so ummm....i want the new posters!

Super Flight

Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
when will they start putting the new x-men posters up for sale, my deal pal?!
Its something i will always ponder, i just can't wait any longer!
It seems i havent had one single smile, since its already been quite a while!
so can't you feel?! whats the deal?!!
so i take that as no one knows....
damnit, i prabably scared you all with all those rhymes....
i knew i should have posted this in the spiolers fourms, THEN people would have chated on it! BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOO i had to stick it here where no onewould be ever looking at it.........
welll............. here i am......... with no one...........................

By myself........................... all alone..............................
Super Flight said:
So how was your day Super Flight?

eh, it was alright i guess.....pretty lonley though..... but thanks for asking
Super Flight said:
eh, it was alright i guess.....pretty lonley though..... but thanks for asking

yea i get pretty lonley aswell at times....... somtimes i swear, i think i might be going crazy :eek:
WOW....My Thread is SO BAD, no one wants to talk in it, NOR does anyone even bother to come up with INSULTS!!! :eek:

I never knew this was even possible!
I must have sunk sooooo far, no one, not even trolls wants to waste their time insulting on this!! I'm shocked! :eek:
i just went into the local theatre where they have this huge X with wolverines claws in front of it, and i was first to put my name down. its huge, it's like a metre X 2 metres. im gonna put it in my apartment lounge room.
Super Flight said:
WOW....My Thread is SO BAD, no one wants to talk in it, NOR does anyone even bother to come up with INSULTS!!! :eek:

I never knew this was even possible!
I must have sunk sooooo far, no one, not even trolls wants to waste their time insulting on this!! I'm shocked! :eek:

Super Flight, if you wan't a reaction go to the spoiler forum! They love people who talk utter crap there!lol :p
Well im on ebay all the time trying to get either they get to expensive or there not the size i want.

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