Sequels So WHY isn't X-Men 4 happening?

I would like to see a Magneto film but i think it would be a weak film I think Fox should just scratch the entire project They can do a X-men First Class and then do a X4
The fact is there's no plan with Fox to do X4.

Donner listed all the X projects in development and they're all prequels.
actually no prior to all that she said she was willing to do an X4 she said it 3 times prior to the prequels. long befor they started them

But i'm sure the other producers and execvutive at fox are pushing for these other prequels. so she might be stuck. but she has stated so other wise. which is why this shouldn't be under fox any more.
Someone write to Ms. Shuler-Donner! Now is the time for those who want X4 made to unite! lol
^ i agree it i not too late x3 was only 3 years ago i want x 4

i could care less for first class would probably end up like the oc with super powers
I agree Fox seems to be following a plan that has no logic to it. All these prequels are going to be lame. Wolverine was lame. Magneto will be lame. First class will be lame (It will be X-boys/girls... a teen X-film... wow! I sure hope they cast the kids from High School Musical! sarcasm). I think it just has to do with cost and negotiations with the cast of the original trilogy and the difficulty it would present getting everyone back. So instead they're making all these dumb prequels... and doing them, so far, VERY poorly (Wolverine was an "okay" movie and it didn't even tie into X-Men one very well at all... hello! Victor Creed is the big dumb Sabertooth in X1???)... I mean come on they are making prequels that don't even tie-in well to the original. It's like they're already creating alternative universes and timelines. And what the hell can happen to Wolverine in Japan that's gonna be so darn interesting? Probably nothing. Do I really need to see Wolverine fall in love and become a Samuari??? Who cares... blah... any ways, Spiderman 3 was the worst of the trilogy but Sony is still making Spiderman 4 and seem to be on the right track to give Raimi back creative control and just make the best film possible and hopefully fans will then not care so much about S3 being the worst. That's a good plan. Think to the future, let the past rest. But Fox is just turning all the X-characters into cash cows now. Milking milking milking...I feel bad for X-Men fans. I think they are getting royally screwed over. They are getting poorly written movies based on characters they love that in their movie version sometimes barely resemble their comic counterparts.

I'm a Batman fan. Thanks Nolan. I heart you.

Sorry X-fans :( I grieve for you.
Star Wars: A New Hope was never renamed Episode IV. It was always Episode IV.

As opposed to decided that it would be cheaper to make prequel movies without bothering to even remotely fit them in with continuity.

Agreed but it wasn't till the Prequels came out the they put emphasis on the episode and put it in the titles for the OT...I remember when it was Star Wars: A New Hope, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, etc. But I digress...
The best way to explain it is Fox sees X-Men as there own Star Wars trilogy's...

However you just cant say, X-Men Episode 1 anymore, as to the first star wars movie being renamed Star Wars Episode Four...

Its simply this, they have a successful franchise, in otherwords its become a safe bet, they will make what money they want from it.

But with any trilogy by the 3rd movie there is alot of history of the characters that is untold, like in star wars how anikin became the bad guy, and so we have a prequel...

What fox plans to do is simply this

X-Men 1-3 is really the equivalant to Star Wars Episode 4 - 6. So now there looking at making a prequel to tie up lose ends, and that becomes X-Men Origins...

Now x-men origins, you will have wolverine, magneto and first class being the next trilogy.

Once they make the prequel trilogy they will then make what is known as the Sequel trilogy... Fox is looking at making the first sequel trilogy that proceeds x-men 3 before star wars makes Episode 7 --- The race is one

Actually they are trying set up different franchises off one universe. Something George Lucas could of capitalized on ...
It would be difficult to make a sequel considering they killed Cyclops, Professor X, and Jean.
There is a chance Magneto won't be lame since it's production falls under Marvel Studios. And so does the Deadpool spin-off it appears.
so ur saying marvel is making deadpool and magneto movie ?
That’s what the news about Deadpool spin-off says: Lauren Shuler and Marvel Studios will be the producers. In Imdb, Magneto Origins is under films distributed by Fox and under Marvel Studios for the production company. So I think it means they are....
if spiderman can get sm4 why cant we get x4 at least x3 wasn't even the same director lol
I rather see them reboot the X-Men films without Fox attached instead of seeing them ridiculously bring Xavier and Cyclops back from the dead in X-Men 4 or poorly written prequels that don't tie well with X-Men 1.
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First Class will probably be considered X-4.

And a Deadpool movie doesn't necessarily have to be set before the other X-Men movies. It could be set 100 years in the future if they really wanted it to, the guy can't die. Not saying that's what I would want, just saying a Deadpool movie could be set in any time line.
i don't want a reboot because i cant picture anyone specifically in the roles of wolverine and Xavier other than Hugh and Patrick
they honestly need to stop with the prequels/spinoffs, wolverine was alright, but it didn't blow me away. there's so many stories they can cover, i don't know about you guys, but i want them to move on with sequels, not drag out the universe :p
i don't want a reboot because i cant picture anyone specifically in the roles of wolverine and Xavier other than Hugh and Patrick

A lot of people couldn't picture anyone else other than Jack Nicholson as The Joker but then Heath Ledger gave an awesome performance.
X4 will be made, late, but will be made.

Just wait after First class and Wolverine 2. Yes, too much time, but they won't do it before these two movies.
Why isn't X-Men 4 happening ? Easy. Because they'd have to bring the old cast back: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Anna Paquin, Rebecca Romijn, Shawn Ashmore, Aaron Stanford, Ellen Page, etc. Problem is, most of the cast has been signed on for 3 films (X-Men, X2, X:TLS) save for Jackman who signed on for 4 films (including a spin off) and Tom Rothamn & Co. don't want to renegotiate their contracts because they'd ask for higher salaries and they don't want that. Jackman for instance was paid $20 millions for Wolverine now add all the other actors cachés ontop of that, it's an awful lot of money and as they do sequels, the actors can renegotiate their salaries. Fox has found a cheaper way to keep the X-Men franchise: doing spin offs were you only have one mutant star and doing a prequel with the young X-Men, you're introducing a new cast with young unknown actors that they won't pay that much.

This is why we're not getting an X-Men 4.

But they'll realize that after some spin-offs, the audience won't respond so well... and X4 would be a boxoffice destroyer.
Why isn't X-Men 4 happening ? Easy. Because they'd have to bring the old cast back: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Anna Paquin, Rebecca Romijn, Shawn Ashmore, Aaron Stanford, Ellen Page, etc. Problem is, most of the cast has been signed on for 3 films (X-Men, X2, X:TLS) save for Jackman who signed on for 4 films (including a spin off) and Tom Rothamn & Co. don't want to renegotiate their contracts because they'd ask for higher salaries and they don't want that. Jackman for instance was paid $20 millions for Wolverine now add all the other actors cachés ontop of that, it's an awful lot of money and as they do sequels, the actors can renegotiate their salaries. Fox has found a cheaper way to keep the X-Men franchise: doing spin offs were you only have one mutant star and doing a prequel with the young X-Men, you're introducing a new cast with young unknown actors that they won't pay that much.

This is why we're not getting an X-Men 4.

Nail and head spring to mind.

But they'll realize that after some spin-offs, the audience won't respond so well... and X4 would be a boxoffice destroyer.

If the audience start to loose interest in the X-Men franchise, Fox'll drop it all together.

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