So.... who else joined the Hype on the day YOU joined?


Never Mind the Buttocks...
May 23, 2000
Reaction score
...ok, ok.... I'm really bored at the moment, and I'm trying to get to sleep, but I can't... so I figure that if I read some boring answers to this useless topic, maybe I'll pass out and get some rest.

That kid o'mine wore me out with a huge snow fight today. :)

Anyway, back to the topic at hand....

Who are the other fellow Hypesters that registered on the same day that you did?

I'll go first.....

Themanofbat - joined May 23rd, 2000

Also joined on that day...

web head
Doc Da Occta Pussay

Here's the link to the list in case you couldn't figure out where it is....

Dr. Otto Oct.
This is taking too long -- what's the fastest way to get to my join date
meQal, jacksonspade, Buckaroobwana, becky-46, Gothpimpforever, scotsman, Saves the day, volt1701, magicmaster, THE Yeti, slipalong, IcemanX, DarthDaveBanner, Max Devlin, cb nation. Teh Yeti, Yautja, FeliciaHardy, JupiterDrops

think thats alla em
toven registered the day after
Some drip registered Spider-Man, Electro, and Hobgoblin, ...and never used them ONCE!
Nobody else important... they all left after I started posting my witt and wisdom; they were ashamed that they registered on the same day as me! :o

They probably all locked themselves in their basements... :(
If somebody we know registered the day you registered, put their name in bold or in color
Mr. Parker 03-04-2001 0
MrJabroni 03-04-2001 3545
deckmaster 03-04-2001 0
Rufus 03-04-2001 0
nyde 03-04-2001 0

Originally posted by The Deity Link
Nobody else important... they all left after I started posting my witt and wisdom; they were ashamed that they registered on the same day as me! :o

They probably all locked themselves in their basements... :(
I hate myself because I actually took the time to check, and I was right! :(

That's 4 minutes I'll never get back! :(
Arrgh. Only no-shows registered my day (12-12-2000)

same day-

...Well, that guy Hyper Venom registered two days later. The Amazing Spider-Man registered about a week after me.
Originally posted by Honey Vibe
Some drip registered Spider-Man, Electro, and Hobgoblin, ...and never used them ONCE!

You're one of the early registered members HV, so start from the back, which is around page 443. Then edit the URL with the page numbers by increments of 5 or 10 until you get closer to your actual registration date.

Originally posted by Themanofbat
Also joined on that day...

web head
Doc Da Occta Pussay

Spider-fan has 57 posts.... while the other two have none.

Originally posted by Honey Vibe
Some drip registered Spider-Man, Electro, and Hobgoblin, ...and never used them ONCE!

It's absolutely shocking to see all the good super hero/villain names that have ZERO posts to them.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Originally posted by Themanofbat
It's absolutely shocking to see all the good super hero/villain names that have ZERO posts to them.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Case in point

I was thinking of asking Malice to delete the name and allow someone to snatch it up... but I'm pretty sure he won't do it! :(
Originally posted by The Deity Link
Case in point

I was thinking of asking Malice to delete the name and allow someone to snatch it up... but I'm pretty sure he won't do it! :(

I thought you... were... Malice. ;) *buddie*
Originally posted by TheSlag
I thought you... were... Malice. ;) *buddie*
I'm everybody sonny! :up:

Hell, I'm probably you, and just toked up too much to know who I'm logged in as... :(
Originally posted by The Deity Link
I'm everybody sonny! :up:

Hell, I'm probably you, and just toked up too much to know who I'm logged in as... :(

"toked up"!?!?!?!?!?!?.... *looks for bong* :eek: :D
Originally posted by TheSlag
Remind me to NOT let you cut my "grass" this summer... :eek: :D
Howza 'bout I just take care of the "weeds"... :D

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