So, I'm thinking of joining the National Bone Marrow donor Registry..

Scarlet spidey

Old school
Aug 29, 2000
Reaction score
It sounds like the surgery can be kind of brutal, but if it means helping people out I'm all for it..
So, what do you guys think, stupid idea, or no?
(according to the SHH stats this is the first thread I've ever created. That is a lie.)
It sounds like the surgery can be kind of brutal, but if it means helping people out I'm all for it..
So, what do you guys think, stupid idea, or no?
(according to the SHH stats this is the first thread I've ever created. That is a lie.)

It's not a stupid idea, but it is a brave one. Bone marrow is crucial to saving many, many lives. But what you hear is true, the surgery is supposed to be quite painful. If you decide to get onto the list, then kudos to you sir. :up:
Yeah, if you really want to man, go for it. I know I couldn't do it...
It's not a stupid idea, but it is a brave one. Bone marrow is crucial to saving many, many lives. But what you hear is true, the surgery is supposed to be quite painful. If you decide to get onto the list, then kudos to you sir. :up:
Reading into it a bit more, apparently it involves taking injections to bring stem cells out into your blood, doesn't sound too bad when you consider what the patient goes through.

Thats cause most threads created before April 2007 were deleted.
I honestly can't recall creating any threads after the year 2005, so meh.
I'm going to go ahead and bump this to ask if anyone around here has ever donated marrow before..
I can sample some of your marrow, if that helps.
I'm going to go ahead and bump this to ask if anyone around here has ever donated marrow before..

Nope but somehow I got "volunteered" to be an organ donor although I don't remember doing so....not that I am against it but there it is on my medicare card and I wasn't asked.......they want my organs.....:csad:
I'm actually starting to get a little scared by the warm welcome.
I don't really remember being all that well liked around here.:(
But, thank you.

What are you doing back here, *****ebag!? :cmad:

Does that help you feel a little less scared? :o

Big decision you're making here, mate. But an admirable one. Kudos to you. (Post more often). :up:

Its a nice thing but boy its much different to donate bone marrow then it is to donate blood. I remember my high school bio teacher talking about how she went to donate some bone marrow to a kid who needed some. After they explained what they would do (stick needles into the bones to extract the marrow) and then proceeded to walk out without donating. Nothing like the threat of huge needles to kill feelings of altruism.
I would love to donate bone marrow but mine is too strong to be penetrated and I am also scared of needles.
If you die,then you can save a life. You can be a donor.
You make it sound like you're under the assumption that I'm not a donor. I already am one. :)

Nope but somehow I got "volunteered" to be an organ donor although I don't remember doing so....not that I am against it but there it is on my medicare card and I wasn't asked.......they want my organs.....
Wow, that's fairly strange.. does your driver's license have you listed as one as well?
What are you talking about? :huh: You must have us confused with another message board.
Yeah, maybe.. I think maybe I just remember the people that I fought with more than anything, and most of those people seem to be gone from here now.. *shrug*

What are you doing back here, *****ebag!? :cmad:

Does that help you feel a little less scared? :o

Big decision you're making here, mate. But an admirable one. Kudos to you. (Post more often). :up:

That's better. Thanks, I'll try to post more, it's tough, or something. ;)

Its a nice thing but boy its much different to donate bone marrow then it is to donate blood. I remember my high school bio teacher talking about how she went to donate some bone marrow to a kid who needed some. After they explained what they would do (stick needles into the bones to extract the marrow) and then proceeded to walk out without donating. Nothing like the threat of huge needles to kill feelings of altruism.
I was reading up on the procedure this afternoon, and it sounds like it's changed. The way the Mayo clinic describes it makes it sound a lot like donating blood(which I have been doing fairly regularly for a while now) except instead of putting your blood in a bag and giving it to someone later, your blood goes through a machine that extracts the bone marrow out of it, and then transfers your blood back through the other arm, they also give you a shot before they start taking your blood out which apparently brings the marrow out of your bones and into your blood.:huh:
I would love to donate bone marrow but mine is too strong to be penetrated and I am also scared of needles.
Too much milk, if there can be such a thing..
Needles aren't too bad. I hated them till I started getting allergy shots back in 2003.
I was reading up on the procedure this afternoon, and it sounds like it's changed. The way the Mayo clinic describes it makes it sound a lot like donating blood(which I have been doing fairly regularly for a while now) except instead of putting your blood in a bag and giving it to someone later, your blood goes through a machine that extracts the bone marrow out of it, and then transfers your blood back through the other arm, they also give you a shot before they start taking your blood out which apparently brings the marrow out of your bones and into your blood.:huh:

Well that's one of the ways to do it(I think its the newest way) but the other way is that they stick a big needle right into a bone to get at the marrow(there's a specific bone they usually draw from but I can't remember which). If you do decide to do this for your sake I'd hope it was the new way.

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