While i dont expect anyone to say 'no actually i've told a crock of lies since i joined' i do wonder just how many people on the hype are actually totally false.
While i'm sure most people on here have some sort of internet persona that is somewhat seperate from the 'real' them it makes me think just how many people come on here and spout a load of crap to either get attention or make there lives sound that bit more interesting, Now this thread is not to point fingersand say 'oh yeah (name here) is full of crap' but to ask just how much do you believe in what other hype members say?
I'm sure we have all came across someone on here who spun us a story that later turned out to be totally untrue just like in life i'm sure you have had that person be it at work or school who just lies through their teeth, bringing me back to-how much do you trust your fellow board members?
Please don't make me do any more computer case assembly work.
Fine, but my shirts better be ready by 4pm tonight.
This is who I am...eat your heart out, Logan's Runt.
This is who I am...eat your heart out, Logan's Runt.
Also, I'm actually jag.
Well if you say you're a girl on an internet site you are instantly popular.
Hahaha! Oh, no...this could be the start of a rumor that perpetuates and confuses the s**t out of people. I like it.
haha i never saw that one coming. so if your jag, then who is jag?
Also, I'm actually jag.
Hahaha! Oh, no...this could be the start of a rumor that perpetuates and confuses the s**t out of people. I like it.
Hahaha! Oh, no...this could be the start of a rumor that perpetuates and confuses the s**t out of people. I like it.
Well, I never actually say any ****ing cuss words in real life.