Having Felicia back in a romantic capacity erases years of terrific character build up just for shock value. This is why some people hate post OMD stories so much.
What, you mean Peter growing up and moving beyond meaningless physical flings, or Black Cat accepting that she and Peter couldn't be together and moving on with her life?
The thing is, even when Peter WAS single, he wasn't doing multiple one-night stands and having drunken hook-ups. His...ahem....wait for it...RESPONSIBILITIES always seemed to get in the way of even the most brief of romantic interludes. Then, when he finally had a bit of romantic luck, it was noteworthy.
Also, Felecia had several appearance where she wa smoving on past Peter/Spider-man. She tried to date Flash to make him jealous, and ended up caring for him. She went on with her life to the point of disappearing out of his life for awhile. Then, she came back and got in a relationship with Puma, and found a kindred spirit in him. Of course, devil-dealing mindwipes tend to erase character development, don't they?
I don't think storylines like this work, even if we'd never read about Peter, it's hard to relate with a guy who is supposed to be the everyman, yet he's having to fend off 3 or 4 girls at a time. Peter used to be too oblivious to his own desires to see when girls liked him. Now, he's serial-fornicating like he's WANTING lil' spider-babies running around.