and just their stupid joke, but it was stupid.

The show's gone way down hill the last few years, but I always tried to keep hope it would find better writers but tonight was the last straw.

Bart's like oh the 90's don't know anything about it. Then Homer invented Grunge! So stupid. It destroyed the nice little romantic cute back story of Homer and Marge. Homer payed for her to go to college and she started dating her professor while with homer, and he's paying for her to go to college!!!:cmad:

Another dumb thing, Homer got a job working for his dad at Abe's Laser tag place. :csad:

They ruined the whole back story they already had set up. To me this did not happen.

And when Homer and Marge were in the mini golf course inside the wind mill they didn't even look the same as they did before. even in another show when they showed that again they kept up continuity. This was total crap!:cmad: I won't watch the dumb show again.
I agree with you, pal. The Simpsons have definitly gone done hill, the only episodes I liked were the re-runs of the old ones from the 90s, but now they`re just so lackluster. It seems like in every episode they try to make audiences laugh but fail. Where`s the love? The Simpsons Movie was incredible, I loved it because they didn`t just rely on humour but more on the characters and they`re history and they`re chemistry. I really did like the Homer and Marge conflict because it really took a closer look at they`re relationship and added in some 'real world' aspects as well which was really something that I thought was well done for the film. I really do like the humourous aspects of the series but if they keep disappointing audiences like this they will be on the plank and ready to be canceled, and I really don`t want to see them go down like that because they had such a great run and it would be a shame to have it end like that:csad:
Tonight's episode of the Simpsons was a total betrayal of the whole series.
They had it set in the 90's, completely changing and ruining the past time line of the Simpsons. I know I don't have to thik of it as continuity and just their stupid joke, but it was stupid.

The show's gone way down hill the last few years, but I always tried to keep hope it would find better writers but tonight was the last straw.

Bart's like oh the 90's don't know anything about it. Then Homer invented Grunge! So stupid. It destroyed the nice little romantic cute back story of Homer and Marge. Homer payed for her to go to college and she started dating her professor while with homer, and he's paying for her to go to college!!!:cmad:

Another dumb thing, Homer got a job working for his dad at Abe's Laser tag place. :csad:

They ruined the whole back story they already had set up. To me this did not happen.

And when Homer and Marge were in the mini golf course inside the wind mill they didn't even look the same as they did before. even in another show when they showed that again they kept up continuity. This was total crap!:cmad: I won't watch the dumb show again.
You do realize that the Simpsons writers have retconed the characters histories before. Most of the secondary characters on the show have at least 2 origins. Usually contraticting each other.

Also Armin Tanzarian.

Majik1387 said:
I wasn't aware The Simpsons had a real continuity.
QFT! :word:
The last episode of "The Simpsons" I remember ever watching was the big event episode where Mrs. Flanders was killed by a T-Shirt Gun.
i enjoyed the episode, but then again i didnt take it so seriously. i mean if you want logical continuity it doesnt really make sense that marge and homer had bart right out of high school when bart is ten and they are near 40. :o

How old is Bart?
How many Christmas episodes has he been in?
See? Continuity shattered into tiny pieces.

How old is Bart?
How many Christmas episodes has he been in?
See? Continuity shattered into tiny pieces.

Yeah, I remember one Christmas episode where Homer recounting Christmas past according to whether he ruined or saved them, they've all occured while Bart has been 10 years old and that was at least 5 years ago.
Tonight's episode of the Simpsons was a total betrayal of the whole series.
They had it set in the 90's, completely changing and ruining the past time line of the Simpsons. I know I don't have to thik of it as continuity and just their stupid joke, but it was stupid.

The show's gone way down hill the last few years, but I always tried to keep hope it would find better writers but tonight was the last straw.

Bart's like oh the 90's don't know anything about it. Then Homer invented Grunge! So stupid. It destroyed the nice little romantic cute back story of Homer and Marge. Homer payed for her to go to college and she started dating her professor while with homer, and he's paying for her to go to college!!!:cmad:

Another dumb thing, Homer got a job working for his dad at Abe's Laser tag place. :csad:

They ruined the whole back story they already had set up. To me this did not happen.

And when Homer and Marge were in the mini golf course inside the wind mill they didn't even look the same as they did before. even in another show when they showed that again they kept up continuity. This was total crap!:cmad: I won't watch the dumb show again.

While I agree that the show decayed in recent seasons, the truth is continuity has never been a particular concern of the show. They took at least three seasons to make Flanders a religious fanatic, for instance, and the cause for Homer´s stupidity has been explained in two or three different ways. They´ve had a gazillion Halloweens and holidays and they all happen in their current ages. Considering that the characters don´t age in the show, there´s no point in following a timeline of their pasts too closely.
I watched the episode, or about as much of it as I could take.
I changed my mind. It was incredibly upsetting.

Bad story idea, what it should have had to at least make it tollerable was Comic Book Guy (Jeff Albertson) or Lisa point out all the inconsistancies of Marge and Homer's story. Sort of saying that its not true or it (at least) might not be true).
It is just rewriting history, which didn't need to be done.
Sure Bart has been 10 for a long time, so what.
It didn't need to be mentioned. And if it was it should have just been like Captain America's unfreezing, update the time so that he keeps getting unfrozen in the recent past (from the 70s to the 90s, to the 2000s)
Just do that, don't undo stuff. I saw an interview where the voice of Lisa talked about how when Lisa has a birthday she turns 8 even though she is already 8. So she is 8 and she turns 8, and they don't go into that. Thats part of what makes the Simpsons so good and funny. Just keep going forward.
Also the parody stuf could have been done better, including the songs.
OK, I'm OK. I'll just ignore that episode.

Anyway, i didn't care for this episode but I still love the Simpsons and watch it all the time.

A bad Simpsons episode is a ton better than most of the stuff out there right now. Especially all the reality TV stuff.
Tonight's episode of the Simpsons was a total betrayal of the whole series.
They had it set in the 90's, completely changing and ruining the past time line of the Simpsons. I know I don't have to thik of it as continuity and just their stupid joke, but it was stupid.

The show's gone way down hill the last few years, but I always tried to keep hope it would find better writers but tonight was the last straw.

Bart's like oh the 90's don't know anything about it. Then Homer invented Grunge! So stupid. It destroyed the nice little romantic cute back story of Homer and Marge. Homer payed for her to go to college and she started dating her professor while with homer, and he's paying for her to go to college!!!:cmad:

Another dumb thing, Homer got a job working for his dad at Abe's Laser tag place. :csad:

They ruined the whole back story they already had set up. To me this did not happen.

And when Homer and Marge were in the mini golf course inside the wind mill they didn't even look the same as they did before. even in another show when they showed that again they kept up continuity. This was total crap!:cmad: I won't watch the dumb show again.
Hmmm...I think I was working that night. I'll have to catch this episode and see for myself.

I watched the episode, or about as much of it as I could take.
I changed my mind. It was incredibly upsetting.

Bad story idea, what it should have had to at least make it tollerable was Comic Book Guy (Jeff Albertson) or Lisa point out all the inconsistancies of Marge and Homer's story. Sort of saying that its not true or it (at least) might not be true).
It is just rewriting history, which didn't need to be done.
Sure Bart has been 10 for a long time, so what.
It didn't need to be mentioned. And if it was it should have just been like Captain America's unfreezing, update the time so that he keeps getting unfrozen in the recent past (from the 70s to the 90s, to the 2000s)
Just do that, don't undo stuff. I saw an interview where the voice of Lisa talked about how when Lisa has a birthday she turns 8 even though she is already 8. So she is 8 and she turns 8, and they don't go into that. Thats part of what makes the Simpsons so good and funny. Just keep going forward.
Also the parody stuf could have been done better, including the songs.
OK, I'm OK. I'll just ignore that episode.

Anyway, i didn't care for this episode but I still love the Simpsons and watch it all the time.

A bad Simpsons episode is a ton better than most of the stuff out there right now. Especially all the reality TV stuff.

The Simpsons has had continuity and timeline inconsistencies through all of its history. Homer´s marriage with Marge was depicted in a number of different ways. In an old episode, they married in a cheap Vegas ceremony with no guests. In the movie Homer sees a wedding video that implies they had an actual wedding party. Some episodes imply Bart´s always been a little devil and a prankster, one implies he decided to be a clown cuz school was tough on him. One episode implies Homer and Bart are dumb cuz of a genetic condition, other says Homer´s stupidity was caused by a crayon in his brain.
I gave up on the Simpsons back in 1998 when I entered my freshman year of high school (class of 2002 baby!). It was dead to me by then. It's still dead to me now. I'm starting to think Fox will never cancel it though, that it'll just go on due to lack of aging and difficulties in greenlighting other shows that prove to be good in ratings. They'll probably keep it going even when the voice actors start dying and just replace them with soundalikes.

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