So I guess there's no 3rd trailer afterall, huh?


Apr 23, 2005
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Seems like the people that went to see Mission: Impossible 3 saw the trailer we've had since the 24 debut... and there hasn't been any mention of another one since... :(

Kinda sucks, I was really looking forward to it.
We've apparently already seen 90% of the movie in existing trailers and TV spots. Hardly seems worth them doing another trailer unless you want the remaining 10% so you can edit together your own movie...

Well at least if I edited it, I could edit it in a way so Cyclops didn't die...

There's no point in a 3rd trailer. We know everything now... every scene, every outcome, every death, every cure victim...
its very kewl, they are too stubborn to go back in time and watch/read quality things, they only discuss currentness.

long live the fighters!
No thired trailer, but we have seen enough clips to more than make up to a third trailer, so no complaints from me.
The TV spots and all the clips are more than enough. No trailer, please.
i think we've already seen enough with all the tv spots
yea theres really nothing left to see almost, heh. The new clips I just saw today... we've basically seen the whole movie. I'm surprised they released sooo many clips.
FieryBalrog said:
yea theres really nothing left to see almost, heh. The new clips I just saw today... we've basically seen the whole movie. I'm surprised they released sooo many clips.

Yeah, it was kind of surprising, but when you think about it, it kinda makes sense. More websites can have an "exclusive clip" of X3 which they of course are going to promote the hell out of now.

And some may say that they are ruining the movie showing too much of it, but not really. The only people that have seen every clip that has been released are the rabid fans like us who will have read spoilers from early screenings so we know what will happen anyway. I'd say that the average movie-goer will have seen the two trailers, a couple of tv spots, and 1 or 2 short exclusive clips, which is the perfect amount. It's enough to have an idea about what the story will be and get excited for it, but little enough to leave them wanting more.
FieryBalrog said:
yea theres really nothing left to see almost, heh. The new clips I just saw today... we've basically seen the whole movie. I'm surprised they released sooo many clips.

I avoided all but 1 :D

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