I probably did sound a bit harsh on teachers, which I didn't mean to. Being a teacher isn't pathetic or lame. It is a noble calling. An important calling. Just not a terribly interesting one for a adventure-inspired character. At least, it was not written in an interesting way. Besides, it made Pete seem "old," which if you like the idea of a maturing character is fine.
As to Pete's intellect, he used to be a genius, created web shooters, etc. Marvel kind of dumbed him down over the years, I guess. I enjoyed it when he was in college and grad school. Made for a more interesting mix of stories.
I'm old school, I guess. Much of Pete's supporting cast were not really "friends," they tended to be competitors, mentors, or people who turned out to be enemies. Pete never had a Foggy Nelson or Jimmy Olsen, or anything of that ilk. His core supporting cast over the years was, what: Aunt May (the person who centered his life and reminded him of his responsibilities), MJ/Felicia/Gwen/Beatty/Liz (the girl friend), Harry (the antagonist/friend), Robbie (the quasi-mentor), JJJ (the antagonist), Flash (the competitor), Johnny & Matt (super hero friends)...not exactly a group of social butterflies. Once he got married, in fact, the supporting cast sort of fell by the wayside and it focused on MJ, with Aunt May and JJJ being peripheral constants. I like the attempt Marvel is making to bring some new blood into the fold. I wish they'd really bring Flash back, because I think it would be interesting to focus on the friendship of a character who is handicapped and one who is a super hero. Makes for an interesting juxtaposition. Even so, Pete has tended to be a loner over the years. He tended to push people away because of his alter ego. Thats one of the problems I've had with the Ultimate books: Pete was a cool ladies man in high school with a score of friends. The loser, isolated, but good kid Pete who operated at the margins of society always held more interest for me. John Romita, Sr, while a great artist, "beautified" everyone and, on Stan's orders, led Pete into the Gwen relationship. I always thought it was a more interesting dichotomy to have a character who was this amazing hero on one hand, but sort of a loner, marginal person (at least, in society's eyes) on the other. I didn't dig the whole "loveable loser" persona, I liked the tragic nature of Pete's life. The loss of his parents, his uncle...the lack of friends on whom he could rely...that made the character unique. I think that's why I disliked the marriage to MJ so much...Marvel took the quintessential loner/tragic figure and married him off to a gorgeous super model/actress party girl.