So what was with catwoman?

Well, I think it would've been more interesting than Pitof's Catwoman.
No, she was supposed to come back in Burton and Daniel Water's Catwoman movie that was thankfully never made.

Yet we got the Halle Berry/Pitof train wreck and insult to the character movie that was 'Catwoman'!!

Seriously looking back on things now - i think we all would rather have had Burton and Pheiffer return to the character they masterfully adapted!!!
I always looked at that last bit in Batman Returns as a cool moment for the fans. Something that probably would have worked better as an 'after-credits' scene, like Charles coming back after the credits in X3.

Even if Burton did Batman 3, I really doubt he would have brought Selina Kyle/Catwoman back...but who knows.
It's just an expeculation, but it would have been fine for me (maybe because I am a huge catfan)
Yet we got the Halle Berry/Pitof train wreck and insult to the character movie that was 'Catwoman'!!

Seriously looking back on things now - i think we all would rather have had Burton and Pheiffer return to the character they masterfully adapted!!!

Have you read the Waters' script for Catwoman?

Ironically it is a lot like the Pitof film in that, not only does it not take place in Gotham, not only does it have a humourous tone, but it has Catwoman becoming a hero and really has little to do with the comics.
Have you read the Waters' script for Catwoman?

Ironically it is a lot like the Pitof film in that, not only does it not take place in Gotham, not only does it have a humourous tone, but it has Catwoman becoming a hero and really has little to do with the comics.

I'm sure Burton/Phieffer could have made it work... even if the movie was only slightly average.

Burton's Catwoman or Pitof's Catwoman :huh: - no matter how crap a script is i know which version i would rather have seen.
Have you read the Waters' script for Catwoman?

Ironically it is a lot like the Pitof film in that, not only does it not take place in Gotham, not only does it have a humourous tone, but it has Catwoman becoming a hero and really has little to do with the comics.

BR Catwoman had almost nothing to do with the comics and Catwoman was a hero for a long time in the comics.
And when and where did you get to read the script?:whatever:

I love the uninformed sarcasm and all-too-common fanboy disbelief, 'If I haven't seen it, you haven't" - of one who has not thought to visit GOOGLE and type in DANIEL WATERS CATWOMAN SCRIPT.
I've read Water's draft and Kevin's right, which is the case more often than not anyway...

That film would've de-valued the character's depiction in "Returns."

At least Pitof's fiasco couldn't be linked back to "Returns" and tarnish THAT film as it's pretty much a 'lesser of two evils' scenario.

I love the uninformed sarcasm and all-too-common fanboy disbelief, 'If I haven't seen it, you haven't" - of one who has not thought to visit GOOGLE and type in DANIEL WATERS CATWOMAN SCRIPT.

I wasn't going by the 'fanboy disbelief', just wondered where you happened to read the script. And Google is great and all, but how do you know if what you read was the actual script?
even if the story was like that, it would have still been better. Using selina kyle instead of patience phillips, michelle pfeiffer back as catwoman, and a more catwoman-like suit

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